2- OronoWeelcly Times, Wodnesday, September 21>1994 Gun legisiation nhe shooting at the south Oshawa sporting goods store last week is a tragedy and the most publicized Just Desserts shooting in April in Scarborough. The Oshawa incident is every bit as tragic with people in a public place at the wrong time. The shop-keeper and owner in south Oshawa was brutally shot in what could be said to be a bungled hold-up attempt. The incident will certainly be used by aIl parties in the current debate over future gun control legislation.' Both sides have some relevance in their arguments but the fact is if control cas bring about some manner of release from the use of guns in such as the Oshawa incident tien it should gain support and at least tried. ht would seem impossible to us that any form of gun law, registration, longer jail terms or whatever will ever keep guns out of the hands of such crazies as who wallced into the Oshawa store. Consideration i the debate should be directed in the causes of people turning to the use of guns which must be developed in the younger years of these criminals. One step doser The approval of the Oak Ridges Moraine Strategy report from the Town of Clarington general purpose committee on Monday is a major step in the protection of the Oak Ridges Moraine, as it is vicwed today. It is interesting that the planning department points out that features of the proposed draft Official Plan does set the saine standards and even greater standards than bas been suggcsted in the provincial Oak Ridges Moraine Strategy report. Over the past four decades a systcm was in place to revitalize the Oak Ridges Moraine area i the Clarington area. This effort came through the efforts of local councils, the Ganaraska and we would have to say some real-dirt farmers of years. The purpose today is some different, it being the need to protect and stili enhance as important eco-system that is now in place. The designation of Provincial interest in the Oak Ridges Moraine a few years ago.started the protection plan in motion. Considerable interest in this protection was lodged locally by local citizens and with support from the past two councils. The province provided the funding for the Moraine Strategy report in which representation from alI across the Moraine, Niagara to Hope Township, were involved. Although there are a couple of further steps to be taken as to the implementation of the Stratcgy, that being the final approval of the. Moraine study by the province and the passing of the new Town Officiai Plan, it does appear that the view to the north fromn Orono will remain intact and that the benefits of the Moraine can be enjoyed by future generations. Ibis corner appreciates the support of counicil and the effort. that bas, been made by many in keeping the environmental issue of the Oak -Ridges Moraine on the table. Letter to Council: (dated July 7, 1994) The proposai bo convert our Library grounds t Paved Parking:, I arn very much against this proposal. 1 work at the Orono Post Office so feel I have the advanlage of knowing the traffic flow that uses the parking spaces-on our back streets. Very s eldom are these spaces used. Also the Armories and street next to it are rarely used to any capacity. If our businessmen and womnen would park mheir cars on these back streets, if apartment building owners would supply parking for their tenants, mhere would be no need for dcstroying a beautiful property like our library and grounds with mhe lovely gardens and matue trees. How can you in aIl conscience spend mhousasds to beautify mhe arena in Bowmanville and destroy an area i our village mhat is already a viable necessity to our community? Please do not destroy this area mhat helps to make our village so unique!! When I moved to this village 50 plus years ago, there was a sign hanging at tme south entrasce which said, "Orono A Good Place To Live Population 500". Please help us to keep our "Good Place To Live" slogan. We have added a few more since then but we have mhe saine community Spirit . 1 dLitos aLg: I would doubt very much that any local or area Councillor would support asy plas to develop a parking lot on the Library Grounds. The proposal bit a dulI mhud in Orono asd to Orono aiea for many of mhe g ood reasons mentioned above. Kend'al Colun b>' Phyflis Lowery This past weeks weatber bas certaini>' been enjoyed by everyone, warm but flot too warmn, breez>' but flot the bowl you over wind. Sunsbine that is warm but does flot burn, if mhis could last until Christmas, who would need to go soutb to Florida? The sympathy of the communit>' goes out to the families of Editb Gordon who past away on Labour Day weekend and to Jean O'Neill in the passing of ber busband Maurice, mhis weekend. Botb wifl be missed in the communit>'. On Sunday, September 4th, we went to the celebrationi of Tom Wilson and on Sunda>', September l8th we attended the celebration of Leonora Stapleton's birthday, both are now 80 yea rs young. Botb of these people grew up in the Kendal aiea and bomh are ver>' active. Anomher former Kendalite was in Kendal to' belp celebrate Leonora's birthday, it was good to see Bill Darlington and to know that he was well enougb to drive here from Kingston. Bill was renewing old friendsbips asd old memnories. It is at times like mhis that friends and families get together and relive the bygone days and it is also an educating time for the younger set when they hear mhe grandina or grandpa, and dad and mother weren't always as old as the>' are now, the>' find out that these people went througb some of the saine thîngs that mhe young of toda>' are facing. 