Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 27 Apr 1994, p. 2

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2 - Orono Wkly Timor, Wednosdqy, April2 Putting the best foot forward - flot always Mayor Diane Harare launched Clarington on a rather positive course last Wednesday with a number of announcements at a Mayor's breakfast for business people. TIhe municipality is going to the Ex (C.N.E.) to put its best foot forth witb a Clarington Day. Further dhe municipality is establishing an Apple Blossom Award for those that make improvements to their property and thus to the community at large. And ini conclusion it was One-S top shopping for those doing business with Clarington. Sucb announcements do put a positive face out front and so residents begin to think about their community in which tbey live and relate to this community. They become positive and this positive feeling spreads. It count on how we feel about ourselves and it counts on bhow others see us and feel about us. Yes positive on Wednesday but unfortunately it was a reversal move on Monday evening. Tlhrough the efforts of baif of the councillors the municipality bas taken a step backwards as to its creditbility and trust in the world of commerce. The dubbing of Mosport 10 use their park for music concerts flot only> affects Mosport but il will send out a signal that Carlington is not open for business and especially tourist business. Wednesday it was three steps ahead and Monday a dozen steps back. Mosport came to this area 10 develop an entertainment centre, allbeit a race track, with a location in an area, that was at the time, re mote from residents. It was well known that there would be a noise factor and that there would be traffic. Mosport met the requirements of the day and brought a measure of economics to the area something that should not be passed over lightly. Clarington is out of balance with residential development and with only a slim 15 t0 17 percent in commercial/industrial assessment. The relationship between residential assessment 10 that of commercial and industrial is out of balance and can but be cause for fmnancial scrapping inthe future and a greater tax take from residential assessment. The Mosport venture was somewhat long in negotiations for both the Municipality and the company. Agreement was reached between legal staff and Mosport did support many requirements that perhaps would not have been needed in other areas. They met the reasonable requests from those objecting but that was not enough for half of council . Notbing would have been enough. Surely there comes a lime when there is trust and a time when we become creditable. That we don'î have 10 play to the crowd at the expense of the communily . 0 rOpen House for Orono Road plan The Public Works department, Municipality of Clarington, is holding an Open House in Orono Town Hall, 4 to 7 p.m., Thur., April 28th. Plans will be available as to the reclassîfication of Station Street and connection withi Princess Street and entrance int the park. Plans will also be available for road work 10 the Senior's complex along with the construction of a sidewalk. Rebekah Lodge Chili Luncheon, The Heather Rebekah Lodge wil be holding a Chili Lunc heon on Thursday, May 12th from 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. For tickets contact Violet Dunlop 983-5212 or Joyce Major 983-5858. Bowmanville Home Show The Bowmanviile Home Show wil be happening this weekend beginning Friday, April 29th through to Sunday. May Ist at the Bowmanville Recreation Complex,, Hwy. 2 & 57. Book Sale & Giant Yard Sale The Clarke Museum will be holding another Book and Yard Sale, on Saîurday, May 7, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thecy are sîil looking for donations of items and books. If you have any donations to offer, contact the museum at 983-9243. (Ramn date for sale will be Sunday, May 8') Euchre Resuits Orono Town Hall euchre results for Wedrxesday, Aprl 20 - high scores: Reg Elliott 86; Donna Hutton 80; Bernice Partner, Bernice Soper, Berniece Moffat and Wanda McNeil each with 78. Low score Roy Hayward. Draw winners Olive Little (2), Edgar Millson, Tom Wilson, Helen Simpson, Gladys Greenwood, Ray Goode (2). Cards are held every Wednesday at 8 p.m. Lunch provided. Regional Composter available this week-end The Region is offering their line of composter thiis week-end for $Ï15.00 ai die Newcastle Lumber. KeI!dal by Phyllis Lowery What a cbilfgO in the weatluer from last week, although we could do with a little less wind. Travelling from Renfrew last Sunday we ran int snowflakes off and on ail the way home. SÛRl lots of ice on the lakes up there but not much snow to be seen. The countryside is not at its best at this of the year, but a few weeks will make quile a difference. It is nice 10 sec some of the farmers out working on the land, Ibis is asure sign that summer is on the way and also the yard sales being held are another sign of warmn weather coming. It was good t0 be out to cburch again, and it was nice 10 sec a good attendance. The welcome was given by Rev. Black, the hymns sung were, "Standing On the Promise", "Sweet Hour of