I'.Iws-worthyvNewtonvile) endal Colum by Carol-Ann Oster First off the top . . . the Newtonville Card party winners are: Marie Couroux 84, Betty Walsh 81, Reg McCool 80, Doris Joli 78, Muriel Burtch 77, Ewart Robinson 76. Draw winners are: Reg Elliott,, Ron Burley, Ewart Robinson, Ron Gibson and Eleanor Clayton. Newtonville Public School will be sending two students to the Bowmanviile Legion's Public Speaking contest this coming weekend. Tbey are Pamela Hurvid and Lindsay Carter. Pamela won the school's public speaking contest with a speech about ber little sister. Lindsay piaced second, speaking about ber parents. by Pbyllis Lowery There is, a hint of spring in the air, snow thawing, baring fields, but I arn not one to uike tbings for granted, this is just a respite, we are sure to have at least one more good, no that is net the right word, bad, storm before we can count on warmer weather. In the last eleven years, -the worst storms that I can remember were in late February and ApriL. There seem te bc more birds around other than the house fmnches that have been feeding al winter, it is nice to open the door and hear the chirping of the birds, even the crows seem to be coming dloser to the bouse and calling out. Lots of ski birds out at the Kirby ski hill. Where did tbey get the naine Mount.Kirhy? I know it is a fairly high hill but no where near a mountain. The Pancake Breakfast was well attended and a good sum of money raisecd for the Sunday School. There also was a good number out for the Church service. Ian Savage led us in worsbip, the hymns were-, "Corne Thou Almighty King", In Suffering Love", Ian sang, "My Faith Has Found a Resting Place". The children's hymn was "The Wise May Bring Their Learning". The final hymns were "O For a Thousand Tongues" and "Guide Me O Thou Great Jebovah". Ian asked the cbildren what season this was? They answered Public speaking contest participants (back 1-r) Ian LeBlanc, Katie Nowlan, Adam As I mentioned last week, Newtonville Public School bas formed a Fundraising group, that is currently working toward a goal of $ 15,000' for new piayground equiprnent. This week I had a chance to talk to principal Mrs. Gallagher and Donna Adams, Secretary of the Fundraising gro up, Read on..., The school and the Fundraising committee are trying a more direct approach to fundriising. Simply said, they are askIn g for donations. In the past, the school bas taken part in a number of fundraising activities. With tbe small population of the school, profits from these ventures is usually minimal, and the effort always-exceeds the financiai resuits. As weli, of ail monies raised from fundraising ventures through selling, only about one- third of the money goes to the school. Witb a direct, cash donation, the full amount goes to the scbooi. IlMnna Adams reports that to ý_,420.00 bas been raised for the equipment. It is a far way from the goal, but as she adds, "it's $420.00 more than when we statrted." You can belp by making your donation, but also you can help by hanging on to cash register receipts fr-om the Newcastie and Orono IGAs. For each $300.00 worth of tapes the store collects, they wiIli donate $1 to tbe fund. Stripp, (front 1-r) Andrea Mark, Pamela Hurvid, lst place, and Lindsay Carter, runner-up. Unfortuniately there are no boxes at the stores at this time, wbere tapes can be deposited. But, if you collect your tapes, they can be sent to the school where they will be greatly appreciated. The scbool is currently making do with a lack of proper equipment. The old equipment was deemed unsafe, and was removed. The Northumberland- Clarington Board is unable to provide the playground structures and equipment as needed. The Municipality of Clarington bas offered a verbal commitment of assistance in installation. The installation will be provided by parent volunteers who will be monitored by a paid supervisor from the equipment's company. If you care to make a donation on behaîf of your business, company, organization or farnily, contact one of the foilowing: Steve Lawrence, Chair of Committee 786-2299 (woric 623- 6000); Donna Adams, Secretary 987-5762; Connie Mark 786- 2341; Sarah Sutton 786-2235; Cathy Peterson 987-1304; MaryAnn & Amnie Muizeiaar 987-5391; Jean Harness 786- 3180; Cindy Searle 786-2479; Leslie Boyd 786-2711; Sharon Blake 786-2018; Merna Zabn (teacher) 'or Mrs. Gallagher (principal) at 786-2550.* Remember that this piayground serves more than thc scbool it serves Uic community - your community. A&re ewalls c/os/ig i f,«<oDe orki, T//S i a great- t/'e of fear t-o redecor, Wka's on'e)(Càse? Door Crasher Special SICO's BEST Latex, Velvet & Semigloss Interior Paint* 161-301 62-30i 161110182-1l Roxul Flexibatt Insulation R13 x15" $15.11 23' $1 5.45 R21.5 x1 5ý $16.75 23« $16.05 R32 x 15« $16.05 23' $17.05 Bring along your Splans for your FREE ESTIMATE Pine Roofing Boards Random Iengths 1 x12 880 Ain. ft. lxlo 72e Amn.ft. Lumber& Decoratig Centre RQNo '9f~-ome of CottowoodC(thling& Fab6rz - 916 OROR ~ ~85 Station Street, Orono 98917 Lent. Ian told them that Lent is al about Jesus preparing himself to die for us. Ian told them tbat a lot of people give up things they like, for Lent, that tbey could do the sanie, dings like, eating cookies, movies, slding, things they really like doing. This is a reminder of what Jesus did for us, the great sacrifice He made for us. The Scripture reading was from Mark 4:3-20. The Sermon was titled, "Hearing or Listening". The parable of sowing'seed on good soil, do we really hear what is being said? Or are we just giving the appearance of listening? When die minister has given bis sermon could you tell anyone after the Service was al over what he spoke about? From the Minister's point, it may look lilce you are listening but are you really hearing or is your mind o n that car that bas been acting up,' the work you may have to do later, or the fact you bave no work? You appear to be listening, but are you hearing. Jesus went out and'sowed the seeds of words. The best place to hear the words of God is in Cburcb. You won't hear them at work, or at school, you might hear them on T.V., Some hear the words and then satan carnies tbem away. Corne and listen, hem the words, let the seeds be sown, let tbem put down strong roots, let them be sown on fertile ground. We also sow seeds of emotion, we should flot let these seeds keep us from hearing the words of God, do flot stay away just because someone you may have had a few words of disagreement with, may be there, or some other emotion is interfering, don't let these keep you away. Don't let thoughts of worldly cares, keep you from hearing. Martha complained -to Jesus, that Mary was flot, doing her shar, Jesus told Martha, you are troubled by many cares. Many of us look for tbings to worry about out, to complain about, for excuses. We appear to be listening but are we hearing? Don't forget to let Lorraine or David know what your Time and Talent will be for the Auction Sale. This event is taking place on Saturday, March 5th, 7 p.m. at Newtonville United Cburch. Hot dogs and drinks will also bc available. Corne on out and bave an evening of fun. No tice in paper ... Lost, north shore, two cars answering to the names of Nikki and Delvene. The War Amps