1There was a good turnout for the first Sunda>' of Sunday School and also of adults. The service opened with Rev. Black welcoming all, the opening hymn was, "God The Father of Creation." Ian Savage gave the Invitation to Worship and led in the Prayer of Approach. The bymn, "0 Lord My Church and Home", was sung followed by the Prayer of Self- Examination and the Words of Assurance. Rev. Black called mhe children forward and welcomed thcm, he asked tbem wbat was important about Sunday School, why did the>' come? One girl answered to lcarn about God. He mhen asked, how many would have come if the>' hadn't bad someone to get mcmr up and ready? How many come, to sec friends, bow many because tbey enjo>' the music, bow many to bear the prayers? Hands went up for many of these mhings bomh by the cbildrcn and mhe'adults. Rev. Black told mcmr that wc learn about Jesus Christ, about His birth, Hfis life and His work and His death. Wewill flot learn these tbings in scbool, as the teacbing of this is forbiddcn, and in man>' homes parents do flot teach this. Following the prayer mhe children went to the Sunday Scbool room. Ian Savage sang a beautiful solo, "The Wise, May Bring Their Learning" .The scripture reading was from Genesis 2: 4-24. The sermon was titled, "When Home Is Where mhe Hurt Is". These days we hear of s0 mucb famil>' violence, how it is on the risc, the cost of dealing with it. Famil>' violence bas always been prescrnt, but it is finally coming out of the closet and what at one time was known as none of our business, is considered unacceptable b>' societ>'. At one time wbat went on in the home between husband and wife, parents and children was their own business. Now the law says that the abuse of a cbild or even the suspected physical abuse of a cbild, must be reportcd, it is a criminal offence. Private citizens thîngs miat they have seen.,, Historically, the Christian religion bas been misinterpreted and seems to support violence in mhe home, spare the rod and spoil the child, the wife must cleave to bier busband and obey hlm. Violence is flot only physiýal, but can be verbal, sexual. Constantly calling a child or adult; stupid, telling them tbat tbey are useless is a form of violence in that it destroys confidence makes tbem feel unworthy. Tbis form of violence in that it destroys confidence makes them feel unworthy. This form of violence prevents the individual from reaching their ful potential. Marriage was created to enhance both man and woman, to equally support eacb other and to provide security and>comfort, to create a home. to nurture, love and protect, children. Homne should be a place where bumain dignity is neyer demeaming. Life, bas always been a jungle. The first thing God did, was create a garden, a place of peace. Then man and woman. Everyone needs a place of peace, a home a refuge, but God said mhat mhe cbild must leave mhe home, wben it marries and must make its own home, its own place of refuge of peace. What if you, are one of the pecopte who are living in the home where hurt is? What is the solution? God does flot mean you to just run away, you need belp, you are being cbeated. Wbat cas you do? If it is physical violence, get away. Go to a shelter, to safety, get help. There are many avenues of help, your doctor, your minister, help lies for kids. Whatever the type of violence, get belp. Domestic violence is always evil. God's wil for ail people is peace and hope, and justice. Tumning to God in prayer is flot a cop-out, it is the first step in secking belp. Lt is what God intended, turn to Him for h. . . The hymn, "Happy The Home", was sung followed b>' the Prayer of Thankfulness the Offering given and the Prayers of Concern and Commitment. The closing hymn was "A Living Faitb"., Announcements ..Sept. 26th, 7:30 p.m. Kendal Local Official Board meeting. Saturday, October ,lSth Aftemnoon Tea, Bazaar and Bake Sale, at Kendal 1 - 4 p.m. Observer subscriptions now due, contact Elaine Cathcart, price, $10.00. -Insuits should be written in sand, praise carved in stone." St. Saviour s Anglican Church MILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO Interlm Minister: Rev. Robert Hartley 983-9639 STJNDAY SERVICE, SUNDAY SCHOOL and YOUTH GROUP 9:30 a.m. ORONO SCHARGE * * Mervyn Russel . ~ Risebrough, Secretary 983-5702 Church Office 983-5502 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 25 KIRBY ANNIVERSARY SERVICE 9:30 a.m. Guest Speakoer Rev. David Michel Barbeque following the service at 12 noon. ORONO UNITED CHURCH Regul ar Service 11:00 a.m. EXPLORERS Wednesday, September 2lst Kirby United Church 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. For girls & boys ages 8 - 12 yrs. BIBLE STUDY Wednesday, September Zîst 8 p.m. at Kirby United Church A.A. meets every Thursday 7:30 p.m. ORONO), ONTrARIO 983-5009 1 a