Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 6 Apr 1994, p. 2

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From Around Home Easser Sunday Service- IL secs mstt we have been squeezed out of space for Amund Home this week so we arenudging over the editorial column for a few notes of happen-ings over the past wek 0f course you Iikcly are aware that Otrnos First United Church Easter Sunday Sunise Service was on tap at the Orono Cemetery. Due to the snow squail prior to"Jump ahead" seven a. m. the white bunies had even taken cover and those attending the service took their cover m the Lang Mémorial Chapel. It was a good nwnber in atiendance for the haif hour service followed by coffee and donuts. The Rev. Dr. Marvyn Russell did point to the problemns and the, adversities- of our present time. But hie reminded those present that at Laster Uic celebration of death and resurrection of Jesus is uniqucly Christian. That there is always a ncw reason for hope througb renewal and rebirth. It was an intcresting outing and I would think dha most wiil be present next year to Lake part especiaily if thc sunrise is evident through thc shutters. Have made a mark at the Ice palace T'he Orono Family Auto Mtoins have been a strong entry in hockey this scason and have rcached thc ultimate, thc Ontario Championship. WU ithtrc gaines under their bekt in this final series it bas been no cake walk but to lic honest cither teain could have Uic edge. Unfortunately thc cdge bas been taken by Thedford Thuaders with two win and a tic. The two recent gaines in Orono have been real thrillers, a tic and then Monday afternoon, with less thmn trce minutes left in thc overtime period Tbcdford netted a goal for a 4-3 win. Best of ail its bas been good dlean hockey wiUi young hockey players giving it al i ey can . No slashing, no boarding, cross checking just good clean play. It is unfortunate that hockey cannot lie played in this manner in thc older groups but it just isn't and as fair as I arn concerned Uic bashing, fighting, slashing, holding takes away front Uic gamne of hockey. Yes, we cnjoyed being a spectator on Monday and it was anyon's gaine.,It may lie a long haul in fliedford but then one neyer knows a fcw breaks could go a long way for two straight wins to even thc series. The Common Snipe I could hardly let Uic wcek go by without a word about birds. Its tliat turne of ycar for the return of waterfowl and a number of vicwings bave been held. There are more to corne over Uic next two wceks at Uic GM viewing station, and in south Whitby. Now about Uic Common Snipe. Our cars caught an unusual sound and I was not, at Uiceturne, sure wbether it was a bird or not. Looking skyward we did pick-up Uic tic ffight of a long-blled bird with a rcddish-orange fanncd tail.. IL was thc cause of Uic sound and it was a Common Snipe going Urough its mating antics. ln this mode Uic bird gains considerable altitude, swoops down , sprcads its tail and make what Uiey call a winnowing cali. Wc watchcd for 20 minutes and thc bird neyer stoppcd for a rest. Wbat an effort on Uic part of this male bird and ail for the sake of Uic opposite sex. Orono Co-op (Coninued ftom page 1) discount aiso apphies te icea, seed and store goods. The meeting gave approval te continue te pay 8 percent on member bans. Thrce ncw members were clected by acclamation te Uic list of directors. Those electcd wcre: Bill DeVries, Orono, Peter Grcydamus, Grafton and Bob Aflin, Newcastle. Kendal Column Once again we had a fcw days of spring-like wcather and then te get up Sunday morning, aftcr Uic thundcrstorm Saturday niglit and lesing an hours slecp, it almoat lookcd lice we bad gene back a month instcad of going ahead as hour, with al Uic snow covcring everything. It was ccrtainly good te sec se miany eut at churcit although once the cbildren go eut te Sunday Scitool Uic congregation shrinks considerably. 1Rcv. Black welcomcd evcryonc, the hyrnns wec "Crown Him With Many Crowns", "Jesus Christ Is Risen Today", "Corne Share Witb Us" and "Thine Is The Glory". Ian Savage led in the prayers and sang, a beautiful solo, "Jesus Shall Rcign . Rcv. Black caled Uic children forward, lie askcd them what today was, Uicy all kncw that it was Easter Sunday asd knew that it was special because Jesus was raised from the dcad. He told Uiern that we bave many symbols at Eastcr, flowers in our homes. Hec asked Uiern if any had had a bard boiled cgg for breakfast? Or did thcy get a checolate egg? The hard boilcd cgg is a symbol of ic stone rolied in front of ic temb, it wasnt perfcctly round. He then gave cadi child a Smartie, he told Uiem te look at it, Uiey arc almost the same sbape, but Uiey corne in many colours, if you bite Uiemn in half you wiil find that Uicy arc al Uic saine inside, Uiey arc just like people. The cbildren' hymn was "He Is Lordf". The scripture was taken from John 20: 1-31w The sermon was titled, "In Spite of Doubt". Somcthing had gone terribly wrong, Jesus, whom the disciples had trusted and foilowcd, bad