Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 19 Oct 1994, p. 8

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Ž:o.4~ Orono W..kly Tlm.~ W.dneadq1 Ot~tober 1~ 1B~4 ifloughts PromThie Top: Is thc meningitis threat over? What effect wiil it have at the 4- School Dance Thursday night? Cover Story: Clarkeclbas been full of events this school year? Startîng with a hugely successful Welcomc Day, the first school evacuation in Clarke's history, United Way fundraiser and now the scare of meningitis last weck. The questions from "Thoughts From The Top" have been asked by many parents lat wcek. I cxpresscd my concerns to Clarke's principal Ms. Nichols. She mentioned that the Health Departmcent said that the ireat is over. Tbiough if the parents fmnds their cbild is sick, they sbould sec a doctor immcdiately. As far as the dance goes, the health departmcnt says Uic dance cari go on as scbcduled. The only thung that students shoul,,d refrain from is sharing drinks or food, eating or drinkung utensils and tongue wrestlung. Basically, anythung tbat involves sharing saliva. The 4-School Hlalloween Dance is antîcipating te be a successful one. Tickets are $6.0 in advance and cannot be bought at Uic door. Another bonus about this dance is that it will be a video dance. Wiseman's Advice: Students of Clarke, Bowmanville, St. Stcphcn's and Courtfice, buy your tickets before if's te late. In The Future: Parents Night is Tbursday night from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Those in the running (Continued from page 1) WARD 1 Local Council Mary Novak* Phil Manning Gary Majesky Catberine McKeever Public Sehool Board Two tIolie elected Rona Formnosa Alan Garbe Paul Nadeau David Gray* Milt Dakin Separate School Board Alan Baylis Donna Lucas-Astley CecilMackesy Caroline Burke Clarington Hydro Commission Four ta be elected George VanDyk Pauline Storks* Paul Reesor Suzanne Elston Anna van deni Hoven There was a lot of excitemnent around the clerk's office ini the municipal building as thec dock struck five on Friday. Some wbo have been there before said they bad neyer seýen so mucb interest Halloween fever is ini the air. Besides the Halloween Dance, there wiil bc a Putnpkin Carving contcst. Thursday, the co-op students. at Clarke travel to Bowmanville for a Career Exploration Seminar. Student Council is currently preparing Bedhead Day, a spirit day at Clarke. College bound seniors will have a chance to travel to Durham on November 7 for information. Also on November 7, University bound seniors will travel to G.L. Roberts High in Oshawa for information. Priday will be a P.D. Day. Positive Feedback: Write to "The Bottom Luec", c/o Orono Weekly Times, P.O. BOX 209, Orono, ON LOB iMO. I Other News: On Friday, Clarke bcld another bat day to raise money for the United Way, they raised $75.00.. . Clarke's Senior Volîcybail teamn is ini 7tb place ini Ontario... Progress Reports werc rcleased Tuesday... Clarke's chocolate fundraiser was extended for another weck, but ended Tuesday .. . Clarke's 94- 95 yearbooks are currently being sold for $20.00, ten dollars in advancc and ten when the yearbook arrives. Next week wili bc thc seventh Bottom Line column and a new segment c -led "Critic's Corner" will be in thc column weckly. Famous Last Words: You can't live life in a closet, so go out and live it ... bottom ame. Pheasant hunting season open A controlled pheasant hunt is again taking place at Scougog Island Provincial Wildlife Area under the joint auspices of the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Pine Ridge Hunting Preserve. The hunt is permitted from Wednesday to Saturday each week until Novemnber l2tb and no more than 45 hunters will be allowed at any one time in the preserve. Two pheasants of either sex can be harvested but the birds must be airborne before being shot. Use of trauned dogs is encouraged. To make arrangement cal Mike Pallotta of tbe Pine Ridge Huntung Preserve at (905) 985- 8824. in just who was running. The election is being held on Monday November l4th with Advance polis being held on Saturday, November 5th and also on Wednesday, Novemnber 9th from the, hours of 10 a.rn. till 8 p.M. Thie polils on election day arc also open froma 10 a.m. until 8 P.m. decision te run agaun had not been an autemnatic one. "l had te consider tbe commiitment involved in serving another term," be said, "but 1 have decided tbat there arc a numnber of continuing issues that 1 would like to sec tbrougb to a conclusion." businesses, we have helped create an environmcent where our local economy will grow, and strengtben our tax base. Our ability to restrict local municipal taxes td 1.4% ini 1992, 0% in 1993 and 0% in 1994, also scnds a message to companies that are considcring locatung, in itlarigton." Councillor Scott also referred te Uic Official Plan for Clarington that bas been in preparation for tbe past 3 years and is due for completion next year. "There are somne very important principles incorpoiated into the Draft Officiai Plan. This bas been tbe result of extensive consultation witb the public about bow Uiey sec their community developing Now, Canada Savings Bonds offer you 53% the first yecar, 6 3/4'% the second year, and 71/2 the third year - guaranteed. Yet you're flot lockecd in because, as always, Canada Savings Bonds are cashable ai ani timei.Thecse great rates also apply to ail outstanding unmiatured series of Caniada Savings Bonds. IF'S A WINN-1( IN OBINATION! WMith the neIw 3-yeair inimlum rate guaranlee, you win through1 the com- bfination] of comipetitive rates and instant cashabhility. Wa' more, tbe interest yOuL(I e a aybe mncreased if matet con- ditions Change, but %youl'l lnee.riamless than these gutarateed rates. SAFE ANDl SECUIRE Canada Savings Bonds are fullv guar- anteed by the Goveriment of Canadla. Theycvre a ýsafe, secuire inivestmienit that nmyer fails in value. EASY TO BUY You cati buyý the niew\ bonds at face value whecrever ylou bank or invest until Novemiber 1. Simiply date your pay- ment November 1, the day thie inew bonds start earning interest. Anld you mnay purchase bonds for- as littie as $ 100 up to an individual prhs limit of $100000 OUTSTANDING SERlESMASO BENEFIT Ail outstanding Canada Savmngs Bonds (Series 42 - 48, issued f ,rom 1987 to 19931) wil also earn: 54%for the yecar beginning Nov. L,1994; 60/4 for the year beg-ining Nov. 1, 1995; -120,, for the ywarkbeinming Nov. 1, 1996. Complete details are available whierever Canada Savings Bonds are sold.

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