Dedie for Service Directory 'Tel. 983-5301'~n~rr i ~ eaiFriday Noon SEIRIC.-E UIIRETbOI I( ei OYd The Shop APPLE BLOSSOM '14' Donl Just Specaalze" NWake Every Order Speiar Main Street, Orono 983-9155 We Delîver Newtonville, Pontypool, Oshawa L and Places n-Between "Hagir Wth Flir" For- LADIES and GENTS Main Street, Orono 983-5333 Or ono Electric Ltd. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES COLOUR TVs - HI-Fis Sales and Service Whte Westinghouse Frigidaire Whirlpool Wood s Freezers Magie Ch ef Hoover 983-5108 Barina Home Check Vacation Horne Checking Let us make your home look lived in Wedding Oaýy GitSOttng Reliable References - BONDED Barb Shetier-Ina Cox NEWTON VILLE (416) 786-2996 PATRICK G. DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC 5 George Street, Bowmanvîlle, Ontario 623-4473 FLOWERS PLUS FLOWVERS GIFIS and CHAFTS 46 Kng Street East Newcast le, Ontario 987-1500 Betty Lycett 983-5908iý Wilda Middleton GRUNDYS Country upholstory Qualîty Work ln Upholstery .R.R. 2 Orono, Ont. 983-9874 Bryon Grundy T BARN YARD- UsdFuntue andAntque OPN EEKED My sincere thanks to mny faxily, neighbours and friends for their kindnesses, cards, flowers, food and visits during my hospital stay. Also special thanks 10 Dr. Garam and nurses on Floor 2, Roomn 208 ai Memnorial Hospital, for their special care. God Bless Mary Tamnblyn 7,ap Thank you 1 thie ladies of the C.W.L. for the wonderful lunch and great comipanionship. It was greatly appreciated and thoroughly enjoyed. Thank you once agamn for your kindness. Love and prayers always. May the good Lord bless you always. Your Friend Always Eugenie Jonckheere 7,ap My sincere thanks to the D.B.I.A., Sandy, Mabel and her staff, friends and family for their presence, cards and gifts at my surprise retiremnent party. It was very mucli appreciated. Jerry Duval] 7.ap SUTCLIFFE, Violet- - In Ioving memory of a dear ,grandmnother who passed away Ju]y 6, 1984. Myý heari stili aches in Anid secret Iears slillflow, What il ,nean.t Io lose you tiC he-y yhat lime heals eve rything i, ut 1 know thal isn'l soý hhuris as rimuJich tody v il did nine years ago). Dearly lovcd and miisscd by Granddaughter Tina. *Building Supplies and Hardware - Barn Steel - Sikkens Stain *Hemilock for Fenoes and Stails A Contre bimA our Building Neds- (705) 277-3381 or (416) 434-6665 tsvenîngs) ON HWY. 352 MILES NORTHt OF HWY. 115 MacGREGOR Auction Service ESTATES, CONSIGNMVENTS, HOUSEHOLDS BANKRUPTCIES, FARMS Sold at your location or at ours STORAGE & TRUCKING Gall for a Free Confidential Consultation M. MacGregor 416-987-5402 Junior West 416-983-5556 CANCELLIERE, Flore "Fred" -Suddenly ai his residence on Friday, JuIy 2, 1993 at the age of 51 years. Fred, beloved husband of Maddelena. Loving father of Rose, Lina & her husband Bill Schmahl and Stefano. Dear son of Rosa Cancelliere of England and the laie Pasquale. Loved grandfather. of Cassandra, Lindsay and Martin. Friends -were able to call at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville on Sunday from 7- 9 p.m,. and Monday from 2- 4 and 7 - 9 p.m. Funeral Mass of Christian Burial was held front St. Francis of Assisi Roman Catholic Church, Newcastle on Tuesday at il a.m. Internieni Bowmnanv ille Cemetery. Donations 10 Memorial Hospital Foundation 'Cardiac Care" in Freds memnory would be appreciated. 