Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 10 Aug 1994, p. 1

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1 1VV10,tbJtf UILn-7Itili Tu-JlLkadyIl Vol. 58, No. 30 ORONO, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1994 Relaxing at the Liberal picnic Derry Day parade being held in Orono Saturday Whilc no one secms quile sure Uic annual picnic bas atIclast been beld at Uic Ransberry farm for Uic past igiteen ycars and possibly twcnly slates Mac. Mac and Norma relax at the festivities as does Marjorie Dickson of Orono. Weather was perfect for the event tucked away in Uic vailey cf Uic farmn. Ibe crowd was a little on the late side gatbcring but il was a good number in attendance for Uic roast beef barbecue. George Edward Kbouri, Lakeshore Road, Newcastle Village and Deug Bird cf Bowmanvillc, botb sceking nomination for the Durham East Liberal candidates in the next provincial election expcctcd possibly late spring cf 1995. Muni*cipality previews activities on Clarlington Day at Ex. August 31 It was a carnival atmnospbcre at Uic Iown square la Bowmanville last Thursday wben aspects of Uic Clarington Day at thc Ex wcre intxeduccd. Tic square was lined wii moms and tbeir kids bcing entertained by entries from thc Orono Jungle Cal World and an clcpbant from Uic Bowmanville Zoo carrying a large sandwich advcrtising board. There was muci more with Uic clown, the twc hot air balloons from the Ex along with tic knighting of Mayor Hamre wbo became Lady Hamre. Add to this a sword figit in Uic square by twe cf thc Medieval Knights. The Country Four quartette aise entertained and Uic local Cloggers werc about tb bit Uic stage when ramn put a damper on Uic outside activities. Tic sale cf hot dogs and hamburg conîinàucd in the ramn witb revenue going 10 lie United Way. Tic Thursday event at thc Town square was but a sneak preview cf what Uic Ciarington Day at thc CNE wili have te offer. Thc community day at Uic CNB is a ncw venture of Uic Ex but according to Bill Stockwlli, chief administrative officer for Claringlen and a former manager of thc CNE "il is only thc bcginning". H1e bas said that ncw events are bcing added cvery day tte irington Day at Uic Ex. 1The purpose cf the Wednesday, August -31st Ciarington day aItich Ex is te advertisc tic municipality cf Clarington le a large audience and to display just what Ciarington has te offer. Brian Tisdail, manager cf Uic CNE was introduced at Uic press conference on Thursday. H1e said he was impressed with the promotion that Clarington is assembling for their day at Uic Ex and wclcomed Uis introduction to the annuai fair. Bill Stockwcil said that a number cf local businesses will bc represcntcd at Uic Clarington event at thc Ex, along with singers, dancers, Ciarington concert band, vintage vehicles, Uic local fire departmnent and Uiir safcty bouse as wcll as Uic Orono Jungle Cal World and the Bowmanville Zoo entries. He said thc list cf participants keeps growing every day. The chief administrative officer pointcd out that support bad been reccivcd from tbc business community and Uiat Uic cost cf Uic promotion, $ 15,000, bad been providcd througb donations from the business community. 11e said no tax money was being used for the promotion. There will bc more notification as te Uic Clarington Day at Uic Ex prior te Uic day on Wednesday, August 3lst. The Royal Black Knighls from ail parts of Ontario are to galber in Orono this Saturday, August l3th for the annual Derry Day parade. The parade wiil be ieaving thc fairgrounds at 1:45 p.m. and making ils way through the Village te rcturn to the fairgrounds. In a press relcase Gary Cole of Bowmanvile outlincs why Uic Black Knights hold Uieir annual march, Shortly aftcr Uic revolution of 1688 that placed William of Orange on the Tbronc of England, thec deposed King James Il appeared in Ircland. Soon after his arrivai- almost the entire kingdom submitted to James. It was, only thc Protestant cities of Londonderry and Enniskillen deciarcd ticir allegiance to William and Uic revolution. On December l8tb when James'1 army arrivcd at Londondcrry dcmanding Uic city surrender, 13 apprentice boys