Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 3 Nov 1993, p. 14

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( 14 - Ororto Welcy Imeo .. ........br , 99 j ........... .......... Deadline for Service Directory Tel.983--5301 Friday Noon E R' V 1 C] ?2"' D ............ ................ .. ............. . ... .. . ........ The Shop APPLE BLOSSOM, "W.Don? JuUtSpaa#z.- WeMake Emy Oier«Pm Main Street, Orono 983-9155 We Deliver Newtonivilla, Pontypool, Oshawa L and Places ln-Between "Hair With Flair" For LADIES and GENTS Main Street, Orono 983-5333 Orono Electric Lt. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES ÇOLOUR TVs -Hl-Fls Sales and Service Hotpoint -RC.A. White Westnghouse Frigidaire -Whirlpool Woods Freezers Magic Chef- Hoover 983-5108 Barina Homne Check *Vacation Home Checking Let us make your home look lved in *Wedding Day Services Reliable Relerences INSJJRED Barb SIietier - Ina Cox NE WTON VILLE (905) 786-2996 F10 WERS PLUS FLOWERS GIFTS and CRAFIS 46 King Street East Newcastle, Ontario 987-1500 Betty Lycet 983-5908 Wlda Mildleton 983-9819 PATRICK G. DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPY CLINiC 5 George Street, Bowmanviile, Ontario 623-4473 GRUNDYS Country Upholstery .Quality Work In Uphoistery .R. 2 Orono, Ont. 983-9874' Bryon Grundy SEASONED HARDWOOD FIREWOOD Stored Dry Inside Buildings NO GS.T. 4' x 8' x 12" - $52.00 4' x 8' x 16" - $60.0 Pontypool Conerete Produets Since 1975 Locaed l- 1/4 miles south of Pontypool on Hwy. 35 CLOSED SUNDAY (705) 277-2442 tffi 30" electric stave i excellent shape and working order; 5 hp snawblower in good running condition; wood stove; cali 983-9241. 27, 3, cpn V.C.R.'s by PANASONIC, SHARP, MITSUBISHI, M.T.C. from $199 (with 52 free movies). No Money Down. ONLY $4.00 per week. SHOWTIME T.V. & STEREO, 1000 William St., Cobourg, 373-0265. tfn KENWOOD 200 WATT STEREO PACKAGE, remote, multi-CD dual cassette, stand and speakers. No Money Down. $11.00 per week. SHOWTIME T.V. & STEREO, 1000 William St., Cobourg, 373-0265. tfn CANON CAMCORDERS, auto focus, remote, 8 mm., $68or $7.50 per week. No Money Down. SHOWTIME T.V. & STEREO, 1000 William St., Cobourg, 373-0265. tfn CHOCOLATE OUTLET Factory Seconds Great Selection $4.95 IL (tax incL) FAIRWINDS ATQES 5028 Main St,, Orono 983-9806 Frewoo O Building Supplies and Hardware *Bam Steel- Sikkens Stain -Hemnlock for Fences and Stalis -A Centre for A# our BuikkngNeds- (705) 277-3381 or (905) 434-6665 tev.onngs) ON UIW. 352 MILES NORTH OF HWY 115 MacGREGOR Auction Service ESTATES. ÇONSIGf'JMENTS, HOUSEHOLDS BANKRUPTCIES, FARMS Soid atyour location or at ours STORAGE & TRUCKING Cali for a Free Confidenti Consultation m. MacGregor 905-987-5402 Junior West 905-983-5556 Year End Clearance on Gowns and Headpieoes!! Up to 75% Off starting Sunday, November 7th 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. TH E BRIDAL PATH Varistone M iii King & Scugog Sts., Bowmanville 623-0351 3,ac I would lîke to thank my family, friends and neighbours for the lovely gifts, cards and floral arrangements received for my 9Oth Birthday party. Ted Copping 3'ap In loving memory of Clair Esmond Grant - When the time comtes in one's lîfe, ta face the final parting. on this earth, from a much loved busband, father. grandfatber, it becomes real ta us, the true meaning of "oneness", because one half of our oneness moves on, and one haif stays, until thse Lord says It is tirne - " We would lilce ta say tbank you to aur friends and neigbbours wbo were se very strongly around us wben things came unstuck; ta the constant kIndness of Dr. Angi, and the nurses in bis office, who picked up the pieces; ta Rev. Dr. Mervyn Russell, for bis visits ta Clair in hospital, a comfort ta him and to ius. and for bis fine bandling of the wbole burial service; ta Mr. Cory Kuipers,, Northcutt Elliott Funeral Director, who se kindly did all the necessary things in such a warm helpful way; ta the App le Blossom Florist for