9 .1 -~ Orono Weekly limes, Wednesday, Fabsiury 23,1994 - 15 %Clarington transit service not a consideration today The Clarington committece on Monday agreed with a staff report that consideration to provide a transit service in the municipality was premature ai ibis tire. It was noted in the report that -ickering subsidizes their transit 1sysiem by $1,075,000, Ajax $550,000, Whitby $840,000 and Oshawa $2,100,000. The report as staîed that the Ministry of Transportation would subsidize a feasibility study ini an amount of 50 percent. The ministry would also provide a 75% subsidy for capital expenditures and a 25% subsidy for operation. Counc. Hooper said the M inistry would assist in the start- up but then pull the plug. Counc. Dreslinski pointed oui that 'a service was initiated between Orono, Newcastle and Bowmanville but il became too cosily and revenue was flot there to sustain the operation. She also said she saw few riders on the GO bus oui of Bowmanville. Counc. O'Toole said the issue bas been discussed with the Bowmanville Business Association and ihey arecflot interested in busing taking residents oui of the area to shop. An internal system would be more suitable. A letter was received dated January 4, 1994 in which Evergreen Bus Lines Ltd. of Oshawa offered a bus route in Carlington serving Countice, Bowmanville, Newcastle and. Orono ai no cosi to the municipahity. Sehool trustees thwart increase in annual pay The -Trustees of the Northumberland and Claringion Board of Education have for the fourth year set aside any increase in their pay for the year 1994. The pay freeze was supported by an unanimous vote of the trustees. The group were inforrned that their pay rate is 3.1 percent below the average of many of the boards in the province. USER FEES Trustees approved a series of motions aimed ai eliininating any user fees ai the secondary sehool level. The recommendations will also mean that students are given an identification card which will be subsidized by the Board and which will ensure both safety and equity of access to sehool resources. FIELD TRIPS A major new policy on field trips was referred back to the Education Committee for furiher study. The JOHN AMESBURY History Award Trustees approved a new award for students ai Clarke High Sehool to be called The John Amesbury History prize. The award will be presenied-to the student with the highest standing in OAC history and is designed to encourage the sîudy of bisiory ai the high school. The annual award of $100 was estabtished by John Amesbury. Trustee Bob Willsher said that Amesbury, who is now retired and wbo generously donated the money for the award "bas 'given of hîmself not just in the classroom but in the community.., Durham, Liberals rev-up for annual riding election The annual meeting of the Durham Liberal Association is being held this coming Monday, Fcbruary 28th. The meeting commences ai 7:30 p.m. and is being beld ai the Eastdale Collegiate in Oshawa. The meeting wil eleet officers for the executive and as well el eightecn' delegates to attend the Ontario Liberal Association annual meeting being held in London April 8 tbrough 10. A cut-off meeting was held on Monday of this week to determine those eligible to vote ai inual meeting on February It is likely that the annual meeting wiIl bc wcll atiendcd with two factions sccking conirol of the party. Earlier this year letters were circulaîcd to mnembers and former, meinbcrs ol the Durham Liberal Association by a group known as "Support the Alex, Shcphcrd Tcaim". ~llie group were ana are asking for support for a siate of officers felt to be more inclined to support the truc pilosophy of liberalism than those now clected 10 office. The Support Alex Shepherd Tcam s taie that the present executive is, a "Single Issue Executive" entirely "Pro-Life". A circulation from the preseit elected executive announcing the annual meeting is accompanied with a letter stating that they epouse a pro-ife philosopby and commiiment but in no way are îhey a one-issue group. The philosophy is a concemn for the well being of ail people and tbai they hold an interesi in al'issues thai affect thc country, liealih, economy, employment, defence , taxation. The presented executive is hecaded by Dr. John K. Wilson. 'Me "Support Alex Shepherd -Tcam'_ presents, a lisi of officers licaded up by Ken Dykeman, Kendal as president, John Philips, Carol' s Buit Il isn't a bad idea, but it bas some flaws! This is my view on the Ontario Government's decision to add certain medical procedures to die lisi of procedures tcrmed "Cosmetie". As we are well aware, cosmetie surgery is not covered under 0111W. In ibis lime of across the board, around the province cutbacks, 1 find nothing wrong with the govcrnmeni deciding thai simple cosmetie surgeries should no longer bc covcred. Especially taking into accouni that the lîne for treaiments and hospital beds is ever increasing, and cutbacks demand that more life threatening surgeries and treaiments bu put on hold. Just look at the lcngih of urne some women must waii for breasi cancer treatment and the lines'of people waiting for heani surgery. However, as 1 said 1 do secea flaw. With ibis revised list women seeking in vitro fertilization will not have ibis treaiment covered by OHLP. BUT.... men seeking lu have penile implants are affordcd the luxury of having ibis treaimeni covered. Fair? NOT! Men go easy, ibis is flot about to bu a feminist rampage. I just failto1 sec how ibis can bc considcred aijust move. How can in vitro fertilization bu considered "cosmetic"? .Thousandsof womcn yeCarn to have a family of their own. Someone that they can nurture and waich grow. Let's facc it, the decision io have a child is a big one. To go through the agonizing process of fertilization, and experience wbat may bu repeatcd failures, shows us thai these people genuînely want a chîld, and ibis is the sign of a good parent. For womcn who despcrately want childrcn, yet'arc unable, there is a void thai is lefi cmpty. For îhem ibis is a harrowing experience. Many womcn admit that they feel like less of a person for ibis situation thai is oui of their control. Men, faccd with impotence, due to a number of ilînesses, medications, ec, can use the same argument ihat these women use. And ta look ai thc other side of thc coin, wc can sec ihat point of view ioo. 1 don't îhink thai the govcrnmeni had in mmnd any form of gender bias wben îhcy made ibis decision. Truib is, 1 don't know what tbcy had in mind. In ail fairness, if one of these procedures are going to bu termcd cosmetie, 50 sbould thc other. vice-president;, Ted Rytwinski, treasurer; Jane Reader, general secretary; and June Thompson, membership secretary. It may be safe to say, thai the meeting in Eastdalc w ill be wcll attcnded corne ibis Monday. Numbers will be mosi important for those on both sides of the issue. DURHAM VETERINARY CLINUC 110 KING ST. E., BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Li C 1 N5 CONVSULTATION B Y APPOJNTMENT ONLY JANICE ALUIN, DVM TEL. (905) 623-4012 EVERETT M. TURNER, DVM FAX (905) 623-4013 THE CATERING CONNECTION SOCIAL CATERERS Our Speciality FamliIy Styte Roast Beef Dinner Weddings Anniversanies- Business Functions H-ockey Basebali Bowling Banquets HOT- COLD - BUFFETS FRED, PATRICIA, RUDNEY STORSBERGEN Box 416, Orono, Ont. LOB 1MO 983-9679 MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL LTD. Estabilshed in 1881 623-5480 4 Division St. ï- Bowmanville PRE-ARRANGED AND PREPAID FUNERAL SERVICES AVAI1LABLE GOING ON A TRIP??? GETTING MARRIED??? Planning a Special Evening on the Town for Dinnei, the Theatre or the Big Game??? I HOURGLASS Limousine Service wili get you there and back in safety, com fort and style. CALL TO RESERVE EALY 'Nie 1?\inbow Weddig Invitatiorn Ensembles help make your wedding dreams corne mme View the latesi seleciion of Wedding Invitation Ensembles for quality and price at the Orono Weekly Times Main Street, Orono Phone 983-5301 am