Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 30 Mar 1994, p. 2

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-OronWeetTmséWd.dy'lFuc é,lê Everyone agrees --"But" The Municipality of Clarington's past General Purpose meeting and Monday night's council meeting- heard everyone state the need for more Abuse Centres for Women and Children both in Clarington and in the Region of Durhami. Sandra McCormack of the Denise House ini Oshawa in outlining the features of the operation and the extent of its service compared to the need in the community was full proof that there is an urgent need for more facilities for abused women and children. Mrs. McCormack stated that Denise House in Oshawa had 27 beds, served 207 womnen and 251 children in 1993. Further there were some 1200 crisis cails and a waiting list of 130 who were neyer served because of lack of accommodation for the numbers that are in need of the shelter from abuse, It was stated that il percent of those receiving shelter at the Denise House was from the Municipality of Clarington where no services exist. There is no doubt that the need is here to which al agree. The issue before council is one of planning ini reference to the location of an abuse centre iii Bowmanvile. Mayor Harure has made note that the area ini which the municipality has authority is only that of planning. Side issues have been creeping in which is unfortunate and may well hold off any serious attempt in following through with an application for a rezoning to allow the development of an abuse centre in the community. 0f course, as far as the municipality is concemned the application must meet the conditions of the their planning requirements. The application for Clarington may not be the size of Denise House but it is a start and there is a need for a start so that those ini need do have the comfort and safety of an abuse centre. It is the first turne? 1It is the first time in our memnoery that an Easter Sunrise Church Service has-been held in Orono and for some reason or another we find it interesting that it is held on top of the hill north of Chapel in the Orono Cemnetery. And what about breakfast at the Kirby Church after the service. Kendal Column by Phyllis Lowery Well we bave just, oxporienced our first week of spring, the weather bas cortainiy been a welcorne change, even the snow and feg of Suuday sceered rnore bearable. The roads are certainly getting rnessy with ail the water running off the fields but thon that is te ho expected at ibis Urne. Lots of skiiers at the Ski Hill on Saturday but it was tee foggy and wot on Sunday. A geodatteudance at Cburcb Sunday rnorning. This was Palm Sunday the last Sunday before Easter, the byrnns sung were: "In The Gardon", "Beold The Saviour of Mankind", "Fathor Long Before Creation" and "How Firrn a Feundatien". Rev. Black welcoed ail and led in the opening prayers. Ian Savage sang a soie, "Beneath The Cross of Jesus". Ian called the chiidren te the front, ho sbowed thern sornetbing in bis baud and asked tbern wbat it was? Tbey answored, a watch. Ho asked tbern if they .bad had ever seen one like it beforo? Could they hear it on bis wrist? They answered no, that it was a pocket watcb. It tels the tirno like ail the other watches, ho asked tbern did the trne showing tell that it was Urne for breakfast? Was it Lrne for a nap? Time to go to scbool? They said, no, it was Urne for cburcb, for Sunday school. Ian told thern that God bas given us a Urne for everything we do i our lives. The children's hymn was, "Wide, Wide as the Ocean" the chiidren led in thesinging with sbowing us witb their arms the width and deptb. The scripture reading was frorn Mark 14: 32-42. The sermon was titled, "alone In The Gardon". There is no other chaptor in the bible that depicts Jesus agony. Josus was a reai burnan being, ho knew happiness, joy. Ho knew sorrow and ho know angor. Ho showed bis angor, when ho threw the rnoney lenders and merchants, out of the Ternple. Ho knew tiredness, Ho fell asleep in the boat and ho knew fear and agony, verse 33 shows ibis. Jesus bad reachod tho ond of His rope, His onernies are closing in, Ho is alone in the gardon. Jesus know what Ho faced, Ho knew that the powers of the Hobrews couid no longer ailow, H-im te live. Ho bad sbown His defianco when Ho rode the donkey into Jerusalern. Ho rode as a king, defying the prophots. Ho drovo the rnercbants and rnonoy lenders frorn tbe Tornplo. Tbat was yestorday. This is today, Ho bas bad suppor witb His twelvo disciples, Judas bas loft. Jesus asked tbe rernaining eleven te go with Him te the gardon for a walk, Ho asked tbern to keep watcb while Ho went te a quiet spot to pray, Ho took three of bis closost frionds with Him and asked tbern t e rmain a short distance away so Ho could be alone. In His grief and tormont Ho confronted God face to face, He prayed te God and asked God te save Him frorn what was to corne, if that was God's will? Jesus was alone in the gardon yet Ho was assure d by the presonce of His frionds. Jesus said, Abba-Father- your will be done. Jesus was subrnittUng His will'te the will of God. We don't know how long Ho prayod, finally God's spirit, the poer of His love, reached tbrough Jesus fear, anguisb and beartache, giving Josus poace of mind. Alone in the gardon, the presence of God's love gave Jesus new strength and courage and resolution. Renewed, Ho went eut and toid His sleeping cernpaniens te get up, the heur bas cerne, lot us do wbat we mnust de. The next chaptor tels of Josus' arrest, His trail. As you read this chapter, you get the sense that Jesus is the ene in contrel. Jesus is the one who is serene in the rnidst of the turmoil. Ho, not tie priesis and soldiers sceers te ho directing affairs. 1For Jesus, the struggle in the gardon was ovor, now there was peace, the peace of foilowing the wiil of God. Jesus wont te Getbsornane in Institute for Region (Centinued from page 1) obtain a University for the Durhamn. Shophord in bis announcernent bas said ibat Oshawa and Durham weuld belp with die spending of municipal menios, Gary Herrema bais said that nothing is officiai at this point and that a nurnber of the issues are open te discussions. IAMT conducts research inte creating innovative, more efficient manufacturing systorns. It aise works on the use of new materials and advanced methods of design, including cemputer-based technologies, software and diagnostic systoms.- Shepherd bas adit bat Ottawa wants te cerne up with a short list ef sites in April and thon start to visit the particular areas. The facility could ho built and oporating in 1995. Gary Herrerna said the Rogion would continue to work for, the project. He bas said it would ho fantastic and would build a new culture and image for Durhamn. ORONO PASTORAL CHARGE Minstar 1ev. Dr. Mervyn RUssBi Marlene Risbrotsgh, seoea" 983-5702 Church Office 983-5502 EASTER SERVICES Maundy Thursday, March 31 6 pan. - Orono United Church Communion Supper, APRIL lst - GOOD FRZIDAY 10:00 amr. Orono United Church joint service with St. Saviour's Anglican. SUNDAY, APRIL 3RD EASTER SUNDAY SERVICES Day begins with a Easter Sunrise Service 7:00 a.m. Orono Cemetery Top of bul above tie Chapel (I case of rain service will be held ini dhe Chapel) Followed by Regular Services Times Kirby United Church 9:30 a.m. Orono United Church 11:00 am. EXPLORERS Wednesday, March 3th Kirby United Church 6:30 - 8:00 pan. (For both boys and girls.) CONFIRMATION CLASSES Frlday, April Ist Orono United Church - 4 pan. BIBLE STUDY Wiil resume again on Wednesday, April 6th - 8 p. at Kirby United Church A.A. meets every Thursday 7:30 Pan. "PETALS" to be won by some child 11f or Easter ëCONFECTIONERY ê GUIND ë CARL-TON CARDS ORONO, ONTARIO 983-5009 St. Saviour's Anglican Church MILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO Interlrn Mlnlster: Rev. Robert Hartley 983-9639 SUNDAY SERVIC, SUNDAY SCHOO0L and YOUTH GROUP 9:30 am ................. iF-

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