u Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, JuIy 14, 19933 - il E I Deadlie forService Directory DaleFriday Noon SERVICE iJIRECTORY 111 Tel. 863-5âo1 I INSU ANC 83 King Street West Newcastle, Ontario Il B 11L2 Telephone (416) 987-3200 * Matthews &Associates INSURANCE BROKERS LTD. Pauline MoteAlC, C.1.9. 13ranch Manager * HAMILTONS ,ýINSURANCE SERVICE 334 MAIN ST., BOX 309 ORONO LOB 1 MO 1-416-983-5115 Fax 1-416-983-8228 MERCER HEATING -Furnace Cieaning and Repairs -24 Hr. No Heat Service Over 21 Yrs. Expenience CAU 983-5541 LARRY JACKSON PLUMBING & HEATING *Pump Repairs & Installatton *New Work *Repairs *Furnace Cleaning *Free Estimates For triendly Exp.,? Service CALL 983-6214 We're here to serve gai ROBERT E JACKSON HEATING - ELECTRICAL AIR CONDITIONING Repairs ta Al makes af Ileat Pumnps and Air Conditioning May Tag Appliarice Repaira 983-5293 983-6221 BYAMS, Plumbung Heating Incorporated Sales and Service 24 Hour Burner Service Gulf Financing Low Interest Rates 263-2650 PARTNERS PLUMBING 983-9447 Orono, Ont. Gould Pumps & Water Systems Septic Beds Plumblng Installations General Repairs Fre Estîmates Formierly Harvey Partnr Ltd. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING at reasonable rates eaU 983-5301 to place your ad or drop into the office at 5310 Main Street Orono SHEET METAL DESIGNS Custom Made Sheet Metal Work Galvanized, Stainless Steel or Black Iron Tig and Arc Welding Barclay Crozier Stephen Crozier 983-9311 983-6301 -IF VOU CAN DRAW IT, WE CAN MAKE IT ORONO FUEL& LUMBER LIMITED IJ4Ai~j P.O. Box 180, Station Street Orkono, Ontario LOB IMO Fre Estimates Bus. (416) 983-9167 ALISTAIR ROZARIO Res. (416) 983-5344 O. CHATTERTON ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING POLE LINE CONSTRUCTION Phonie 983-5~4 ~ t. 98-5940 Women in Abuse Aelationships -For Help Cali "The Denise House"l For Wemen and Children Toil Free 1-800-263-3725 or 728-7311 Confidentially Assured Ifyou watin to drink, IThat's your business. If you want Io stop, Thlatsours. call Alcoholies Anonymous Lakeshiore Districts (416) 728-1020 ~ Improvving your odds against ANDTOKECa ds ro7fOUNDA Il -Ikiller~ Douglas Simpson DECORATING Orono Painting - Papering Renovations 31 Yeare Experience 983-5104 Silver Streak Siding "Tomorrow 's Jobs" Depend on Today's Quality For Free Estimates and Guararteed Workmanship Cal John at (416) 983-8181 THE ROOF TOPPER~ (Est. 1979) a Professional installations of ail top quality roofing products a Speciaîizing in cedar shingles/shakes DAVID SCOTT MANSER 263-2847 IVAN JONES TONY FANARA I&T Carpenters Licensed - 25 ears Exparience H'CJSE TRIM STAIRS - DECKS ADDITIONS CUSTOM HOMES AJi Carpentry Related Work Orono 983-5303 Hampton 263-2991, "Work' Wanited" 1D&R CUSTOM FENCING and CUJSTOM CAosSAWING DRONO, ONARIO 9 E3 - S 7 HANDYMAN Home Repairs, Deck & Fence Building, House Painting, Carpentry, Expert Drywall, Yardwork. "Reasonable Prices, No Job Too Smnall" Cail Wilf Quigley 983-6095 BAASITE eurdfo3 a.m.ometa - :0p.irono Village aeahnded349 dy,983-5 0ihî 4a MI.R Beachcomber Spas Chemicals Ail types of Woodstoves & Inserts Gas & Propane Firep laces Sales & Installation WINDVIEW FEEDS Dealers for Martin Feed MllIs Extmuded h-ose Foeds and Suppleentn FanhIly Farm Feeds Poully - Hog - Beef ShurGain & Martins Pet Foods Double Ceaned Ots and Blended Sweet Feed 5 miEast ofOnoý- Il 15 on Cono 5 NEW HOURS Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fr1. 