S - Orono WeekIy limes, W.dnesday~ April 5, 1994 Herrema would end regional governments Regional Chairman, Gary Herrema, last week made the the statement that Regional government was no longer serving the people and should bc scrapped. He would replace the regional ýsystem with a Greater Toronto Area form of government involving ail the regions and Meiro Toronto. Herrema said it would be aý PUC form of government being responsible for garbage disposaI, planning, conservation author- ities, care of main roads and provide water and sewer systems. His comments camne following the meeting of Durhamn Regional government. In forming such as a GTA style of govemment Herrema said ail regional areas would have to be included. He also said the new system would have to drive development back into the older area s0 they do not die from need of improvements. He cited the Oshawa downtown and the Harwood Ave mail in Ajax as areas that have suffereti from the fact that development money is placed to cheaper lands on the outside of the main core of centres. The chairman further stated that at the present time there is nothing about providing services to people, it's ail about power and politics. Herreina sad the new formn of government should at first place a freeze on development outside the urban areas to encourage developers to invest in downtown ameas. Herrema told reporters that he was shocked at a recent symposium in Toronto where he said politicians spent most of the, time talking about.division of power instead of finding better ways to deliver services. Geraidtoni out of rumning for local nuclear waste A news item in the daily newspapers have it that dhe Town of Geraldton lias backed out in its bid to be a host community for low level nuclear waste frmm Port Granby, Welcome and Port Hope. The story states thatDeep River is the only centre in the running to accept the waste. It i s reported thatDavid Thompson, chairman of the Deep River's Community Liaison Group, has stated "We're it" now that Geraldton, the other contender, lias dropped oui., "That means we are in the driver's seat as far as negotiating with the federai governmnent," lie said. The Federal Task, Force has been looking for a place for the low level nuclear waste for the pasi four years. Local Communiîy Liaison Groups in Claringion, Hope Township and Port Hope have been active in carrying oui a fourth and fifîli stage of the study locally. It is stated that Geraldton drop ped its bid as a host community after its Community Liaison Group concluded there wasn't time to properly study the area before1 a November referendum on the issue. In the meantime a drilling operation is underway in Deep River to determine if the rock formation in the area is suitable for siorage of the waste from the three southein communties. .There are some concerns being expressed in Deep River where a referendum is to be held in March of 1995. Deep River is about 150 kilometers norili of Ottawa. Skain Canialstaged, Saturday - 1:30 and 7:00 It's that dîne of year agaýn! Skaters are working hard on their routines in preparation for thie Orono Figure Skating Clubs annual Gala. The show is centred on the theme "The OFSC Goes to Uic Movies',1 and the skaters wil be performing to some of our favourite movie music, past and present, and promises te be a very enteriaining event. Two shows will be held On Saturday, April 9, 1994 -- don't forget to get your tickets!! Dress rehearsal is scheduled for Thursday, April 7, 1994, and group and individual photos will be taken on this night. Video tapes of the show are available with advance booking through thc photographer on April 7, 1994, as well. At the end of our skating season many of out Canskate students finished off thc year in style by earning the, following badges. Congratulations 10 ail our skaiers for their liard work and dedicationf!! Pre-Beginne - Robert Blaker, Nicholas Richards Brginner - Kyle Carruthers, Kelly Ann Moore Elrmentary - Katie Romanchuk, Krista Swyner, Carley Cartier, Kathleen Moore, Richelle Vachon, Megan Taylor B.asic - Hillary Barnes, Amanda Graham, Jenna MacDonnell, Cheryl McLeod NvcI- Sarahi Donnelly, Crysial Halik, Sarahi Taylor, Sarah Slyfield, Alisha Marchant Noviçe II - Rachel Martin Novie Y - Matthew Brock, Asliley Schofield, Kimberly Rowan, Kera Collier PrficiencL- Niesha Snyder, Jennifer Cox, Briutany Robinson, Kera Collier,, Ashley Simiana, *Building t Tina Cumby, 4itMki 8I4Iift, Kimberly Rowan Frreeskate 1 - Danielle Beaurage If you have any comments or information you would like included in the next OFSC update please cati Lea Ann Rowan at 623-2246. Dancrouâ niovC1 state workers Some workers at General Motors iwo Oshawa car plants are calling a move to speed tmp production as being a dangerous move. The company is calling for the end of Uic traditional tag relief system to be replaced by a mass relief srstem where the production line is closed down for 20 minutes for each haif shift. The tag relief system required extra workers to replace those wishing to leave the lime. The company and union leader favour the mass relief period which is expected to improve quality and speed up production considerably. COMMUNITY LIAISON GROUP ~ SITING TASK FORCE Low-level Radioactive Waste Management GROUP DE LIAISON COMMUNAUTAIRE GROUP DE TRAVAIL Choix dun site de gestion des déchets faiblement radioactifs The 'Clarington Community'Liaison Group (CLG) business meetings are held the first and third Monday of the month: .Time: Location: 7:00 p.m. Clarington Community Liaison Group Resource Centre 37 King St. W., Village of Newcastle The Technical Worq iedial Action Plan Is scheduled to meet on Thursday, April 7th, place and time as above. The Joint Technical Working Group on Clean-up Criteria Clarlngton, Hope Townshlp, Port Hope Is scheduled to meet on Wednesday, April 6th at: Location: Port Hope Community Liaison Group Office Walton and John Streets, Port Hope Time: 7:00 p.m. Toplc: To discuss working documents on Clean-up Criteria for the Welcome, Port Granby and Port Hope waste, Sites. For furtiier Information, please contact Dana Kerr at 987-7786 Serving the area for over 30 Years Quality and Service has been the secret to our succe, 9 I -El * r Fencing Lumber - Lumber* Retaining Wall Trea Timbers DecI r ---------------- 'FREE. 1 16' N IMeasuring v i Tape with this coupon when you order minimum $300,00 worth of Building Supplies. alSpends May 3th. ORDER VOUR WINTER FIREWOOD NOW Hardwood 4 x 8x12"- $60.00 4 x 8x 16»-e5.00 Sottwood 4 x 8 - $40.00 M mted or Cedar king Lumber potertborough -~ ~ NIcaStIO on. mile Sowma a(I1 Poeaypod S 35 Hwy. PONTYPOOL We are Iocated 705-277-3381 30 minutes Fax 705-277-3943 f rom Oshawa. @) 1 CANCELLED n