7,ac MlacGregor Miuction Sale ANIQUES, COLLECTABLES, HOUSEIIOLD EFFECTS& OFFICE FURNITURE Sunday, JuIy 1llth 11:00 arn. (10:00 viewing) Agriculture Building Orono Fairgrounds Auction features a varied sciection of antique furniture in refinished and as found condition, plus complete contents froni the apartment of Hazel Hallowell who has g iven up housekeeping. Partial list inicludes: 3 pcs. bedroomn suite; oak & pine washstands (orig.); mise. tabfles (occasional, kiiehen, djraw leaf, drop Icaf, gateleg, et.;4' ak clîurch pcw; sofa (like ncwý,); LaLy Boy & occ:Lasional chair; mise. drLessers and chests of drawers; hump back trun1k; sniall iron bod; Northcrn Eieccric woodcn wall phone; mise. chairs & rockers; large sclection of old advcrtisemcnt pcs. including Bowmanville collectables; ýld tins; oil lamps; crock (Belleville); floor lamps; mande cdocks; inens; RCA XL color t.v.; G.E. air conditioner; service station watcr cooler (c20s); selection of quality glass and china including cups and saucers, Royal Doulton (Bed. Timne); old coins; Limnited Edition & Decorative Art Prints; plus numerous household collectables fromt days gone by. Sclhing at 11:00 office fumiture including dcsks, file cabmiet chairs, tables, sîinal display sign, ec.1 This is oflly a X'ry small listing of the many articlcs 10, bc fcýaturedJ in th-is sale. Corne early andl cnjoy a Sunday ai. dic aucîîiîn. (NeXL Sic Sunda.i uly18th. Esýtate of Forest Diig) CalI for ait your Aucetion NIaGREORAUCTIONS Mike Nlac(regtor 416-987-5402 .1unior I'est 416-98-1-5556 7,ar Move -for the health of it Are you active? Do you ex- ercise every day? Not only is daily physical activity good for your personal and social weIl- being, it keceps your body at a healthy weight and makes you feel and look your besi. Try fo integrate regular physical activity mbt your daily routines - shopping, g-arden ing, housework, social outings. STAFFORD MONUMENTS 143 Kîng St. E. Bowmanville, Ont. Phone 623-8150 OUT OF TOWN CALLTOLLFREE 1-800-461-4848 GRANITE MONUMENTS MARKERSand CEMETERY LETTERING PRIVATE HOME or SHOWROOM APPOINTIVIENTS AVAILABLE SERVING ALL FAITHS REFERENCES AVAILABLE ON REQUEST Cati today for your free limer vase. After Hours Cali Oshawa 579-1116 TERMS AVAILABLE COMING EVENTS WOOD SHOW August 6-8. WidestI variety woodworking fools, customn-made wooden crafis & fuIrnîshings. Free seminars & chiîdrenis wbrksýhop. For brochure: Wo Show, Box 920, Durhamn, Ont. NOG 1iRD (519) 369-6902. PRýAIRIE CYSTER, DOUG KERýSHAW, Mac Wiseman, Good Brothers, Stonewaîî Jackson. Haveîock Country Jamboree, Aug.- 13, 14 & 15. 17 banda. bigger, better. Eastern Canada is Iargest. (705) 778-5206 eve., (705) 778-3353 days. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES L AID OFF? OUT OF WORK? Have a greaf business idea? Contact Fort Frances Economic Deveîopment, Box 38, Fcrt Frances, Ont. P9A 3M5 (807) 274-5323. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WJANTED! 1867 CONFEDERATiONý LOG, HOMES aIl across Canada' DealePrs reqir-ed. To, claim your reward, cailRcadWhte!75 738-5131. Fax: (705) 738-5283 R.r. 3 Bx9 Bobcaygeon, Ontario KOM lAC. - AINCOME1 owbaitwormý- . your -asement or garage. OcîcrIess operaion iLow ivestment. Market guaranteed' Frýe ifrain .,rly Bird Ecology, R.Rft#1 Sm hvîl, nh **i 2A0. (416) 643-4252. CAREER TRAINING E-ARN AUCTIONEERING at the Southwe-sfern S½hool of Auctioneering. NextCîass: JuIy 17-23. Information, contact: Southwestern Onitario Schooî of Auctioneering, R.R. #5, Woodstock. Ont ario N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. REE 'CAREER OPPORTUNITIES' GUI1DE. Train aI home for careers in Accountîing, Air cndifioning, Bookkeeping, Busines;s, Electronio,, Law Enfoncement, Medicail Secretary, Prlgl Travel, etc. 263 Adelaide St. W. (SA) Toronto. 1- 800-950 1972. SALES HELP WANTED SALES AGENTS. Thousands aîready sold f0, companies, governmenf, fundraisers, etc. Est ablished producer of unique promotional item uine seeks agents familiar with advertising sales and specialties. Cali (204) 663-4209. DON REAL ESTATE 5%ý.DW PAYMENT. NEW 3-BEDROOM MOBILE HOMES. $29900.00, $1,500.00 down, $25400 per month. Free deîivery and set-up. A-i Homes (807) 937-5909. GOT A CAMPGROUND membershîp or timeshare? Weill take if! America's largest resale clearinghouse. Cail Resort Sales, International. l-, 800-423-5967 (24 hours). BUILDING SUPPLY STORE IN REVELSTOkE B.C. Good, dlean famiiy operation averag'es $600,000. Owner wiIl train and offer somne