scizcd Uic kcys, iocked Uic gales, and raised Uic immortal cry "No Surrender". Afîer some delay, James' army laid formai seige to Londonderry wiich lasted 105 days, during which Uic population was greatly reduced due t0 pestilence and starvation. Finaliy on August 12, 1 689, whcn the ciîy was nearing capitulation, the ship Tic ,Mountjoy sailcd at full spced up the River Foyle te relieve the City. The next day James' army liftcd their seige and reîrcaîcd south for a date for destiny on thc Banks of Uic Boync. Thus tic Black Knights celebrate thc relief cf London- derry on August 12Ui. Thc Royal Black Chapter (The Black Knights of Ireland, the highcst order cf Uic The Loyal Orange Lodgc". In Ireland these events are hostcd by Uic association cf the "Apprentice Boys cf Derry" Orono Fair ticket deal open until September 7 Pssst, have I gol a deal for you! For $15.00 you can waîci the Imperial Hell Drivers- show feaîuring a car siot from a cannon, attend a pageant and sec 30 cars smasbed up in a demolition derby, tbaî's just Uic beginning. You can attend an Old Time Fiddlers Contest, bid on thec prizc-winning steer or cake, watci thc judge pick the bcst dairy catîle, beef cattle, shcep, peultry and rabbits. If borses are your pleasure, you can -watcb draft borses strut their stuff, driving horses prancing ahead cf polished cariages, jumping horses and western riding herse. If your pleasure leans 10 Uic past, Uic antique car show is includcd as well as tic Heritage Farm Show. Your pet is admiîted free and couid win a prize la Uic Pet Show and if musically inclined you could win a prize la Uic talent contest. Yes, ail this and much more for $15.00, Uic cost cf an Adult Passport 10 tic Durbam Central Fair in Orono. Seniors and Students can purchase these Passports for $10.00 but Uiey wil only bc available until September 7, Uic fair runs from September 8- il. Tic cost cf the passport has net ciangcd since it was introduced Urcecycars ago, but it has a ncw design this ycar, ne longer is it necessary te have it puncbcd, Uic punch box lias been replaced witi a tear-off coupon for caci day. Passports arc available at these local relailers, Canadian Tire in Bowmanville, Flewers Plus in Newcastle, The Apple Blossom Shop in Orono and The Durham Farmers' County Co-ep at Taunton Road and Highway 115. Sidewaik connects Orono Estates with Mill Street walk The Public Works deparlnlent cf Clarington has cempletcd Uic construction of a ncw sidewalk that links tic Orono Estates with Uic Mil Street walk. Thc new walk came as tice resuit cf objection that students attcnding -Orono Public Scicol had to walk along Uic road side. Tic schoci board provided busing for students for a portion of last year and until Uic walc was buit. Ico walk is being uscd and is an improvement as te safety cf Uiosc walcing or biking te Uic downtown area and returng. Il wil be intcresting le. note wiat happenings wicn sechool opens and walking traffic increases. Happenings.. It's Barbecue Tirne The annual Beef Barbecue sponsored by the Orono Arena Fundraising Committec is being held this evening August 10 from 4:30 to 7:00 at the Orono Park. Endangered Animal Sanctuary given until August 241h The court last Friday extended the stay for the Endangered Exotic Animnais which have been housed soutb of Newtonviile for thc past 14 months. The slay has been extended till August 24th ~-ter which tirne, if thc animais remain, the owner wil be chargcd *i -.000. a day. The extension was given to allow further Urne to make f inal arrangement to move the animais to Roseneath area. Seriously injuried when flooring broke Joe Marinig, 83, of Oshawa was seriously injured on July 301h when flooring broke on thc stand at Mosport Race Track and he plunged 18 feet to the ground. He was finally taken to Sunnybrook Me-dical Centre with a broken leg, broken pelvis and injuries 10 his spleen. Horticultural Flower show Thursday night The Orono Horticultural Society are holding their summier vegetable and flowers show Thursday niglit in thc Orono United Churcli. Panel discussion on horticultural îopic. Ail welcorne

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