been arrested, tricd and'put to death. Tbey were afraid, they went away te ponder what had happencd, but gradually Uicy came back tegeUier ail but, Thomnas. The women had been te Uic tomb and returned te tell thern that Uic body of Jesus was gone, but Mary teld Uicm that Jesus had been raised frem Uic dcad, she bad seen Hlm asd He bad told ber to go te His disciples and tell thcm what she had seen and heard. Thcy wcrc skeptical, we would have been teo. So wbat do wc make of titis laim; Jesus bas been raiscd fromi death? So what if it is truc? How does that affect your life and mine? The résurrection of'Christ on Eastcr rnorning is Uic central fact of Christian faith. The apestle Paul puts it bluntly, "If Christ bas not licen raiscd, we bave nothing te prcach: and yeu bave nothing te be-ieve. If Christ lias net been raiscd, your faith is a delusion." The Christian comrnunity bas always affirmed that there is mcaning and purposc to ail life, because life is a gift. God creatcd the world and ail people in it, therefore there is a purpose to humas life and that life cas best bc discovcrcd and cxperienccd by bccoming pcrsenally involvcd with Uic One who citated it. The story of Uic ventriloquist who crcatcd and handinade a dol was toid Uic vcntriiequist namcd it Nigel, it was made perfect in evcry respect. One day it fdl eut of bis suitcase and becamne lost, it was found by a ehild wbo trcatcd it very rough. Masy ycars later in a uscd toy store Uic ventriloquist found Nigel in a back corner with a lot of other broken teys, ho paid the storekeeper for Nigel. The vcntriloquist bad recegnizcd hum immediately. Nigel askcd him hew ho had recognizcd him, broken and dirty? The vcntriloquist rcplied, 1I knew you instantly. Remnember, I made you. No one knows you like the one who made you. I made you eut of love. I loved you when wc wcre together, I lovcd you whcn wc were apart: and new I will continue te love you, and will restore you that we.may bc tegether again. The creator knows bis own handiwork and recognizes it instantly: even as a cow knows bier caif in a field of dozens. Without creation, résurrection --of Jesus or asyonc cIsc --- is absolutely mcaninglcss. How can semething or someone, who has no value suddcnly becorne valuable? If wc do flot begin with Worth we cannot acquu'e it. So Uic basic rclationship bas to bic established at thc vcry beginnmng of humas life. No matter whe WC person is created by God, is a child of God, is sustaincd by God, is lovcd by God. What docs alI Uis bave te do with Eastcr? God raiscd Jesus from the dead dcliberately and willfully. Jesus did not spontancously risc up, by himsclf, to new life. He was raiscd by Uic power of Godls love. God creatcd us te bave dignity and value and God also ecated other people also te have dignity and value. Only in Uic Christian community and other God-centred faitbs affirm Uic essential human dignity of ail people. This is very important in our time and place. Cbildren do net receive information, public schoois arc not allowed to tcach Christian faith, it is flot the job of the school, this is Uic rcsponsibility of the worshipping cernmunity. People of all ages must experience Uis in church. Easter is a time te ponder Uic mystery that God se loved Uic worid that He gave His enly begotten Son that whoever believes in Him sbould flot perish but have cverlasting life. Christ was raiscd from the dead as Uic symbol that our lives are not accidental and that wc toe, have meaning and purpose. In the ridst of their sorrow and doubt, the risen Christ appcared to Mary and the Disciples and convinccd them that He was flot a ghost butreal. He gave Uiemn a renewed sense of Uiir own self worth and dignity. The sympathy of the cornrunity gees eut to Joan Murphy and ber farnily in the suddcn passing of John, last Monday. John and Joan Murphy were weli known in thc Kendal area. Corrections re: notice i paper ... Our paper carried a notice last wcck Uic Mr. Herman Joncs was a defective in the police force. This, was a typographical error. Mr. Joncs is, of course, a detective in Uic police force. by Phyllis Lowery St. Saviour's Anglican Church MILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO Interlm Minister: Rev., Robert Hartley 983-9639 SUNDAY SERVIC, SUNDAY SCHOOL and YOUTH1 GROUP 9:30 a.m. ORONO PASTORAL CHARGE Rev. Dr. Mervyn RUMBei Secretary 983-5702 Churdi Office 983-550 SUNDAY, APRIL 1OTH Regular Services Times Kirby United Church 9:30 a.m. Orono United Church 11:00 am. EXPLORERS, Wednesday, April 6th Kirby United Church 6:30 - 8:00 Pmn.' (For both boys and girls.) BIBLE STUDY Wednesday, April 6th - 8 p.m. at Kirby United Church CONFIRMATION CLASSES Friday, April 1Sth Orono United Church - 4 pin. SACRAMENT 0F BAPTISM If you interested i havin5 your children baptized, please contact Rev. Russell. Sunday, May 8, Family Day, iBaptism Day. A.A. meets every Thursday 7:30 pan. Eddy Meester hugs "»Petals" he won for Easter. ORONO, ONTARIO 983-5009

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