tînancing. Negotiable. (604) 837-9635. VACATION I TRAVEL RIVER CRUISING. Pamper yourself. Your own Physical activity also keeps your muscles conditioned, your heart strong, and reduces your risk of hypertension, heart dis- ease and circulation problems. You don't have f0 take part in a demanding or strenuous exer- cise routine to enjoy being physically active. Do the things you like fo do. Be active every day. These are the best of times! This column, is provided by the Investors Group Inc. in col- laboration with the Canadian Fitness and Lifestyle Research Institute. private stateroomn and 4/5 nights aboardi an elegant replica steamboat cruising Canadas calm rivers. From $839.00. Free brochure. 1 -(800) 267-7868. MYRTLE BEACH RESORT vacation rentais - Studios, one and two bedroom condos; housekeeping provided. Pools, tennis and more! Golf packages available. Summer rates from $506/wee k. FREE BROCHURE: 1-800-448-5653. COTTAGE OWNERS. Register today with COTTAGES UNLIMITED rentai service - listing privately-owned cottages for rent. Free owners package. Fax (613) 283-9119, phone (613) 284- 0400. Also, part-time cottage cleaners needed. FLEA MARKETS CALABOGIE FLEA MARKET. SPECIAL FREE outdoor vending. Wanfed: Farmers Market and Vendors. Open Saturday, Sunday 10-5. 10,000 sq.ff. indfoor space f0 serve you. Cali (613) 752- 2468.ý STEEL BUILDINGS BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel StraitwaIi Type - nof quonset - 32x54 $7,744; 40x72 $11,690; 5Ox90) $16,622; 60xl26 $25,375 - other sizes available - Final Spring clearance - Paragon - 24 Hours 1 -800-263-8499. BUILDINGS: Manufactureras ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. 20x3O $2,577.00, 25x36 $3,382.00, 30>x40 $4,688.00, 35x44 $4,531 .00, 40x5o S6,944.00, 44x60 $7988.00. Straight-sided and also arch style. PIONEER 1-800-668-5422. STEEL BUILDINGS. AAAA - Prices are going up, Dofasco has told us. We have good inventory at oîd Prices. First corne, first served. Cail Future 1- 800-668-8653. SPAN-TECH STEEL BUIILDINGS LTD. - Easy f0 erect al/steel & wood/steeî buildings, CCSBI cerf ified, tarmn, residentiai, industrial, large or smaîi, contracting availabie, 24 hours. 1-800-561- 2200. POETRY POETRY CONTEST $1 2,000 in prizes. Possible r ublication. Send one original poem 20 uines or ess Io: Nafional Library 0f Poetry, Box 704-ND, Owings Milis, Md 21117. HEALTH I MEDICAL NEW HELP FOR ANXIETY, STRESS and panic attacks. FREE cassette/information package. Cal (519) 944-6000 for postage & handîing tee. LifeskiIis Research Center, P.O. BOX 221Ô0, Windsor, Ont. N8R 2H5. FOR SALE CAMPGROUND MEMBERSHIP. Camp Coasf f0 Coast 500 resorts for $1.00 per night. Lifetime membership. MusI seil! Paid $4,00000; askîng $695.00. Cali 1-800-955-3998. URINE-IERASE GUARANTEES REMOVAL urine (dog, caf, human) stains, odours. RegardIes5 stain age! Free brochure! Reidel Chemicaîs Ltd., Box 7500, London, Ont. N5Y 4X8. YbVur ad couidf appear in community ne wspapers in Ontario, or right across Canada, or any j individ ual province. Space is Limitedso Cali This New.5pqpqr Today! BERRY FARM South of Orono, West 1 Mile on 4th LUne PICK YOUR OWN BERRMES Picked Berrnes by the Quart OPEN DAILY 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Picekers Always Wanted cali 983-5706 CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE ITS FAST - ITS EASY! ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL. 1Walk whenevýer possible. Use the stairs instead of the elevator. If you are going ouf for dinner, consider walking there, or park- ing the car a few blocks away s0 that you can enjoy a strol back to the car affer dinner. If you are having friends over for the evening, get Up and dance. Include more movemnent in ail the things you do. ît is neyer too late to gel ac- tive. You will see and feel a no- ticeablc improvement aîmost immediately. Daily physical aetivity flot Only improves your mental, 1out- look.