Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 18 May 1994, p. 2

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-N ~ - Ii was a comfortable feeling Them Ganarasica Forest on Saturday was a comfortable place to bc realizing that it was ini fact the act of man in conjunction with nature that the area continues to be revitalized. Many hands have been imvolved and kt does date backt0 the early 30s with the development of the Northumberland and Durham Forests. A considerable amount of land known as tie Ganaraska Forest was idea assemnbled through the county systemn along with a program of conservation. A. H. Richardson and his plans of the conservation movement gave fturther momenum 10 Uthe restoration of lands that had been laid 10 waste through misuse. IL is this week that another venture looks at the Oak Ridges Moraine and a future that may lay ahead involving decisions to be made again. by man. For the past three years a study has been undertaken and public input is now being sought. Have we learned enough from past experiences to properly protect the features of Uic Oak Ridges Moraine or will we once again sec Uic Moraine as a provider of resources to be indiscrimately talcen in yct another destructive manner. Happenintgs... Blood Donor Clinic flic Red Cross will be holding a Blood Donor Clinic today, fromn 12 noon 10 8 p.m. at the Lson's Centre, Becch Avenue, Bowmanville. Dance at the Orono Arena The Durham Central Agricultural Society will be sponsoring a Fundraiser Dance on May 27th at the Orono Arena, featuring the Band Ambush, with Line Dancing from & - 9 p.m. with the dance following. Tickets are $ 10.00 advance and $ 12.00 at the door. andi may bc purchaseti at the Clarke Connection, Orono. The Ganaraska Wolves will bc hosting a Food Canteen. Town Hall Euchre resuits The Orono Town Hall cuchre resuits for Wednesday, May il with 14-1/2 tables in play: high, scores - George Mercer, Norma Moffat, Marie Couroux and Grace Coatham each with 78, Kay Powell, Lii Boltierstone and Dora MacDonald each with 77. Low score May Tabb. Draw winners Charlie Camnpbell, Lorna Crockett, Helen Couroux, Marie Couroux, Lii Boltiorstone, Wanda McNeil; Ken Gimblett and Helen Simpson. Euchre is holti every Wednesday night 8 p.m. Lunch supplied. Orono Sr. Cees party resuits Thei Orono Sr. Cees helti their card party on May 12 with 8 tables present. High scores May Tabb 81; Ivison Tamblyn 67 and Lena Clysdale 64. Low score Gladys Greenwood. Bingo Prize - Clara Meuleman. Newtonville Euchre Resuits The euchre results for Newtonville for May 13th: High scores Jean Jilisen 83; Lil Bolderstone 8 1; Eric Helyer 80; Lena Graham 77; Irene Taylor andi Hazel Murphy each with 76. Draw winners Betty Chamberlain, Don Stapleton, Berniece Miligan, Edgar Miîlson and Reg McCool.. Newtonville Store robbed The operators of the Newtonville Convenience store underwent a harrowing few moments Sunday at 7 p.m. when a young boy Uiought to be an age of 13 years, entereti the store waving a gun and leavig the with an untolti amount of moncy from the cash register. The boy fleti with an older man driving a stolen car. The car stolen in Oshawa earlior in the day sped West on 401 and was lost by police. The boy was wcaring a black, hoodod raincoat and basebal 1cap. No one was hurt. Orono projeet remains in works (Continueti from page 1) funtis became available through Uic Infrastructure projet. Director of Public Works dit say hoývever that a rocent meeting of last Friday informeti munic- palities that there would be no surplus funtis available. This woulti eliminate any work in Kendal anti for the decorativo lighting. Mr. Evans did say that the Kendal projet shoulti go aheati if not this year thon in 1995 under Uic goneral work program. There was somne debate as 10 how some of Uic projets came 10 he on Uic list but it was pointeti out that they ail came before council which hati approveti of Uic projets. CEO Bill Stockwell oncour- agoti council to approve ic seven original projects with their amendments so that design plan coulti bestarteti for the roati reconstructions anti that Uic other Keudal by Phyllis Lowory Wasn't Sgturday a beautiful day? It foît es though we were finally goinà 10 have some warm weatiier anti thon we woko up to cool wet weêUIter on Sunday, it raineti most ofthe icday. The rain did flot kecp, people away from church, this was U.C.W. sundgy. The'service was openeti by Mrs. Pat Atkins. whn welcomed evceryonc and lotiin Uic Invitation to Worship, the Prayer of Self- Examinatioti and- the Words of Assurance. The hymps sung were, "Al Things Bright andi Beautiful", "Dear Lord and Fathor", «Amazing Çirace" and "How Great Thou An"- In place pf the anthcm, Ian Savage sang Uic, beautiful song, "Unto TheHiS" Donzil Dale calledtheUi chiltiren forwarti, hc bold them Uiat there was a verse in Uic Bible that tolls that they wpre like lights. Ho asked them if Uioy ever Uiought of themselves a§ lights? He helti @ut a lightbulb and asked if that is what God meant tbem to be, like a lightbulb. Ho thon asked thç if it would show any light? Thoy answered no. Ho toldt Uem 10 petenti that his hand was a socket anti thon ho put thc bulb into it, did it light, no. He asked Uiem Wliat else was needed, they said a îymp but even thon it woultin't ligfiLt They said wires, andi power. 