Vol. 58, No. 36 ORONO, ONTARIQI WEDNESDAY, SEPTEM BER 21,1994 Curator makes ready for Harvest Halloween Plan rules out gravel pits - Ganaraska Forest Mark >Jackman,, Curator, Clarke Museum & Archives inspects the corn-and pumpkin crop soon to be harvested for Clarke Museumn's annual Hallowe'en festivities to be held on Sunday, October 3th as the- Museum relives a day from the past. During thie 1830's and 1840's the Powers family of Kirby hosted a community Halloween Eve. In their costumes, local settlers played games, enjoyed a filling meal complete with prize- winning pumpkin pie. This year, events include games, contest (such as pumpkin pie contest) feats of strength, and jack-o-lantern and candle- making. Omnamental corn will be available for purchase. Tour the special Hallowe'en exhibition and discover the history of this unique event from its beginnings witb ancient Celtic tradition to the modem day. There is plenty of time to dust off Grandma's pumpkin pie recipe and make your costume! For more details, cail Clarke Museum & Archives at 983-9243. Also, Bethesda House of Mercy Given Municipal Blessing Over the past month much bas been written and said of this proposed Betbesda House of Mercy to be located in soutb Bowmanville which will accommodate abused women and cbildren.1 Members of the Clarington committee took little time in approving a planning report recommending approval of rezoning the lands to allow the centre. The report states that the opù, on is non-profit and non- denominational offering lodging for a total of 15 abused women and their cbildren. Expect period of stay would be from 15 to 28 days. Tbe area is designated as "Living Area" in tbe Durham Official Plan. Tbe property is also considered to bave adequate space for parking. It is noted in die report that no one from the immediate area of the property either spoke against the rezoning or supportin favour. An inspection of the property reports adequate space for, recreational activities. Sufficient security measures are to be taken. Tbree letters bave been received by the municipality in which concerns have been expressed. Most of these concerns were addressed by staff who felt tbe concerns would be properly addressed. the Museum is still collecting candle remnants wbich can be dropped off during regular Museum hours. by Helen MacDoniald- For me r CI1 Environm Looking out at the world from a vantage point in a Clarke H-igh Scbool classroom, or from his familys poultry farm in rural Orono, Norman Wagenaar didn't see his future clearly etched on the horizon. Persuaded by bis French teacher, Rita Carlson, to pursue a career in joumnalism, he could imagine a position as a stellar journalist, or as editor of a national newspaper, but neyer, in bis wildest dreams, did he see himself taking over the operation of Canada's environmental m a g a z i n e, EARTHKEEPER. But, tbats just what Wagenaar, and his partner, Margie Johnson did this Promn their summer. Margie Jol After his graduation magazine from Clarke High ,adi h School, Wagenaar travelled to Indonesia with Canada World Youth where he did volunteer work in a srnall village in the bighlands teaching English, and An Oak Ridges Moraine Area Strategy for the Greater Toronto Area, including Clarington, is one step closer with the General Purpose Committee, of Clarington approving a staff report on Monday. The staff report dealt with the numerous implications as outlined in the Oak Ridges Moraine Technical Working Committee report that was completed in May of 1994. The municîpalities sanctions along with comment now go to the Ministry of Natural Resources. Staff pointed out to the Clarington Committee that the Clarington draft Official Plan, in some cases, is more restrictive, especially by prohibiting Country Residential Development in anywhere in moraine and as well prohibits aggregate extraction within the Ganaraska forests. There is a need however to make further refinements to the draft Official Plan to incorporate the spccific policy directionys of larke Studer lental Magaz in building construction. Upon bis return, he attended Humber College where he graduated in 1 1983 from the journalism programme., After a few months at his first journalism job with rLindsay location, Wagenaar (pictured above)z )nson use their collective talents and skills tc which strives to make a difference ini the lives of environment which sustains us. Lindsay This Week, hewas, offered the editorship. But, he sought something more, yearning to follow Up bis Canada World Youtb experience the final Oak Ridges Moraine Strategy, states the local report. In giving their approval council members also directed that the Clarington Report to the province include a ban on new aggregate extraction licences within Core and Corridor Areas. Core areas include environmentally sensitive aras, wetlands, cold and warm water streams, buffer areas and woodlands. Natural Corridor Areas are the connecting links between the Core Areas. It is the intent diat these areas remain ini a natural vegetative self sustaining state. Staff recommend that a Policy statement under Section 3 of the Planning Act be established and deait with at the local level of govemnments. It was feit that a provincial plan under the Ontario Planning and'Development Act or by means of new Provincial Legislation would usurp local <Continued page 3) it Heads ne, and left bis job mn 1987 to pursue a fascination witb Asian culture. Wagenaar packed bis bags and journeyed to South East Asia where he did somne more volunteer work,, including a brief period in Calcutta, India where be worked at Mother Theresa's Home for the Destitute and Dying. "I didnt meet ber, tbougb, because sbe travels a lot and seems to always be somewbere else,' be responds to an inquiry about the b"D cbaritable nun who worktirelessly witb the poor of India. A year later, Wagenaar retumned to *~Canada taking on a position witb the Picton Gazette, but and partner once again bis : publish a editorial talents were f Canadians sougbt by bis former - employer, Lindsay Tbis Week. He returned to Lindsay, but after a brief period, Wagenaar again yearned a greater understanding of the world. (Continued page 7) RODEO FINALS IN ORONO THIEKN