mu 4 ~Orono Woekly limes, July 27,1994 j~ Orono Twins Four Pitch Players of the Week Josh Flynn Josb received a Blue Jays poster, courîesy of bis coacb Steve Campney. Update Report for Orono Girl Novice 9B' Summer holidays have given tbe girls a lot of opportunities to try new positions and get lots of playing Urne and lots of at bats. June 23rd saw a determineti squad of 10 battle the Roy's Enterprise team. The girls emerged with a 10 to 2 victory sparked by the scoring of Jennifer, Michelle, Ashley andi Katie witb two runs each. By June 30th we were down to 8 players but tbere was no stopping the enthusiastic group as tbey edged the Royals 15 to 14. The defense was soliti witb, fine catches by several girls. Sarah returned to leati the attack witb tuhiebard singles and thrcee iuns scored, while eacb of the other girls scoreti at least one run each. July 7th was a rematch of the first game of the season against tbe Orono "A" group. Our group of six defeateti their group of seven in a fun filleti exhibition game that featured fine hitting and fielding by both squads. The spectators s500pied to really appreciate the inpproved play by aIl girls on the diamonti. Congratulations girls. 1Our shortened roster started to, catchup on us July l4th as the Blue Jays came P0 town. Megan, Amy anti Katie were all bitting well andi Ashley Matie some nice catches in the fieldi to keep the, game exciting for tbe full five innings. Four dgyS later a squad of eigbt Orono girls headed for Courtice wbere à full teamn of 14 players was witing. Tbe bot evening, the 1aIr- 5tai-t anti the tummies full pf raspberries slowed the " team down enougb for the (?ouitie team w post a victory ÜMerOur girls. It was nice to haVO Lindsay and Sbeilagh back ip uniformn. They botb playeti strol'g gaines as diti ail the girls. Our next ganie is against the Wbite Sox on july 28th. Good luck, Orono! ToÔ honourf senior members Liberals ready for annual beef barbecue The Durham East Liberal Kimball, Grace Love, May Association are holding their Sbort-idge, Cecil Fralick, Frank annual liberal picnic on August Gotiley, Ivison Tamblyn, Harry 3rti at the Ransberry Farmn north Watie, Nellie land Sidney Cornish, of Orono on Highway 115. Ruth and Raymond Farrow, Mac The feature again will be that anti Norma Ransberry and Annie of a beef barbecue and thc whole anti Edgar Wright. family are welcome te attend. The guest speaker for the Childi-en 10 years anti untier are evening is the president of the feeti frec of charge. Tickets corne Young Liberal Association anti in at $7.50. by Liberal Financial Critic, MPP One of the features aitbis Gerry Phillips. years picnic will be a salute te The picnic begins at 4 p.m. Senior Liberals of Durham. with serving from 5:30 te 6:00 Selecteti for the honour are: Ann p.m. Berry, Marg Hawthorne, Kay Seeks Liberal Noàminationi Mr. George Edward Kbouri of Lakeshore Roati, Newcastle, bas-announced bis intention of sceeking the liberal nomination for the provincial ritiing of Durham East. Orono Donut Gallery Midgets visit Cobourg Jacob Sample Jacob receiveti an Alladin puzzle, courtesy of Miss Betty Prescott. New Aduit program for Orono Skating Club Calling all aduits from 19 to 90. Are you looking for something fun te do andi an excellent form of exorcise? Orono Figure Skating Club is starting a new program this faîl designeti for adulus, one anti aIl. It will include recreation, healthy activity and a place for you to learn te skate, thereby keeping up with our childi-en, or, an avenue wo hone old skills and learn new ones. The only equipment required is a pair of skates (nothing fancy), some warm clothes anti the desire to do something fun anti interesting. We will have one to 1 - 11/2 hours of ice, one night per week. It is hopeti that we can run two 10 week sessions (October to December and January to Mai-ch). For further information cal Gail McKenzie at 983-9542 or Joan Moffat at 983-9561. If you are interesteti please give us a caîl, we would like to have some idea of thc number of people who might enjoy this program, in order te get it 'skating'. Remember exercise is one key to healthy living. July 22nd, the Orono Donut Gallery Mitiget's travelled to Cobourg, to