Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 14 Jul 1993, p. 4

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ro elyTne Wdedy JuIy 14, 1993 Hi! My naine is Brandon Paul Lane. I turned one year old on June 25, 1993. My Daddy and' Mommy (Paul and Kellie) had a BBQ to celebrate my special, day. My grandparents are Ted and Gail Lane and Mike and Carol Johnson. My great grandparents are Norm Johinson, and Harold and Ada Cooney. 1 wouid like to send everyone a big Thank You for, ail the great gifts and for coming to my party. Love Brandon xoxo Book Review, fromn Crystal Pages HISTORY 0F THE THEATRE FOURTHED. by Oscar G. Brockett - This book details the development of the theatre and drama from their beginnings through the 1980's. One finds a liberal use of maps 10 assist readers in locating those places in which major theatrical developments have laken place. Also are found time-lînegraphs to cilarify the chronological relaîioaships among events, persons, and movemenîs which were significant in the development of the theaire. Provided is a chronological narative of the theatre's history as an institution, an extremely complex hisîory encompassing playwriîing, directing, acting, costume, makeup, scenery, lighting, properties, theatre, architecture, machinery, special effects, management, audiences, and criticism. Included, are chapters on The Origias of the Theatre, Theatre and Drama in Ancient Greece, Roman Theatre and Drama, The Laie Middle -Ages, The Italian Renaissance, The Spanish Theatre, Theatre in France 1500- 1700, The English Theatre 1600- 1800, Theatre in the United States in the Early i9th Century, and The Beginning of the Modern Theatre 1815-1915. Fire destroys - R ecycled - The Orono Homets Win 18 10 10 against the Cardinais in Courtice last NMonday nighî, July t. restaurant Fire totaily gutted the interior of The Rack an-d Snack restaura nt in Bowmnanville recenîly. The restaurant was iocatcd ai 240 King Street East. The fire marshail's office has been cailed in 10 investigate the cause of fire. Mary Higgins piîched the opening inning, and with strong inf-ield plays stopped the Cardinals at one run. The girls 100k the new baiting order and scored six runs wiîh ihe aid of Rose Hliggîns' grand slami. -The thiril inuîng was a nail biter as both teamns had good hits and runs bringing the score t0 a by John Veldhuis The Newcastle Communiîy Liaison Group is continuing ils work on developing a program of studies and a process of information for you the -citizens of our Town. The question has corne up, wheîher or not we need a referendum'to decide what to do in the end of this process. The answer to that question is, that since we are not a volunteer or "Hosi Communiîy" no referendum will be required- nor will a referenidum be held. Therefore, since we are a "Source Community", our activities are an ongoing Environmental Assessmenî Process. It becomes-therefore extremnely important that people take part in the discussions and reviews of the work that is being done by the Newcastle -Community Liaison Group on an ongoing basis. Each aspect of the process needs to be reviewed by the people, comments on changes made etc. There will not be a referendum at the end. Therefore, your views need 10 be addressed as we go along each step of the way. This is flot something new, we have menlioned that in previous updates, but il is something thai perhaps needs 10 be emphasized at this point so that people fully understand what is involved. Even those who seem to know much about the Environmental Process have asked us the question about a pane! discussion, etc. This is not necessarily going 10 take place. The discussions are taking place on a weekly basis in the CLG office or in public meetings across our community. There will not necessarily be a fui! scale panel discussion or review. Therefore, once again, we recommend that citizens who have any particular point of view that they wish to present, should do so as soon as possible. We are working on your behaîf and we would haie 10 see you miss out on the process because you did flot take time to participate and found out 100 laie that the door had been closed. Therefore, presenit your brief, present your concern, preserit your point of view 10 the Newcastle Communîîy Liaison Group. Our mandate is to look at a!! the questions that are presenied to us, to study ai l of the concemns and fmnd an answer b ithose questions. We have