If only Babe Ruth stili lived The records of Babe Ruth may now fall as a heavy slugger. Batters in this Orono area and elsewhere will be able to hone up their batting skills when the above batting cage is completed. At the presenit time most of the pipe work is in place and next to come, we would think, would be some kind of netting. The cage is being constructed by the Town on the east side of the park property east of the bail diamond. Look for the long hitters latter this year. Queen's Park Report from Gord Mils, MPP Durham East Last week, I spent a day down at Queen's Park working on an idea wo get more information into our schools, about the role Canadians played in the liberation of Europe. While I was there 1 bumped into a couple of the news reporters who are assigned to the Queen's Park beat. 1 enquired as to how they found stories wo write when ail the MPPs were not around. Gil Hardy, a reporter who writes a Queen's Park column, read in local newspapers, said thîngs were very tough, and askcd me if I had a story to share. Alas! 1 couldn't help out, but 1 did suggest that soon the Cabinet shuffle stories would begin to emerge. For this is the time rumours begin to circulate aniong the govemment MPPs, as to who wil finaily make it into the inner circle. I expect some changes to happen, after ail I dont think everyone presently inCabinet will seek re-election. With that being the case, changes are bound to happen. The next few weeks will be very interesting indeed, that I cari predict. A few days ago, I had the honour of presenting Staff Superintendent Ron Dick, of the -oronto Metropolitan Police, to His Honour, Hal Jackman, Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, to receive the Ontario Medal of Citizenship. The ceremony took place at Queen's Park foilowed by a reception at Ontario Place. Rom i.i a resident of Nestieton, and was one of 13 recipients selected from hundreds of people put forward for this prestigious- award. Ron received his award for a mumber of very fine humnamitarian acts which included the collection of over 6,000 sleeping bags given to "lstreet people" across the province. Last winter, despite the wicked cold speil, only one person died on the streets of Toronto due to hyperthermia. The winter prcvious, and much milder, eight persons dîed on the streets of Toronto due to the cold. There is considerable public support for impaîred driving initiatives. Canadians rank impaired driving first as a priority, followed by AIDS, family violence, drug use, uemployment 'and juvenile delinquency. 97 per cent of Canadians feel that education is the key and that driver education should include information on drinking/driving. 87 per cent of Camadians say there should be more treatment services for problem drinkers. 85 per cent say there should be more designated driver programs in bars and taverns. 85 per cent say there should bc a stricter enforcement of the law. Last on the list, free transportation for drivers who have had too much to drink registered 63 per cent. Good news continues, this week an amouncement of $225,000 under the infrastructure program to Manvers Township te refurbish their Town Hall and municipal offices. To come, the infrastructure program for Scugog Township, and perhaps more projects for Clarington. Even those who thrive on doom and gloom, and wl' love to sce the government sinking, must surely be coming out of their mind-set. 'The economy is growing at a steady and healthy pace, and will continue to do so. Consumer confidence up. Unemployment is down. And we've succeeded in the last four months in creating 60,000 jobs. We have also tackled the tough issues, lilce the reformn of Workers Compensation, the restructuring of Ontario Hydro, implementing health care reform and streamlining the 40 year old Planning Act, among other things. Our government will continue to focus its energy on rebuilding the economy of Ontario. The housing crisis doesn't register very high on public opinion polîs anymore, but that doesn't mean the problem has gone away. For many hundreds of thousands of famîlies, the housing crisis continues. Nearly 340,000 Ontario households spend more than 30 per cent of their household income on rent. That leaves littie to spare for other basic needs like food or clothes. More than 60,000 people are on the waiting list for assisted housing in the province. Conservative Leader Mike Harris doesn't believe in -non-profit housing, he wants to end it ail, and go to more shelter allowances. Shelter allowances are now the largest provincial housing expenditure. About one quarter of the rent money collected by Ontario's private sector is paid for by the taxpayer through shelter allowances and the Conservatives