Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 14 Jul 1993, p. 6

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Thefirst le gai Catholie wedding It was the first legal Cathoiic wedding in the home of Patrick McGuires home in Miilbrook and for McGuire the thoughts of a Catholic community in the area. i ne past two Fnlday evenings have been taken up with outdoor theatre. First it was attendance at the Bethany Outdoor Theatre and then this most recent Friday evening it was attendance at the Fourth Line Theatre, just outside Millbrook in Cavan Township for their presentation of The Cavan_ Blazers. the Fourth Line Theatre group was formed in January of 1992 and had a most successful summer last year with their, production of Thie C- an Blazers. t was s0 popular that it is being repeated again this summecr wîth the addition of Moodie Trail. The production of the Cavan Blazers plays Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings through to August 29th with curtain timie 6:45 p.m. The Moodie Trail piays Saturday and Sunday afternoon from Juiy l3th to September l2th with the show starting at 1 p.m. Both piays are based on local history and present a vivid look at that history, especialiy so The Cavan Blazers. The theatre group packs a lot of expeience both on stage and behind the scenes. t is by no means an amateur group as one soon finds out sitting in the audience. The actors and actresses are welI cast and certainly make the most of the positions they find themselves in during the course of the story of confliet between Catholics and Protestants in Cavan -Township. t is a vivid portrayal of past history and conflict in Cavan, Township dating back to 1819. Patrick Maguire heads up the, Catholie front when moving to Millbrook and was determined to establish a Catholie parish in the community which was then predominately Protestant and s0 remains to even this day. Maguire was instrumental in havîng a small Catholic community estabiished in Cavan Township so as numbers were prescrit 10 warrant a parish and a church. But there was another force ,w;th cqual l.kt tiination tit a 1But also in attendance as sheeverees were members of the Cavan Blazers who eventuaily broke up the party with their Catholic parish would not be established in Cavan Township. it was a group of young Pro- testants farmers known as The Cavan Blazers who had been indoctrinated with atrocities committed against their parents in Ireland. There was no give and finally no take and the community of Catholies were driven out of the community. Maguire finally admits defeat and in his final words with Dan Swain, leader of the Cavan Blazers. But bothi men recognized that much had heen lost from lack of undcrstanding and lack of communication. There were many highilights during the evening of theatre in the outdoors none the least being dhe range of performners age-wise to even babes-in-armis. This added great credibility to the story and the performers. Nothing was left to chance that this was a true recording of history dating hack to 1819. And by the way the Milibrook Lions serve a roast beef dinner startine ai, five, served out of the driving shed and eaten in the shade of thé maples. The 4th Line Players are for real and if its theatre your initerested in'thený a trip to Cavan is a must. Alewives wash up on local beaches The shoreline of Lake Ont.ario and especially the beaches in this district record hundreds of thousands of dead Alewivcs this year, more than in the past fcw years. It is a common and natural occurance that takes place each year when the Alewives corne in to spawn along the lakeshore. It has been stated that due to the severity of last winter's weathcr and the changes in watcr temperature the'small fish have been weakcnied and die aftcr spawning rather than bcing able to îumn to deeper waters. pianned hijinks which drew much attention from the audience in the background of the above picture. Cou.ncil tables road allowanet-, proposai Council on Monday evening postponed taking final action in a recommended denial of a road closing and conveyance appli- cation being sought by Mario Veltri. The General Purpose commiittee of co'uncil had, tast week, suppioricd a staff recom- mendation thiat the application be denied. Mlario Veltri had sought' the closirng p anid conveyance of a road allovwance betwýccn lots 2 and 3 in Concession 8 of the formner Townsip of Clarke. Town staiff hadi reported that the apiplication for tie closing and conveyance did not meet the conditions of the mnunicipaitfies poiicy which had been estab- lisied earlier this year as to road closings and conveyance. Further it was reported there was no reason f'or the closing. Staff recomi-mended that the appli- cation be denied which was supported at the general purpose committee meeting. Sam Cureatz, acting on behaîf of Mario Veltri, askcd counicil to refer the application back to staff and that his client would submit a detailed reference plan preparcd by an enigineer. f le said the parcel of land was smnall and the situation was uinusual. He said hie could flot vision the road ailowance ever being used. Mayor Hamre said the denial came as a resuit of the lay of the land and the possibility of the municipality, gctting fui off the road allowance. She also said there wasno reason to close and convey the property. A motion by Councs. John OToole and Mary Novak tabling the decision awaiting a f urther report aftcr consultation with the applicant was approved with Mayor Hamre breaki*ng a tic vyote. Courtcs. Drcslinski, H-ooper and Scott voted against the tabling of the application. Th irty-two riders participate (Continued from page 1) was one of the judges. King started riding courses a few years ago at the farmn and puts on a number of shows a year. Occasionally, other judges are invited to corne out té watch the young riders and to offer advice as weIl as judge the technique and style. 1Another show is to be held at Homestead His in August. Totten Sims Hubic ki (Continued from page 1) comprehensive reports as to design, financing and construc- tion of the first phase of 407 that is eventually to link-up with highway 115/35. This proposai is one of the largest that the Totten Sim Hubicki ý cons ulting firm has undertaken, states board chairman, John Hubicki. Work on this project wil represent about ten percent of the workload at Cobourg with the remainder of the work being done in the main office in Whitby. Lt has been estimated that if the consortium in successfui in obtaining the final contract it could mean employment for 10 to 15 people at the Cobourg office for the next three to five years. The co, sortiumn of the Canadian Highways International Corporation of which Totteni Sims Hubickî are part, includes nine I OTO RCYC LE INSURANCE 63-0331 or 623-1838 " PINE RIDGE INSURANCE Rick Jones Newtonville Canadian-owned, Ontario-based engineering and construction firms. It ,aiso includes a partnership with Amnerican Companies who have the technology associated with tol highways.1 The. report from the area consuiting firm is expected to be submitted by September and that work could start latter this year. The competing consortium is called the Ontario Road Development Corpor ation. It is now expected that the first phase of the highway couid be completed within five years. This phase wouid take a link west of Toronto from 401 highway to highway 48 near Markham. The second phase of the project would bring the highway through the Region of Durham including Newcastle to link-up with Highway 115/35. Bob Rae, Premier of Ontario, in makcing the announcernent said this joint development project wýou1d be the largest of its kind in North America. The Premier also said the experience gained in this project by members of the consortium would give them experience and expertise to compete for large- scale projects around the world. Trent U niversity at Durham College FaII-Winter Session More than 35 courses are offered weekday evenings or Saturday morning. Registration deadline: " 15 july for fuli-time " 13 August for part-time Information: 15 July, 5:00 to 8:00 p.m., Oshawa Public Lbrary auditorium. For information or a brochure cal (416) 723-9747 or (705) 748-1229. 416-786-2793 ?BUILTRIN V ALUE 983-9 1 -800-461- I2IEA DEERE* ýEVERGREEN*J SFAKM GARDEN LTD. JOHIN DEERE SALES de SERVICE 1-2120 TAUNTON ROAD,.WEST 0F ORIONO 222-N 9 From A round ~ HOME MASARU KARATE CLUB' SHORIN-RYU Classes for Chi/dren and Aduits L lq>_ 14, 1"3

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