Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 18 May 1994, p. 9

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Ofon~ Wkly Tl.s~ W~n ........y 1..... Thne Environment Fair in Oshawa lhe anc-day Enviraumental Fair event bcld Uis year lu Uic Jubilce Pavillon lu souUi Oshawa was not attended to Uic extent that it had lu the pasu. Howevcr Uic day was made for a visit ta Uic lakefront lu Osbawa and Uic cxbibits on display were on a par with past experiences wiUi a lot of information ta be gained-ou Uic brouflers. enviroumnent and conservation pictured abo,!e: Wendy practices dma can be undertaken BooUimnan, C0-Ofga11izer of the iour everyday lives. , Fair, TeRry Kedliýt with Big It was a familiar face ta find Brothers, waltei Evans,- David Walter Evans, Director of Public SOtt, Claringtop coundillor and Works, Clarington , in Uic midst lu the front line pf activities, of sawdust turning out bird Steven Senddl iid Kevin feeders and bird bouses with Sendeil, Bowmflllc Little members of Uic Big and Little Bothers. Another famiiar display over Country Adventuoe to be held McDoneIl, DaviÇi Scott, Kristin the yearsat the Fair is that of August 27 and 28. McRae, Wendy BRoothman. SAGA who were advertising their Picture with the display Kellie I wrote a few weeks ago about how my sister was responsible for, thc absence of spring. Allow me once again to apologize on ber bebaif. lu would appear that Mother Nature, Uiat old tease, 18 stili avenging Uic sudden demise of ber innocent messenger of spring at thé bauds of my sister and her stecriug whee. Once again, I really do apologize, and l'Il talk to the Ministry of Transportation to sec what wc can do about getting ber drivées license revoked. But let us not dwell1 in Uic past. So, onward we go. Applaud our great country, if you will, for taking a stride in Uic direction of Iraqi aile. With thc sweeping publication ban that prohibits Uic media from exposing any of Uic détails in Uic Homoika-Benardo case, Canada has fallen down the list of countries that enjoy comple frcedom of Uic media. Just last ycar, Canada was topping thc list, and was being praised for Uic freedom that this country's media bas in satisfying Uic publics right to Uic news. This year, duc largely in part' to the Government of Ontario's pub lication bau on thc Homoika- Bernardo trials, and with a number of smaller publication bans across Uic country, Canada now finds itsclf tenth. SMaybe it-does not seemlike a monumental slide, but in a country renowned for its freedom and fairness, this is more Uian a mere stumble. Even Pravda, before it's demise last ycar. bad a few years to enjoy Uic wonders of glasnost. Wbole worlds bave opened up iu Russia and thc former Soviet republics, wbere bere lu Canada our media bas been forced to put an abrupt end, to what it is that the media does... inform Uice public of Uic things that are of concern to Uiem. Fortunately, we have not started on a long decline to Uic depths of the Hussein-induced Iraqi form of media coverage. And bopefully, we bave flot corne to the point wbere wc need a Gorbachev to be our sbining star leading us back toward Uic ligbt. And, hopefully, lu the near future tbe Goveruments of this country will realize the truc implications of wbat a fuît publication ban can do, and wil restore Uic proper freedom to Uic media, and Uic public, that they rightly deserve and are entitlcd to. T amara and Matthew (G3ntined fitm page 1) under String Duet" class. Botb girls study violin wiUi Taniara's mother, Laurie. Another of Laurie's studeuts, Oliver Ward, of Newcastle, teamed with MatUiew on a folk tune called "May Song" to place lst lu Uic "8 and under String Duet" class. Ou the vocal side of the festival, Tamara pcrformed. solos lu Uic "9 and under" and "10 and under" classes, placing 2nd and 3rd respectively. Once again. she and ber friend Nadia, botb of wbmare members- of the Oshawa Festival Singers, comblued to take 3rd prize lu Uic "15 and under Vocal Duet" class. -Matthew also participated lu Uic vocal competition, placing 2nd lu Uic "Boys Voice, 8 and under" class. Finally, Tamara played Uic piano lu Uic "9 and under Piano Solo" classanad placed 2nd. Congratulations ta Tamara and Mattbew for your- fine performances. lts great ta sec and bear tbe resuits of ail that practising. Kcep it up! Bowmanvle Business & Professional Women's Club The Bowmanville Business and Professional Women's Club beld thcir mosu recent meeting on April 21st discussing resolutions to be prcscntcd at tbe 1994 Provincial Conference. This annual meeting is always vcry thougbt-provoking and stluxulating. The members of the Bowmanville Business and Professional Women's Club bold meetings once a month witb a varied menu decallug with topics pertinent ta Uic advanccment of omen. Tbrougb acquiring more ~uowcdgeand insight, Uic club members can- use their occupational capacities and intelligence for Uic betterment of others as well as Uemsclves. The club, althougb not a service club, works diligendy ta support community projets. As an example, Uic club bas provided assistance to Uic local YWCA lu it's work with disadvantaged women and cbildren. The club awards bursaries to the three local sccondary schools annually to encourage the recipients to continue their education. There is also an annual bursary for a student from the Centre For Individual Studies. One objective of the club is "women belping otber women". This is acbicved tbrough networking and using our ingenuiuy to strive for equal opportunities and status for women. Tbc club is also concerned with'achieving bigb standards of service in business, the professions and ludustry. Stimulating lutercst lu féderal, provincial and municipal affairs is another important aim of Uic club. An example of Uis bas been Uic forum beld by our local club b efore previous elections. Our local club is a fiendly group of dedicated women witb a wide range of occupations. Ail of Uic monthly meetings held by Uic club are open ta guests. This month, club members will be hearing from the chairpersons êf the different committees witli thc presentation of the annual rei9rts. This is also a trne of transition with new chairpersons getiing rcady to take over their positions witbin the executive. Like ânY Organization, the more invoived you become the more you lea and the more fulfilled you bemfe. Carol Aider PORT DARLINGTON MARINA HOTEL Unique Waterfroflt Setting EVERY FRIDAY S P.M.tps p.M. Seafood Buffet '14.95 (A La Calrte Mif Avaâlble) Reservationi Appreciated 905-623-4925 Take Lake Road o? Libeily St, South 70 Por Darlington Road Bowmnanville Dance in the Brig Sat. Nigbts Play Pool in Lounge Nightly Public Open Houses The Oak Ridges Moraine Citizens' Advisory Committee invites you to attend and participate in the review of the draft Oak Ridges Moraine Area Strategy, "An Ecological Approach to the Protection and Management of the Oak Ridges Moraine". Public open houses to discuss this draft strategy wiil be held: Thursday, May 26,1994 Bowmanviile Arena Compiex KI(ng Street (Hwy. 2) & Martin Road Bowmanvliie, Ontario Public viewing of dispiays and an informai discussion period wiiI be from, 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. A formai presentation, video program and a question and answer session wiiI toliow at 7:00 p.m. (approx. duration: 2 hours). For further information or to obtain a copy of the draft strategy, please contact Debbe Crandali, Chair, Oak Rldges Moraine Ctizens' Advisory Commttee, at (905) 880-4111, or Fred Johnson, Mlstry of Naturai Resources, at (905) 832-7190. ~ n tarjo O

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