want more paid out in that way. Ontario's landiords have been the biggest vocal opposition to non-profit housing, favouring even more subsidies to landlords in the private rentai market. The shelter allowances rise with inflation without creating any new housing. In 1992, shelter allowances totalled $2.5 billion annuaily. Three times each year, I along with ail 130 MPPs in the Ontario Legislature, are allowed to send ail our constituents a news letter which we fill with information pertaining to our riding. Some folks write to tell me that they think it is a waste of money. But the facts are it is the only way we can keep in touch and gauge your feelings about government and your community, and how you feel about your own MPP. If nothing was sent out during the term of about five years, I suspect that many of you would be wonderîng just what was happening. In other cases, it cornes as real information to persons who have just moved in the area. In large communities with a daily newspaper, weekly columns in local newspapers such as this one, jus don' t happen. They are left to rely solely on the news letter sent out by the MIPP. We all include a mail-back card in the news letter, as a rule asking for comment about various government programs. My last mail-back card asked you, the constituent, how you rated my performance as your MPP. My Executive Assistant told me he wouldn't recommend it. It was just asking for trouble he warned. It would give cause for Evergreen Farm/Garden named "Bobcat" dealer Evergreen Farm & Garden Ltd. has been named a dealership for the BORCAT loader, according to Doug Freitag, North American sales manager for the Melroe Company, Fargo, N.D. Located at 3242 Taunton Road East, the new dealership is authorized wo provide sales and service for Melroe's lime of skid- steer loaders in the Orono trade area. Tom Morawetz is President of the firm. Melroe Company introduced the original BOBCAT, with its unique skid steer drive system, to the front-end loader industry more than three decades ago. Today Melroe is recognized worldwide as the leading producer of small loaders, both articulating and skid-steer, as well as excavators. Evergreen Farra & Garden Ltd. is part of a network advised. I said, whatever will be will be, but l'Il go for it anyway. Surprise, surprise - the return cards have rolled in with very few uncomplimentary remarks. And the majority ail have said great things. 1 couldn't have wished for any better response. To everyone who sent back a card, an enormous thank-you for the confidence you have shown in me as yourMwPP. In the coming weeks, with the exception of a September visit to England, I wil be out and about, spending as much time as I can chatting to as many of you as 1 can. I'm looking forward to this break from my duties at the Legislature, to hear from you in person, your concerns, your hopes, and anything else on your mind. Some people will say I'm getting into a pre-election mode - what's wrong with that? Until next week - take care. Gord. We Can Turu Your Wet Basernent Into Dry, Clean, Useabe Living Space! Dare To Compâre! lnstaled Compietely In i 1 *Free Home Inspedtnion&Etnare' .i Xit3J I nstalled Any Season Rai, Or Shine' i *For Fnisied Or Unfinse Ssmentsi *No Costly Excavation Or Iandscaping Rpairs! Canada Dry Basementa Phone (905) 508-0083 o r-800-563-5727 Authorzed Installer *aaBasm=et De-Watering Systermv of some 900 BOBCAT dealerships ini 75 countries. Melroe Company is a business unit of Clark Equipment Company, South Bend, Ind. 50+ Movin' and groovin' The 50+ Movin' and Groovin" had a most successful program of events during the past terîn. Although September is some weeks away time dose have a habit of closing in on one. Registration for the Newcastle and Orono 50+ group is being held the week of September 5th with classes to commence on September l2th. Registration for the Bowmanviile group is to bc held on September 9th with classes to begmn September l2th. Further details by cailing 623- 4681 or 623-9732. Ganaraska suggests $&509()O()study (Continued fr-om page 1) boundaries of the authority for their consideration and recom- mendation. 1Port Hope council support the proposal but suggest that the plan should be about together by the Ganaraska staff radier than hining consultants. A report has yet to corne from the Municipality of Clarington. PORT DARLINGTO0N MARINA HOTEL Unique Waterfront Settlng EVERY FRIDAY 3 P.M. TO 9 EXM Seafood Buffet $14.95 (A La Carte Menu Availble) Reservations Appreciated 905-623-4925 Take Lake Road off Llbarty St, South t. 70 Port Daillngton Road Bowmanviile Dance in the Brig Sat. Nights Play Pool ini Lounge Nightly SHOP ARQUND, GET VOUR BEST PRICE THEN CALL US, FOR VOUR BE .. *RIC