Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 2 Feb 1994, p. 2

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2 - Oono WekIytmesWednsduy~F.brary 2,'.~ Kendal Column Testing showing benefits The resuits of Province-wide testing of students in our school systems which were carried out in 1991 and 1992 are currently being made public to the students, parents and the school systems. It is something that was sought for a number of years by many ia the public as it was noted that the educational systemn was failing and denying a proper education for the students. The educational system and the teachers' federations were mucli opposed 10 such a form of testing stating that it had no purpose and would serve no purpose. The fact is the results are now being well received and most importantly are being used t0 make comparison betweea schools, students and even 10 classes. This is leading to an effort 10 upgrade the systemn and the delivery of education to the students. The facts are out and well they should be made public. Clarke High School, is lilkely typical of other schools, in that they are taking the opportunity of being able to judge their strengths and weaknesses and therein build on this knowledge and understanding to improve. It is the parents and the students wbo bave been involved, or can bc involved, to make sure that ail the testing and comparison is not wasted with littie action t0 improve our system of education. In past years the educaional system was no different in attitude t0 the end result than was General Motors, to the decline of quality, poor planning, t00 many levels of authority and a wholesale waste of time. I h&-s to change and it does appear that that change is well on ils way. It is now up to the public t0 make sure that it continues. t is the future of our children we are controlling and one lost year is difficuit 10 regain. Let the testing continue so that comparisons can be made. So that improvements can continue. No battie Unes - no trench warfare The Jean Chretian goverament ln Ottawa may well go down la the annals of history, and perhaps should, for uts elimination of the battlee unes i the HQuse of Commons. It was a civilized debate on the issue of cruise missile testing and 10 whether or not Canada should maintain ils Peace Keeoping force in Bosnia. Both issues were settled with ail members havîng an opportunity t0 speak as t0 their personal vîewpoint and the debates ,were indeed civil. La both occasions the liberal goverament refrained in giving the goverament position so there were not battie uines to be drawn and thus no trench warfare 10 be waged. It was indeed a refreshing new approach over that of former years where the cabinet or the inner circle of those la power would present the policy and then open the issue t0 debate. It could end up in a donnybrook for the opposition were sure 10 take the opposite stand. Ail too often it was a wholesale waste of time. The two recent pieces of legislation was deait with in a minimum length of time with the cruise missile testing 10 continue and peacekeeping la Bosnia to be supported. But the life of this govemnment and this parliament is far from over and such as the Reform Party and the Bloc Quebecois, both new players in the gamne, bave yet 10 set forth on their cbarted course or t0 take any dramnatic course. To this point it lias been interesting but it is likely the whole event lias yet t0 unfold. Outsider shows interest in GM fabricationli faciffity Word is out that outside iaterests have made an offer to General Motors for the purchase of its fabrication facilities in Oshawa. The offer has been confirmeil by General Motors but identification of the buyer hias not been made. The fabrication plant employs 2500 worker including 1500 in the comipany's north Oshawa plant. The fabrication facilities also includes the battery factory and an area wbeSr rar suspension are made. Dennis DesRosiers, president of DesRosiers Automotive Con- sultants, states that the trend has been towards less parts produc- tion by car makers. H1e said auto makers are focusing on car and truck assembling wbile sifitinig parts manufacturing to outside firms. He said a possible sale could bring a new and differenit work environment, but it does't necessarily mean the loss of jobs. DesRosiers said it was impossible to really predict tbe future but it necd not be ail bad. by Phyllis Lowery More cold weatber. Thursday mother nature threW us a real curve hall, rain fog, snow, whicb ail turned to ice. Roads around here blossomed witb signs saying, wash out, there just was no wbere for the, water 10 go except down (he roads. Evea the birds were slipping and sliding on the driveway. 