Prayer", "What A Friend We Have In Jesus", and "We Rise To Respond". Ian Savage led in the Invitation to Worship- and Prayer of Approach and the Prayer of Self- Examinationi. Ian called, the cbildren forward, he asked them if they knew the Bible tells Ibat God bas- wings and that be has arms long enougb bo save us. He asked tbemn if they believed these things. Ian told them that God doesn't really have wings and long arms, wbat that means, is God will protect us and shelter us with His love. The children's hymn was "God Can Do It Again." The Scripture reading was- fr7omnLuke Il: 1-13. The sermon was titled, "Teach Us To Pray". Are you aware that in three years that the disciples were with Jesus, the only thing tbey asked Jesus 10 teach themn was 10 pray. Jesus taught them hie Prayer that we use 10 this day, the Lord's Prayer. Jesus spoke of those that stand on street corners and prayed so ail could sec tbemn doing it and would consider tbemn pious. Jesus said this was not how 10 pray, He said, go into their room alone and quietly pray. The words arecflot important, the principles are. The Lord's Prayer was flot mecant to be a prayer for everyone, il sbould be called tbe Disciples Prayer, they were alone with Jesus and asked Him 10 teach them 10 pray and Ibis is whiatlie taught tbem 10 say. The Lord's Prayer is in tbree sections, the first part is Praise for God. The second part is our needs and requests. Tbe Ibird part is praise and acknowledgement of who God really is. It begins, Our Faîber, not my faîher or thy father,, but Our Father. Jesus dared 10 caîl God, father. In the Jewish faitb of then, God, was a deity, someone away up there, God was someone t0 worship, revered, trusted, even a Saviour, but neyer Fatber. When Jesus is talking about fatber, be is talking about fatberbood in the best sense of the word, fatherhood is a relationsbip, and that relationsbip depends on the individuals involved, some fathers beat or molest Iheir Column talking of fatherhood at ils best. Rev. Black told us the story of bis daugbter and him, wben she was very little. He came in the back door 10 find ber standing in tbe middle of the kitchen table, she saw bim and immediately called out dada and leapt out to hirn. Now be had one band on the door knob and a briefcase in the otber band but she knew and trusted that be would catch ber and be did, she had no fear of a faîl or injury, she bad faitb in him. As she became older she wouldn't do something like that, she would have doubts, can he catch me, will I gel hurt, but in those days she wasn't concerned, the days when he-wasn't father or dad, but dada, or perhaps daddy. This is the relationship that Jesus had witb God. We don't bear mucb about Joseph, Marys busband although he was father to Jesus in His growing years, but Jesus loved and respecled him so much that when He was teaching people about God, He said to cal God, Father. This is the kid of relationship thal Jesus said we should have with God. Notices... Sunday, May lst will be Police Appreciation Celebration. This will be held in Kendal United Cburcb. The Service will begin at il a.m. not at our regular lime. Ladies please bring sandwiches or squares. Newtonville and Shiloh will bc attending Kendal on May IsI. Sunday, May 15th is U.C.W. Sunday, the speaker at Newîonville at 9:45 a.m. will be Beulab Buchwald. AI Kendal Service at 11: 15 a.m. the speaker will be Denzil Dale. At Shiloh at 2:0p.m. the speaker will be Shelley Wright and they will bc bhaving special music. There was a very happy event in Kendal on Saîurday, April 23rd, an 801h Birthday Party was beld bonouring Elinor Foster, ber daughters Judy, Patsy and Caroline and ber sons Wayne and Tom were all present along witb to ber members of her faniily as well'as many friends 10 help ber celebrate. We wish ber many more happy years ahead. It seemns that for every happy occasion there must bc a sad one, ORONO, ONTARIO the residents of Kendal and area were saddened to .learn of the death of Joy Brown, who for many years worked in the Variety Store, and always had a smile for everyone. The sympathy of the community goes out to her family. Headlines .. One-legged escapee mapist still on mun. St. Saviour's Anglican Church MILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO Interlm Minister: Rev. Robert Hartley 983-9639ý SUNDAY SERVIC, SUNDAY SCHOOL1 and YOUTH GROUP 9:30 a.m. ORONO PASTORAL CHARGE Minister Rev. Dr. à& Mervyn Russeil Marlene 4',$ isebrough, Secretary 983-5702 Church Office 983-5502 SUNDAY, MAY 1ST Regular Services Times- Kirby United Church'9:30 a.m. Orono United Church 11:00 a.m. EXPLORERS Wednesday, Aprîl 27th Kirby Uinited Church 6:30 - 8:00 pa. (For both boys and girls.) BIBLE STUDY Wednesday, April 27th - 8 p.m. at Kirby United Church CONFIRMATION CLASSES Friday, Aprill 29th Orono United Church - 4 p.m. SACRAMENT 0F BAPTISM If you.interested in hiaving your children baptized, please contact Rev. Russell. Sunday, May 8, Family Day, is Baptism Day. A.A. meets every Thursday 7:30 p.m. 983-5009 27, 1994 Gifts for Mother's Day Sunday, M4ay 8th . ................... Stutt's Pharmacy Il

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