Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 18 May 1994, p. 11

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February 1971 Mr. Ray Brown was presented with the Saracens Car Club Snowmobile Rally Trophy by Mr. Tony Mitchell of Uic Car Club. Mr. Brown was the winner of the Snowmobile ýRally heid on Sunday in Uic Ganaraska Forest, north of Orono. The Orono Pee Wees edged a 43 victory over Newcastle on Friday night in Orono. Jerry Johnsten, Nicky Van Seggeien, and Peter Boots were the scoring aces for Orono with assists geing te, hardworking John Cornish, Dave Chatterton and Barry West. Orono was certainly supported in Uieir win by their goalie, Brian Brandt, who just started playing this year. At Uic January meeting of the Orono Masonie Lodge, Wor. Bro. Harold A. Heard was installed Master ef the Ledge. It may take until the end of the week before ail roads in Uic area are cleared of snow and passable for trafflc. High winds and snow on Saturday evening plugged most roads in the area and, scores of traveliers had te vacate their automobiles wbich were coverçd and bidden in deep snow banks. It is reported that snowmobiles are passing over the top of cars unaware of their existence. Most east-west roads were blocked and titis inciuded Uic 6th, 7th and 8th lines as well as Taunton Road to Oshawa. 'Areadelegates were among 1,000 representatives attending a iree-day national convention of' thc Holstein Friesian Association of 'Canada. Orono resîdents Everett Brown, William Taniblyn and bis father Caries Tamblyn attended the meeting and Mr. Brown had just retired after 15 years as classification inspecter of, cattie with the associations headquarers at Brantford. Stutt's Pharmnacy is presentiy undergeing renovations. The back part of the store is being remodelled and wili include a new modemn dispensary with considerable new sbelving. A new sterage and office area is also te bc included in the renovations. February 1981 Although the Management Committee of the Orono Downtown Business Improvemnent Area is yet te be establisbed, officially they are already coming up with tentative plans for a "kick-off party" te step into action for the downtown business section. The greup are planning a party on Saturday, March 14th which is expected te include musical greups piaying in Uic Orono Town Hall. The Region of Durham have submitted their first metered water bill te residents of Orene. Prier te this bill, users in Orone were billed on a flat rate charge of ýsome $80.00 per year. As an exampie'our bouse water bill dropped frm Uic quarterly rate of almost $20.00 te the metered charge for the quarter of $10.02. The $1.2 million indoor pool and squash courts, known as Uic ,Newcastle Fitness Centre, was officialiy opened on Friday evening. .Sterling Mather and Charles Gray served an early breakfast Saturday momning at the Arena Pancake Breakfast. Breakfast was on Uic griddle shortly after seven a.m. The day concluded with a Turkey Roll that evening ini the Community Centre. Nelda Knapp, daughter ofMr and Mrs. Rosel Knapp, Oreno, was the vaiedictorian at the Clarke High Scheol Commencement. Cub- Andrew Scott was presented with bis Five Star Badge at Uic Annual Parent and Son Nigbt banquet held last Saturday -evening. Andrew received one of the highest awa rds presentcd to cubs for their achievements in Uic movement. Health care discussion paper available end of May The Durham Region HealUi Council is co-ordinating the efforts of hospitais, cemmunity health organizations, health care providers, local citizens and Uic Ministry of Health te, deveiop a regional plan te take Durham's hospitai systems inte the next century. Last April, the Durbam Re gion Acute Care planning process began and a Steering Committee was established te oversee it, and- develop recommendations. At the end of May, the Steering Committee will release a discussion paper. This paper wil forrn tUic basis for discussion at public meetings across Uic regien. A schedule fer these public meetings wil ho available by thc end of this month. The Steering Committée bas found that Uic system in Durham wiii be unable te provide adequate services for residents as Uic population grows and changes over the next decade. A new organization of the system is required., The Steering committee is in ,thc process of setting a proposed model te meet hospital services needs in Durhami. Before 'a final, report is made public consultations are, te bc beld. The Steering committee on developing their final recemmendations wil submit it te the Durham Hecalth Council fer review. The HealUi Coundil must approve the recommendations before sending it off te the Minister of Health. Unions favour hospital change Although the doctors, some service clubs and the Mayor of Whitby oppose a change in service te be provided by Whitby General Hospital two unions have set eut their support for the change. It is proposed that the Whitby Generai Hospital become a rehabiitation centre. The head of the nursing unions States that the proposed change is refreshing and makes more sense than cutting staff which bas been happening. It