1 watched a dove doing some fancy footwork even the flaches were making three point landings. 1 took alh Ibis as a sign t0 stay la the bouse and not take chanc-es on breaking bons.'ý Sunday mornîng was a beautiful cold clear sunny moraing, lots of skiers out on tbe siopes, snowmobile tracks everywhere. Ivan Savage took die service i the absence of Rev. David Black. The hymas su~ng wýere, "Immortal, Invisible", "God Reveals His Presence, Ail Creatures of Our God and King, and Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovahi." Iani sang the byma, "Sweet Hour of Prayer" as the Aatbemn. Ian asked the ebuîdren if they tbougbit it paid to bc nice 10 others? Does it pay tbem mioaey? Does il make themn feel good? They aaswered yes. Ian told them that was tbeir pay, somnetimcs lhe bold tbem iti-lit make tbem feel good to be mecan, but God waats them t0 bc good and not hurt others. God does not stop loving them even if they somectimies do bad things. The scripture readings were taken fromn Luke 4: 1-15. The sermon was titled, "More Tban Bread". Could Jesus, not sin? or would Jesus, not sin? If Jesus could not sin then He would not understand tbose wbo could be tempted. Ail tbrougb His ministry Jesus was tempted, when Jesus was temnpted by SaLan, Jesus told man does flot live by bread alonte. Hunger and thirst are the worst temptations, bave you neyer felt 50 bungry, so îbirsty, you would almnost do anytbing t0 feed your huager or quench your thirst? Tbe word of God was nourisbment to Jesus' soul. To some, eating is their greatest deliglit, but you may feed a baby formula, milk, but if you do not touch it, boid it, give it love, the baby will not survive, food alone will not keep a chiid alive. At limes we have ahi ate, drank, yet feit dead withia. We must bave food for the soul t0 A Toastmaster extraordlinaiire (Coatinued from page 1) the need or tbe desire 10 do so. Most of Ireae's fellow club members join ia order t0 build their self-confidence. Once tbey gel their public speakiag butterfiies under control tbey bave the confidence 10 try anything. And tbat's what keeps life interesting! Next month weIl 'spotlight' another interesting neiglibour and Toasumaster extraordinaire! survive. Jesus was tempted many times 10 take the easy way but He folhowed God. When the devil tempted Him, Jesus said, "Man does not live by bread alone." Wben tempted again by Obe devil Jesus said, "'Thou shait not tempt the Lord th y God. " The word of God is food for tue soul. The sympathy of the community is extended to Lavina Downes and bier family, in the receat passing of ber mother. Don't forget tbe pot-iuck lunch followed by the annual Congregationial Meeting on Suaday, February l3th. Plan to attend the Birthday Party being held in bonour of Pearl Clarke's 9Oth Birtbday. This is being beld on Saturday, February 5tb, 2 - 4 p.m. Sunday School room, Kendal United Churcb. Plans are being made to hold a Pancake Breakfast, more details wben I get them. Cartoon Quips ... Little boy to pal: Dad jogs. Mom does aerobics. 'm the only one awake after supper. I St. Saviour's Anglican Church MILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO Interlm Minister: Rev. Robert Hartley 983-9639 SUNDAY SERVICE, SUNDAY SCHOOL and YOUTH GROUP 9:30 a.m. ORONO PASTORAL CHARGE Minister Rev. Dr. 9 Mervyn Russell Marlene Rlsebrough, Secretary 983-5702 Church Office 983-5502 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 6TH Regular Church Service at Orono United 11:00 am. Communion Sunday at Kirby United Church 9:30 a.m. BIBLE STUDY Wednesday, February 2nd Kirby United Churcli - 8 pa. EXPLORERS Wednesday, February 2nd Kirby United Churcli 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. (For both boys and girls.) CONFIRMATION CLASSES Friday, February 4th Orono United Church - 4 pa.. ANNUAL REPORTS & MEETINGS Orono Annual Meeting Tbursday, February 3rd Pot-luck Supper 6:30 p.m. Metn7:0.. Kirby Annual Meeting Wednesday, February 9th Pot-luck Supper 6:00 pa. Meeting 7:30 p.m. A.A. meets every Thursday 7:30 p.m. L-,-

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