'Ilhere are two wires, one wire cairies the power and Uic othrer Ui wl, but a switch is also nezedti t has an off and and off. We mu§t have the will to switch to on to turu the power on. God is Uic pï)wer. The children's hymn was, ,J, sus Loves Me". Mrs. Dofg Youngman reati from Uic scri1flures, Matuhew 5: 1- 12; and Psalrn 113. Mrs. Atkins thon introduÇed Denzil Dale as thc speaker. Mr. Dale tolti us that Uic first time ho spoke in Kendal his twins whl) were thon 6, sang at the servicê. Uiey are now. 32. Ho spoke of Uic Chapter in Uic Bible titieti amentations, it is a sad chaptef, il begin s with weeping and eiids with a sigh, yet in the middl0 is Uic verso about God's mercie§, HiS compassions fail not, God !@ good. God is nover out of stop, Ho is always on tiffnÇ' 1Mornig ig a good time to bc in touch with ÇOod, every morning is now. Somd mormings we wake projects could be fine-tuneti for further considoratioli. Ho said, "Keep the proeess going". Council approveti of the dosign proce§s for three of the projocts aïld on motion of Councillors 9içott and Droslinski design-plan§ for the Kondal project are ais@ to bc undertaken. The Kençlal projoct coulti proceed undef the Infrastructure plan or as a normal project of Uic municipality. Council members were informoti th4t approvals for projects will ho matie known at least by the endi of August. During the discussion it was Colum up resteti anti feeling good, others we wake up with a worry, not feeling the bcst, depresseti. Our neetis may be different each morning but God will meet our neetis as Uiey change. Mr. Dale told us of a man ho heard speak at a Men's Breakast, this man had committeti many crimes anti had been in'many jails. This man hati a motheranti sister who were Christians, se ho Uiought Uiat ho would write in his letters that hie had become a Christian. Ho hoped that this woulti help him get out of jail faster, it titi, but thon ho found that he had te go te church with them. Ho titi so for about 6 months and thon got feti up with the pretence and went baci' his old ways but somothing hap, ed and ho did. accept God. Ho wanted to go to South America and preach Christianity t0 Uic people there but Uic RCMP said ho could flot Iave Canada with Uic record that ho hati, Uiey foît it was just another scam 1te get out of the country. Ho founti out about a form Uihat ho could fill in anti potition the Qucen for a pardon, ho did so, and about 6 months later ho, received a loUter from Uic Qucen, on it was every crime ho had committeti and overy jail ho had been in and on another paper w as a pardon signed by the Queen. This man wont to South America and worketi there for 30 years. It was after ho carne back te Canada that Denzil Dale spoke to him anti asked him if ho had writton anti thanked the Qucen for ber Pardon. Ho was Uic first Canadian to ever receivo a Queen's Pardon. The man. said ne, ho hadn't written his Uianks. Mr. Dale feit that ho had t0 write anti lot Uic Qucon know wbat Uiis mas who had been pardoneti twice for his sins, once by Goti anti thon by her, had donc with his life. Denzil saiti ho really nover oxpectedte 1 heur from Uic Qucen, but a month later ho recoiveti a louter bearing her signature anti seal, Uianking hlm for letting her know all about this Man. When we receivo God's merdies, we needte 10bo thankful. Wc needtetolot Hlm know that we UiankHim. When we necd God, He will be thero. He may flot answer i the way we expect but He will always answer. Everything hmnges on our trust ini God. Fotlowing. the service evoryone was invited to stay for a lunch and a Urne of fellowship. The sympathy of the community goes out to Audrey Gauthier on the passing of her brother-in-law, Job.ý Montgomery. Safety Tip: "Neyer drive while holding a coffee cup between your knecs". St. Saviour's Anglican Church M]ILLSTREET ORONO, ONTARIO Interhn Minister: Rev. Robert Hartley 983-9639 SUNDAY SERVIC, SUNDAY SCHOOL and YOUTH GROUP 9:30 a.m. OROMO PASTORAL s. CHARGE Mnlster x Rev. Dr. 4! Mervyn Ruswal .~ ~, Marlene Risebrougho Secretary 983-5702 Church Offl, 9&3-5502 UPCOMING SERVICES SUNDAY, MAY 22ND MISSION & SERVICE SUNDAY Guest Speaker Dr. Susan Finlay £gniraLina Kirby United Church 9:30 a.m. Orono United Church 11:00 arn. SUNDAY, MAY 29TH U.C.W. Sunday Guest Speaker Mrs. Shirley Coyle BIBLE STUDY No Bible Study this week Wil resume Wed., May 25th A.A. meets eveiy Thprsday 7:30 pan. ORONO, ONTARIO 983-5009 il

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