been busy doing just that. We will continue to do that, but we cas do a much better job if you tell us what il is that you want us 10 look ai. Our office number is 987-7786, please cal! us for the first available date of a public meeting, al! our meetings are public, or watch the ads in this newspaper in which we indicate where the meetings will be held, what the topic is and the limes of the meetings so you can particîpate in the process. Allinbrook Tykes remain tied for first place Allinbrook Feeds remain lied for first place in the league standings foliowing iwo wins and one loss during the past îwo weeks. Allînbrook played a rematch gamne agaînst Burger King on June 30, 1993 which they won handily by a score of 5-2. AIllinbrook 4, Newcastle 7 Allinbrook Feeds had home field advantage in a game which feaîured good pitching by Newcastle Home Hardware hield on Wednesday, July 7, 1993. Lee Allin played a good fielding gamne when he combined wiîh the first baseman three limes 10 throw oui runners ai firsi. 'Me most interesting play of the game took place in the fourth inning. Catcher Josh Brandt signalled to pitcher Lee Allin that the runner at first base had a big lead off. Lee Allin quickly threw the bal! toi firsi baseman Bryan Bickell 10 pick-off the runner. Glencoe Hogie took over the pitching duties for the last two innings earning three strike-outs and twice lhrowing out the runner at first. Lee Allin Jordan Beacock Josh Brandt Glencoe Hogle D.J. Boardman Tyler Gregg Kienan Williams R H 2 2 2 i I I I i i i RBT i I i i tied gaine. Going mbt the fourth and lasi innings, with spirits ai as alliùme high, and working as a îeamn the Cardinals couldn't hold the Hornets back. And the girls scored 8more runs including Sheila AngI who hit in 2 runs and a 2nd grand sîan by Rose Higgins. in the last inning with strong determination the Hlorneis got 3 ott without leîîing in a run, this winning the game! Way 10 go Hornets! First Birthday Newc astle Community Liaison Group Update BOOKKEEPING SERVICES AccPac SimpIy Acoountîng SPREADSHEET APPLICATIONS Lotus 1-2-3 chails Orono Guiders attend at Guelph (Continued from page 1) guests and their different cultures and customs. Ia this way we ana al! work towards world peace." Before the camp, al international participasts wiil be offered home hospitality with Guiding famnilies across Canada. The Caniadian girls will come 10 camp already divided into paîrols of eight each. Upon arrivai at Guelph 93, two or three international girls will be added 10 each patrol. The camp will be divided int seven continents. Antarctica will be home for the adult staff who rua the prograni, healîh services, shop, etc. The 6 other continents of 420 Io 440 girls and adulîs each, will be divided mbt 12 smailer sites wiîh 2 Canadians asd 1 international leader each. Meals wili be catered s0 the girls cas participate fully in the program. They will help with serving, cleaning up, etc. DESKTOP PUBUSHING Ventura Publisher bookwok S SECRETARIAL SERVICES ~~ WordPerfec newsîetterw resu'?,. formleflars There are many varied and exciting program opportunities for the girls to choose froni. There are overnight adventures of hiking, canoeing, horseback riding and biking. There will be roller blading, motocross riding, trai! riding, mountain biking, pioneer projects, obstacle course and rappelling opportunities. Creative areas include pyrophyllite carving, memory lane games, photography, toy making, beliy dancing, yoga, ethnic and square dancing, palmistry, video recordiag, fencing, mime, bell ringing and rap. The girls will a"sobe doing service projecis. They will paint, dlean up, care for the stables, wash another camper's hair, make crafts for shut-ins, build duck nesting boxes, make toys for hospitalized children, make quiîts for women's sheliers and visit seniors. Off-site trips include Niagara Falls, Black Creek Pioneer Village, Science Centre, Casa Loma, Wild Water Kingdom, CN Tower and Canada's Wonderland. Th e CLARKE CONNECTION MORE TIIAN A STORE A UNIQUE EXPERIENCE ONE OF A KIND-HLAND MADE CANADIN CRAF-TS POTTERY - WOOD - SILKS - TOYS AND MIJCH MUCH MORE MAIN STR1E7 ORONO 983-9314 TUF-S. - FRL11i to 6 SAT 9 to 5 Kennedy Komputes Computerized Business Services Orono Hornets register strong Courtice win Laser Printouts / Tutoring Available Owned and operated by ELleen lknnedy 84 Beaucage Rd., Orono. Ontmlo LOB IMO rMýý

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