i-ieattier t.ieboers, Adam and Mirscfl were competîtors in an tie past week-end. Kaitlin Colville and Andrea skate event beld in Mfinden over The above skaters competed in Oshawa. She also placed lst in competitions in both Oshawa and flight and 6th in finals in Uxbridge on two week-ends 'in Uxbridge; Adami Colvile, 2nd in January. artistic in flight, 3rd in finals, (Back row) Anthea Peacock, Uxbridge; lst in figures, 3rd in 2nd in flight, Uxbridge; Heather fliglit, 7th in finals, Oshawa; Geboers, 3rd in figures and 3rd in (front row) Kaitin Colvile2nd in flight and 3rd in finals in ii Bramah's Ontarlo When you walk into the studio nature, and to that extent our of Keith and Teresa Tovey,1 work may be unique-. You're surrounded by marsh Keith's wife, Teresa, was marigolds, jack-in-the-pulpits, sitting at a workbench using trilluins and baskets of autuma acrylies and dyes to color a leaves. Saskatchewan lily, the-co uple's Th'eir vibrant be-autý takes you project at the time. by surprise. At first glance, they Teresa put down ber brush and look like the real thing, or looked up. Shechad apeachesand possibly made of porcelain. But creani complexion and a braid of they're sculpted in leather of al] brown bah that feI down to her things! waist. "We hiope to do ali of the e seen leather work before , provincial flowers, but it takes k0f cýourse, but mostly belts and time," she said, nodding to the purses, or at times leather masks. half-finished lily. "Sometimes it But ibis was somnething different. takes monthis to complete a I'd made an appointment to see flower." the Tovey's. And Keitb, a Keîth joinied ber aitbe bench, bearded, bespectacled, scholarly-, and as 1 watched tbemi work, I looking man noticed my quizzical could understand why it was s0 gaze as 1 gingerly toucbed thie time-consuming. Even tbie veins leather leaves and flowers. in tbe flower had to be, band- "People we see at shows get tooled. the same reaction," he smiled. "Thc biggest challenge is "Wbat we've donc is adapt an getting the leather to resemble die ancient craft to a portrayal of" foliage," 'said Teresa. "We use figures, Oshawa; Parisse Marrett, 3rd in flight, Uxbridge; Andrea Mirseli, 1st in figures, Oshawa; Ashley Bickle, 2nd in flight in Uxbridge; Jillian Lemieux, 2nd figures, 2nd flight 4th finals, Oshawa.- techniques ibat go back 10 the Middle Ages." The couple travel extensively to find plants and flowers in their natural habitat. Over in the corner of the studio was a sculpture of a wild orchid. Keiib said it was modelled on the orchids ihai grow in profusion The Toveys were preparing for a show at Hamiltons Royal Botanical Gardens wben we were there. 1 took a look at some o f the price tags on the sculptures they'd set aside for dsplay ait te show. Tbey were in the $2,000 range, wbich wasn't out of line considering the artistry involved. Apparen tly there'are about four people in tbe province working exclusively in leather, but the Toveys are the only ones doing nature studies. And iberes no, question tbey're in a class- by themselves. Place their works in any woodlot and they wouldn't look out of place. COME SEE WHAT'S NEW UNDER TUE SUN Make plans now to attend John Deere Day '94. You 'Il see [the brightest ideas in technology and new John Deere equipment designed for the way you farmn, including: - New 92 and 100 hp. Tractors e New 4WTD Tractors - New Com Heads - New MoCo's - New DisklRipper - New Rotary Cutter Don't miss your day in the sun. See the Iatest John Deere equipmnent at: fARM & GAR»DEN LTD. JOHN DEERE SALES & SERVICE Date: Wednesday, February 16th, 1994 Time: 8 p.m. Place: 3242 Taunton Road E. O0rono, Ontario 983-9119 1-800-461-2120 ju Hooper' s Jewellers Sweetheart Values Don't break your loved ones heart 14 K-rt Diamond by forgefting them this Valentines StudEarrngsBreak a Balloon and 'o ~ 9.OOSAVE More at Sweetheart Hoper's Jewellers uLos a îhi Each baloon has a discount inside. 10k Save an additional Ira Comare t n599510%/0to 3 0%1/off Liritd Qunity (except sale items and repairs) $39.5 SpcialOn Dobl-fare ýýje 'GLDH AINS' 10k Pendant with yi\mieatG 0 Durable Curb Chain UUt Doube-fameCHARMS ~ \Nae,990Hooper's Jewellers ý?\Pe -Your Family Jewellers Since 1945 39 King St.W Bowmanville Teiephone 623-5747 [Free Ergras'sg -Freex G ft Wraprng wl, LýýQýrûnO à ý?y9, ýD04 - 7ý