9gam. - 5:30 pin. Wed.6pm. - 8 p.; Sat 9a.m. -2 pi. BALANCED FEEDS FARM SUPPLIES Durhamn Farmners' County CO-OP TAUNTON RD. / HWY. 115 BOX 178, ORONO, ONT. LOB 1iMo (416) 983-9134 (416) 983-9135 1-800-263-7805 YARD SALE Saturday, JuIy l7th 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. 42 Centre St., Orono 14,ac Corne Play and Dance with the Orono Old Time Fiddle Club Newcastle Community Hall Wednesday, July 2Lst Admission $2.00 For details phone 983-5786 14,ac Waterbed, queen size, black, like new,, paid over $500 asking $250; drafting table, adjustable, 2x3, with stool and rubber mat, $50; phone 983-51370. 7,14, epn Pre-cast, Reinforced CONCRETE SLABS and WELL TIILE 12" x 12" - $1.20 ea. 16" x 16" - $1.90 ea. 18" x 18" - $2.35 ea. 20" x 20" - $3.50 ea. Other sizes available. WELL TILES 30" iriside diaincter $44,00 36" înside diamreter $48.0 Pontypool Concrete Products 1 MILE SOUTH 0F PONTYPOOL ON HWY. 35 (705) 277-2442 OPEN 6 DAYS 7 A.M - 9 P.M. tftl TV/VCR Combo, 20" T.V. and Remote V.C.R. both for onfly $6.25 a week. SHOWTIME T.V. & STEREO, Port Hope 885- 8652, Cobourg 373-0265, ten Clarion Car Stereo, AMI/FM/CD player with 100 watts, plus 4 speakers, only $7.50 a week. SHOWTIME T.V. & STEREO, Port.hope 885-8652, Cobourg 373-0265. tfn Panasonic Camicorder, 8 times zooml, auto focus, only $9.95 a wck. SHOWTIME T.V. & STEREO, Port Hope 885- 8652, Cobourg 373-0265. iïn Panasonic top of the line Portable Stereo, AM/FM/D.DECK/CD with Remote Control only $5.75 a week. SHOWTIME T.V. & STEREO, Port Hope 885- 8652, Cobourg 373-0265. tfn Bachelors apartment, downtown Orono, with parking, $425.00 a month, plus utilities, available inunediately. phone 983- 9179 or 983-9117. 14,21,28. ap ZEGERS - Martin and Jackie are happy to announice the birth of Kistyn Minnie, born July 3rd, weighing 7 lbs. 2-1/2 ozs. A sister to Brian, Renee, Jeremny, Andrew and Melissa. 14,cpn GUNN - Jennifer-Lyn is excited to be a big sister!, Her little sister Mackenzie Ann arrîved safely on July 7th weighing 6 Ibs. Il ozs. Ecstatic parents are Peter and Kim, Orono. Proud grandparents are Jim and Sherri Richards of Orono, Mary Gunn of Scarborough, and great-grandmnothers Hilda Richards and Patricia Harkin, both of Oshawa. Special thanks 10 the greatest doctor, Dr. David Barker, the nurses at Oshawa General Hospital, and the staff at Glazier Medical Centre for their special attention and support. 14,cpn We would like 10 thank friends, relatives and neighbours for ,the lovely party they gave us for our 4Oth Weddîng Armiversary. Also a special thanks to our family and frîends who worked so hard ta get it together. Thank you very much Evelyn and Allan Gerrow 14,ac 4 Duchess St. orono, Ont. Strawberries at their bestf BUY OR AT9 PIC K Fruit re Pick 8 quarts of Strawberries and ONE FOR FREE We st(11 have crunchy tasty Apples. Asparagus - Hot House Tomatoes - Later in the Season - Peas - Beans - Sweet Corn .WY .1 ...... ... 8 v Construction, Repairs,'Decoratina,ýl ----------------------- --------------------- ------- -------------------------- - ------------------- --- -- --- a 1 11