is pointed out that Whitby residents are weli served by the Oshawa and Pickering-Ajax hospitais for ail services other tdanrehabilitation. Study suggests a new home for aged The report as te refitting the, Hillsdale Manor in Oshawa or censtructing a new facility faveurs a new building as being the most cost effective. It is noted that under present day regulations more space is required per person and te handie the 435 at Hillsdale wouid require a building of 376,000 square feet. The report recommends a new fadility costing $3 1,0W0 million te accemmodate 300 persons. Hiilsdale is operated by the Regien of Durham witb assistance fromn the province. WaIk out over dress rules Some 150 student at Henry Street High Schooi in Whitby waiked eut of 'ciass opposing a dress code that was ini place for the past two years. It is said that students are not aliowed te wear sandals, tank tops, body suits, stretch pants, cut-off short jeans and shirts with beer ads. Students do the teaching Students in a number of the Oshawa secondary institutions are jumping everte the other side of the desk in an innovative program. Senior students get the chance, te gain leadership roies and in teaching by attending Grade nine classes te act as teachers- assistants. Guided tours at Oshawa General They cali it Cancer - Current Trends and Future Directions. t is guide tours being held at the Oshawa, Hespital on May 26th fromn 2 te 8 p.m. The open house tour wili include many of the features now in place relating te cancer. Slight decline ini welfare roll The number of families on welfare in Durham dropped slightly for t i first trne in six months. The numbers dropped by 1 18 in April from the figure in 1Mach. There are now 12192 faillies on weifare. Overtime scheduled at GM plants Tbousands of GM workers werr, scheduled working overtime last Saturday in the two car plants. The overtime cornes as the company is gradually incrcasing production of its new Monte Carie and Lumina. Production stili falis far short of the full rate of 60 cars per hour in each plant. 1 11 1. à !;1 DRAFT OFFICIAL PLAN MUNICIPALITY 0F CLARINGTON PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRES CLARINOTON OFFICIAL PLAN REVIEW The Officiai Plan is the principle document that guides the growth of the Municipality. A draft Off iciaI Plan has now been completed and wiil be presented for public co nsultation purposes. The Planning and Development Department is holdi ng four Public Information Sessions regarding the Municipality of Clarington Draft Officiai Plan. Planning Staff will be in attendartce at the Information Centres to answer any questions and to review your comments. The Information Sessions are as foîlows: MONDAVI JUNE 6,1994 Newcastle Village Community Hall 20 King Street Newcastle Village, Ontario 3:00 te 9:00 P.M. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8,1994 Bowmanville Recreation Complex Highway No. 2 and Regional Road 57 Bowmanville, Ontario 3,00 - 9-00 p.m. TUESDAY, JUNE 7,1994 Orono Arena, 2 Pnincess Street Orono, Ontario 3:00 - 9:00 p.m. THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1994 Dr. Emily Stowe Public School 71 Sandringham Drive Courtice, Ontario 4:00 te 9:00 p.m. PUBLIC MEETINGS Pursuant te the Planning Act, the GaneraI Purpose and Administration Committee of Council will hoîd public meetings te hear your comments and te receive written submissions from residents conàcerning the draft Officiai Plan. The Public Meetings willbegin at 7:00 pým. However, before the Public Meetings begin, the public wilt have another opportunity te review the draft Off icial Plan and speak with Planning Staff. These Information Sessions wiliIbegin at,4:00 p.m. The Publie Meetings and Information Sessions will be held at the followinig locations: cTUESDAY, JUNE 21,1994 BowmanVilleRecréation Cemplex Highway No. 2 and Regional Road 57 Bewmanville, Onfarlo WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22,1994 Newcastle Village Communty Hall 20 King Street Newcastle Village, Ontario THURSOAY, JUNE 23,1l994 Dr. Emily Stowe Public School 71 Sandringham Drve Courtice, Ontario Anyone may speak at'the Public Meetings. If you wish te maké a presentation, you are enceuraged Ie register ahead et time. Committeé wilI hear registeréd parties prier te other speakers. If you wish,te register, pléase contact thé Clerks Departmént at (905) 623-3379 prier te 12:00 neon, June 15, 1994. Copiés of thé draft Officiai Plan are available for review et ail branches et the Library, at the Municipal Offices, and have béén provided ýte ratepayer and community greups. -Copies of the draft Off iciai Plan can be purchaséd at the Planning Department at a cest of $20.010 for résidents and $30.00 for nen-residents. Further information may aise be obtained by calling the Planning and Developmfent Department at 623-3379. Patti Barrie, A.M.C.T. Clerk Clerks Departmerit MUNICIPALITY 0F ONTARIO Dates cf Publication: Wednesdiay, May 18, 25, June 1, 1994 Franklin Wu. M.C..P. Director Planning and Development P.O. 3294 . . ......... .......... ...

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