their very beautiful arrangements; ta the Cantinuing Care staff of Bowmanville Hospital for their patience and understanding; ta tbe staff at Station 2, Second Floor of Strathaven Lifecare Centre, wba belped and supported Clair during bis short stay there; and, fmnally, tbank you girls of Unit 5 for ahl your work, and -loving care in,, providing a much apprecîated lunch, ta help us ail realize that wben the ends are all folded neatly andtucked in, life must go on. May thse Good Lord bless you ail, as He bas US. 1Elva (Bud) Grant, Glenn and Elizabeth, Carole and Fred Anderson and their family, Laura, Price and bis wife Donna, and Lisa. 3a Simpson Memorials 111 Toronto Rd., Hwy. #2 West, Port Hope 885-6434 ESTATE AUCTION Grist Mil Auction Centre Newtonvile FR!., NOVEMBER 5TH 6:30 p.m. Selling the contents fromt the, home of Dorothy Ash, Canton, and the contents front Doris Simpson's apartment, Port Hope; Craftmatic single-bed; two 3 pc. bedroom suites; antique dresser; single bed; bedding; linens; 5 pc. pine kitchen set; Duncan Phyfe dining table; set 4 chairs;, numerous small appliances; apt. freezer; quantity of glass and china; knee bale desk; tredle sewer; occasional tables; Mann guitar and case; washer spinner; Hotpoînt dryer; numerous antiques; also old pin ball machine; sectional wall unit; sofa bed; 2 door wardrobe; office desk;,and numerous other- articles. A large auction. TERMS: Cash or Good chaque with Proper I.D. AUCTIONEER Frank Stapleton - 786-2244 3. ac MaeGregor & West 1Auctions ANTIQUES, COLLECTABLES, GUNS & HOUSEHOLO EFFECTS SUN., NOVEMBER 7T11 12:00 P.M. (vlewlng 11:00) Orono Town Hall Main St., Orono Auction features a varied selection- of antique furnishings in original and refinished condition; wardrobes; wasbstands; misc. dressers and chests of drawers; oak sideboard; blanket boxes; chairs & rockers (pressbacks, parlour, etc.); misc. tables; desk; old bottles; postcards; graniteware; 'Marcus Bermne" violin; ail lamps; cracks & jugs; rugs; plus a fine selection of glass and china; Barnett Crossbow, scope and arrws; 4 shatguns, etc. This is only a very small list of thse many rare and unique articles in this Sunday's sale. Sometinfg for Everyone. (NOTE - Winter location and 12:00 start time) Cal/for ail your auction needs. MacGREGOR & WEST AUCTIONS Mike MacGregor 905-987-540 Junior West 905-983-5556 - 3,3C COYLE, Margueretta (Marg) - At Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville an Thursday October 28, 1993 ini ber Slst year. Beloved wife of the, late James C. Coyle.:ý Loved mother of June (Mrs. Jack Siebarth>, Darla (Mrs. Lloyd Lowery), Jixn and his wife Shirley (Pickell) and the late Jean (Mrs. Jack Parker). Dear sister of Ada Tonkin of Bowmanville and Gordon Lefroy of Scarborough. Loving grandmother of 9 grandcbildren and il great- grandchildren. Fri ends were able ta cail the Morris Funeral Chapel. 4 Division St., Bowmanvîlle on Friday. Funeral service was beld in the Chapel on Saturday at 3 p.m. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. Donations to thse Memnorial Hospital Foundation in bier mnemory would be appreciated. 3a What I'sA Warm-up7? Warming up before any kind of physical activity is impor- tant. You'Il enjoy the activity better and reap greater health benefits if you include a 5 to-10- minute warmn-up in any exercise routine whether it is gardening, walking or cycling. Gentie stretching exercises, are the best way to keep your' muscles and joints flexible and can help you reduce your risk of injury during exercise. To performi a static stretch, reach ta youîr maximum pain-free stretch (do flot bouince) then hold it at that point for 10t to 20 sec- onds.' CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE ITS FAST - ITS EASY! ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL. COMING EVENTS BRANTFORD WOOD SHOW, November 12, 13 & 14 Brantford Civia Centre. Exhibits, Equipment, Crafts, Seminars, Przas, Carving Competition. Friday; 4-9p.m., Saturday; i 0-6p.m., Sunday; 10- 5p.m. Admission $5. Exhibitor info. (519) 449- 2444, General 1-800-563-6858. BUSINESS OPPS. HECK 0F A DECK Offers: Home Based ground floor opportunity - Low investmenf - excellent return - Protected Ternitories - Terrific training - Brand name producta. Dealer inquiries 1-800- 461-3651. WATKINS THE BEST Home Business of the 90's. Join us and increase your earnîngs. Cali (613) 546-2550. RUN YOUR OWN CORSINI Prestigious Fashion Business Anywhere in Canada. Affordable Designer SiIk Clothing Collection. Make money Fuit or Part lime. Free Information Tol-Free 1 - 800-567-5760. CAR EER TRAINING FREE 'CAREER OPPORTUNITIES' GUIDE. Train at home for careers in: Accountîng; Airconditioning; Bookkeeping; Business; Eiectronics;. Law Enforcement; Medical Secretary; Paralegal; Travel; etc. 263 Adelaide St. W. (5A) Toronto, 1-800-950-1972. LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Southwestern Schooi of Auctioneering. Next Class: November 20-26. Information, contact: Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering, R.R.#5, Woodstock, Ont ario N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. COMPUTERIZED TAX PRACTICE: Learn Income Tax Preparation featuring basic and computer courses. Free brochure. Cal 1-800- 563-EARN; Fax (204) 254-6172; Write: Jacks Institute, 902-167 Lombard Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba R38 OW1. FOR SALE BOOKS BY MAIL. Latest tities from ail major Canadian publishers. FREE catalogues. Contact: Heritage Books, 866 Palmerston' Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M6G 2S2 (416) 533- 6816. HELP WANTED SALES REP. (RETIREE) druglvariety stores to seli eyeglâss accessories and earplugs. Monthly cycle, flexible territory. No investmient required. Ed Maloney (905) 945-2242 Hear Saver Limited. MSCELLANEOUS HOW TO PLAY POPULAR PIANO. New home study course. Fast: easy mýethod. Guaranteed? FREE information. Cali 1-800-667-0050 Extension 770, Studio A25. POETRY CONTEST $12,000 in prizes. Possible publication. Send one original poem 20 uines or less ta : National Library of Poetry, Box 704-ND, Owings Milîs, Md 21117. PERSONALS THINK MORE CLEARLY Come out of the f og of drugs and environmental toxins. Read Clear Body Clear Mnd. 150 Rideau St, Ottawa KiN 1 N6, $30 (613) 562-0431. ADOP11ON ADOPTION - PREGNANT? Affectionate, musical couple would be thrilled to adopt infant. Working wth ,censedprofessionals. CalCOLLEÇT Evenings (after 7p.m.), Weekends (416)226-4502. REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUND membership or timeshare? We'll take if! AmericaS largest resale cîearinghouse. Cal Resort Sales international 1 - 800-423-5967 (24 hours). OWN VOUR OWN Park Model Home in Sarasota Florida, from $34,000 Canadian in a resorfl Discounted weekly inspection visits for interested buyers! Sun and Fun. 1-905-871-4908. STEEL BUILDINGS FUTURE STEEL BUILDINGS Winter Special. Keep the factory busy during the Winter months and fake'delivery in the Spring. Save up f0 25%. Cali 1-800-668-8653. ONTARIO MANUFACTURER has a imited number of pre-sized steel buildings for sale ai EXCEPTIONALLY REDUCED PRICES - 40 x 80 value $9,971. Now $7,698. Cal Pioneer 1-800- 668-5422. BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel Straitwall Type - not quonset - 32x54 $7,899; 40x72 $11,924; 50x90 $16,954; 60x126 $25.883 - othersizes available - Miscellaneous clearance - Paragon - 24 Hours 1-800-263-8499. YVur ad could appear ln community newpapers in Ontarlo, or right across Canada, or any Individuel province. Space la Limfted, so Cal This Newspaper Todayl B.ow anville, nt. Phone 623-8150 lo.7o',OUT 0 F TOWN CALLTOLLFREE 1-800-461-4848 GRANITE MONUMENTS MARKERS and k.CÉMETFRY LETTERING PRIVATE HOME or SHOWROOM APPOINTIVIENTS. AVAILABLE..ý:..'... ING ALL ?Ff..ERENCESAVAILA J ON REQUEST Call today for your frW:ý-zý flower vase,,-;.;ý-', ours... S S AVAI

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