play againat the Victoria Ford Mitigets. Orono realizeti wbat type of basebal Cobourg was capable of as Uiey are in first place, andi beat us 13-4 in our fi-st meeting, so Orono was up for Uic game andi stepped our level of play up a couple notches. As usual, Orono got off w a slow fi-st inning, and wert down 4 0 early on, but batleti back and kept it tigbt, tbroughout Uicei-est of die gamne., Orono's first i-un came as a result of a double fromn Kyle Montgomery, that allowed Rob Winnacott, t score from second. Kyle, went on wo smack another double later on, to add to the cause. In the top of Uic 4Ui, Orono finally came alive and got a bolti of Uic pitches as we went Uiuough Uic entire order, compiling 9 bits, and 7 runs. Althougb Uic score was 10-9 and Orono, will be credited with Uic loss, putting oui- record at 2 wins and 6 losses, in some respects the game was a moral win, because it showed Uic entire team Uihat wo were ableo w holti our own with an untioubtedly strong, fi-st place team, gain a sizeable amount of respect and make tbe Cobourg teamn sweat wben we rallied i our balf ofthe 4ti to take the lead. In Uic bottom -of Uic 4th our defence slipped and allowed 3 i-uns. Starting pitcher Nick Brown, wont 2 innings and pitcbed effectively, but was sloppily supporteti. Alan Lee pitched Uic noxt 2 innings, holding Cobourg scoreless in the Uird, anti lot SS Rob Winnacott, anti lB Corey Stapleton, take cài- of business, maing1 two conseutive 6-3 outs. In the last innL8S of play, Kyle Montgomery, "to the Uic banti only allowed ode run. Orono's next game is gcbeduled for Tuesday, july g6tb at Soper Creec, start time 8:15 pin. under Uic ligbts. Also special thanks to Ryan Dewulf, oui Bantani caIl-up wbo played very well as usual! C.S.-Team Represelltative Hol is a graduate of the Cedar Valley Resort SEASONAL TRAILER CAMPING $930.00 Attractive! Winter Visits Permifted 7kms.eastof0ronoHwy. 115 Enter Clarke 41h or 5th Conc. Une ,1-905-786-2562 University of Windsor in International Relations, a course that combines economics, political science and history. Ho bas been a sales manager for Leon's Furniture from 1979 to 1986, followed by a stint with Evans Furniture in Scarborough and presently owner/manager of Landmnark Furniture in Wbitby. Mr. Kbouri states that witb the constant demands and pressures of a business be bas learned and listened throughout bis business years to give that "Little Extra" and believe that bis experience will allow bim to do an excellent job in Queen's Park serving tbe people of Durham East. *hsaldAySeason- Ramn Or Slrne* * o n~dOrUIntmms>ed Basements! *No Cosdy Excavaton Or Landscapsîg RepaWs Canada Dry Basements Poe(905) 508-0083 or 1-800-563-5727 Authorized Installer MW.C.B.A. STANDINGS week ending JuIy 22, 1994 IKEDIISIO IEAM 21L I Hunts Photo 10 1 1 Tyrone 10 0 O Newcastle H-I- 7 3 0 Allinbrook Fee0s 6 4 0 Henry Buildali 6 5 0 Courtice CouggrS 6 6 0 Courtice I 5 4 1 Burger ing 5 4 0 Greonaway Pal~OCafl 4 5 1 Regional Off icd Supp. 4 6 1 Shoppers Druâ Mart 3 6 0 Courtice Il O 8 0 Checkers 0 12 0 IEAM Reedtronics Armstrong's IGA Bleacher Creature Permanent Poffls M&M Meats Homers Petro ýerv. Heritage Farmif Tyrone Lawman Sugars Bakerý Steeve's Auto C.O.A.W. Discount Auto P'arts Optimnist Courtice Raxx's Kenny's Catering )SOUITO DIVISION 8 3 1 - 8 3 0- 7 5 0- 5 5 1 - 5 5 0- 5 7 0 1 7 0 - 1 10 0 O 10 O0 .WL I E 10 2 1 10 1 0 8 21- 72 1- PEE NWEE 1DIVISION conrd> IEAM 31 iL I E Sliders 7 20 - Beaver Lumber 7 4 0 - Myriad 6 40 - Newcastle H-H 5 7 1 - Vandergaast Rooflng 4 5 1 - Tyronel1 4 6 0 - Tyrone Il 3 8 1 - ivette Hardware 2 6 1 - Pisani Construction 2 8 1 - Unique Awards 1 10 0 - Memnoal Park O 9 O - BAINTAM DIIIN IEAM I.L I Bowmanville Glass 8 2 0 National Home Videa 6 1 3 SonBon Homes 6 4 1 Champion Team Wear 6 4 0 Maguire Water Supply 6 4 0 C&C Motorsi 5 6 0 Greenaway Petro Can 4 6 O Shoppers Drug Mart 3 8 1 Dempsters 1 10 1 MIDGET/JUVENILE IEÊ8M 31 L 1 Victoria Ford 10 0 O Cobourg Sharks 7 3 0 Heslins Legal Beagles 6 2 0 Port Hope 5 5 1 Courtice 4 2 1 Donut Gallery 2 6 0 Hooper's Trophy 2 7 0 Gofor Sports 1 6 1 Garden Hill 1 7 1 - - 16 - - 15 - - 13 - - 12 - - 12 - - 10 - - 8 - - 7 - - 3 ...............................