*r~n4~ W~cty Ttm.s~ Wdn.*duy, Aprif 1~, 1994 9 >.....m. Pinocchio at the carnival A review of the movie displayed on ice would flot be complete with a glimpse of Pinocchio. Pictured above (flot in order) by Helen MacDonald On Sunday, me and the boys took my mother to the McLaughlin Bay Wildlife Reserve located at the GM South headquarters. She insisted that she had some windows to dlean; I had some laundry to hang out. But, with spring finally making an appearance, a walk at the Lakefront would be much more fun. So, we went. The Reserve is a huge stretch of land, a peninsula which meets Lake Ontario at its point, and which has on its two sides marshland.* Beautiful, rich marshland which is home to hundreds of birds. The Canada Geese have begun their annual courtship ritual: stretching their long necks, hissing at one another, flapping their wings, honking loudly at intruders to then swim quietly alongside each other until the next time. Mom comments on their similarity to some couples she knows. A great blue heron stretches his long legs in the tall grass as he grabs a fish, then up, like a giant phoenix, he rises 'tiI he lands on one of the nesting boxes built by volunteers. On the lake, boons dive for fish, and we make a game of being the first to spot.where they ;urface. ~-yle and Garrett do what children like to do at the shore. They take off their socks and boots and roll up their pants (keeping their hats and coats on -- - it is only April, after ail) and splash in the water. They build dams and dykes to then watch the water fuli up their valleys and ponds. Garrett collects rocks, each Kera Collier, Rachel Martin, Mitchell Morawitz, Ashley Schofield, Erin Sykes and Marisha Vachon one a treasure which I wil find in pockets, on the kitchen table, hîdden under his pilow, and even in the washing machine over the coming months. The feathers we collect make their way home to a special container which contains dozens of feathers, each one mnvoking its own story, its own adventure, its own memory. There are some people fishing -- l'inflot impressed with the guy who looks like Fidel Castro -- army fatigues, cap, big boots, bushy beard and stinking cigar wafting towards us as we eat some fruit and trail mix downwind. Some people ride their bikes. A few older couples wallc along the trail holding hands. Everyone says 'hello'. Otherwise, there is the sound of the waves rolling in, birds singing and chirping and calling out across the Reserve, a train in the distance and some rumblîngs of tractor traîlers from nearby Highway 401. 1 shudder at a thought which creeps in -- about the'hunters who sometîmes thunder into this place and break the image. The McLaughlin Bay Wildlife Reserve is a labour of love of hundreds of volunteers -- al brought together with the leadership and vision of a man who hails as a member of the Orono-area family: Jim Richards. As the years unfold, we will see the trees and shrubs grow, and the birds flourish, and- thousands of people will have the pleasure of such a day as we had on Sunday, only because of Jim's dream, and the altruistic commitment of Jim's employer: General Motors. Putting Orono on the map The Trillium Morgan Horse Farm just west of Orono was recently honoured by the. American Morgan Horse Association for their work in the promotion of the Morgan horse breed, North America's first breed of horse. The Association, whose headquarters is in Sheiburne, Vermont, holds membership worked wide and this is believed to be the first time the award has been presented outside the United States. Both Bob and Cathy Sampson were delighted to receive this unique recognition by dheir peers. Their dedication to the Morgan breed for more than twenty years was rewarded at al three levels. The Triilium Morgan Horse Farm received the AMHA's bronze, silver and gold medalion plaque awards for their outstanding contributions in bringing awareness of the Morgan horse before the public. These distinctive awards wiil eventuaily be put up for display at the farm for visitors to view. LARGE VOLUME 0F FENCE POSTS Standing or Cut ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY HORSE LOGGING 983-5669 SEALED TENDERS, clearly marked as to contents, for the following requirements isted below, submitted te the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington, Office of the Clerk, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, LiC 3A6, are invited and Mill be received on the forms and in the envelope provîded until the specified closing lime and date. Tender documents may be obtained from the Purchasing Off ice at the above address. TENDER CL94-21 Restoration of Windows Bewmnanvlile Museum CLOSING TIME & DATE 2:00 p.m. (Local Time) Wednesday, April 27, 1994 The Iowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Mrs. Lou Ann Birkett, A.M.C.T.(A> Purchasing & Supply Agent Telephone: (905) 623-3379 Ext. 268 Date of Publication. Wed4nesAy Ap ril 13,1994 CALL (905) 983-5647 MOBILE (905) 432-4834 RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL - Environmentally Friendly - Ownied and operated by Dwayne and Alvin Souch. 4e '; 4 >PerenniaIs, Primnulas t & Ladyslippers Deluxe Motorcoach Trip Highights< t May 27-29, 1994 >Cost: $24900 double occ. May 27 - Port Hope to Owen Sound, stops at tthe Mason-Hogue Gardens, Museums & other Gardens May 28 - Oliphant Fen WaIk; Woodland Gardens (5000 SPrimulas); Georgian Bay Island Cruise and more VMay 29 - The Larkwhistle; Lion's Head Garden Tour; Barrie Hort. Arborteum Includes ail meals - 2 nights accommodation Vour Host: Lou Stadelmann Calil NORTHUMBERLAND TRAVEL, 1-800-465-4810 te% 4e Travel Talle with Elizabeth Belanger-L ink lette r C TC 1 teel that is necessary 10 everyone gets or just the come address the tepic neted due te a on. Yeu have ALL received number of questions that 1 have solicitations in the mail for some received over the past, couple of sort ef a trip, or cruise, or even a weeks. Unfortunately, even in chance to spend a week in a our community there are people hotel for f ree if. .. How about a whe have been hurt; and if 1 can week for twe in Flerida with a help in a littie way please call. four day cruise te Nassau for As you have read in the past only $100 registration tee; just few weeks there have been a caîl and leave your credit card number ef people who have number and your tickets will be been defrauded in one way or sent out for yur trip. another threugh telephone or We know of local folks, mail scamsl 1 searched for a unfortunately, who have lest as better word but none better little as $100 and as much as applies. In ne other business $3,000 in these SCAMS. does this happen more Caîl your travel agent first to frequently, because of our desire verify the integrity et the callers te want te experience something and off ers. exotic and exciting. REMEMBER: IF IT SOUNDS Travel SCAMS have become TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE...IT part and parcel of so many USUALLY IS! pitches. Travel is either the gift Remember when you think of TrayeZ, Think of BLESSINGS\k TRAVEL CENTRE Va nstone Miiill ~V 62I3-0005 ~24 RE. SERVICE wý Ný. MOYDO Reflecaomi