4 - Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, June 23, 1993 Oron Ren PeeWees find Orofto Novice 1 big winm themselves in fast company over Roy's Enterprises It lias been a slow start for the Orono Rep Peewee teamn presently facing a 1 for 12 record. It has been rough on players, coaches and parents alike. But, it is obvious to ahl that the teamn is imnproving and it is encouraging to se the scores getting dloser. Playing against teams like Pickering, Peterborough, Oshawa and Kingston it is almost too mucli to expect a win. Orono does far well against teams like Kendal, Lindsay, Port Hope and Belleville however. Unfortunately, unlike hockey, there are not enough smali (Orono size) communities to make Up an E.O.B.A. league so Orono teams must play the larger centres. it is a good exzperience for our kids to see this higher calibre play however. 1Coachi Wayne Hunt and his assistant Alvin Gray are making the most of the regular season and are encouraging the boys to focus on improving their play in' preparation for the playoffs. At this Urne the teamn will only play communities of comparable size. Manager Art Reid is keeping track of the team stats and indicates that the batting department neelis the most work at presenit. Also helpîng fi in the management gaps is traîner (part time coach) Gord Werry. The team's defense has corne a long way with Kris Gray and James Mercier trading duties behind the plate, Scott Bouwmeester and Shawn Ferguson at first base, Troy Loucks and Peter Bernard at second, Aaron MeS wain at third, and Dusty Stapletorn showing some real promise at short stop. Sharing duties at the mound and filling in other positions as required are Anthony DiBartolomeo, Russell Hunt, Aaron McSwain, Andrew Reid, Wayne Werry and the tearn cdoser Keegan Brown. Mark Fletcher has been covering a great deal of territory for the teama in the outfield and recently won MVP for the team in a Cobourg toumnament. Aaron McSwain also won an'MVP award in the toumnament. Good luck boys as you go into the second haif of your season. The Donut Gallery Bantam One Basebail Report On June 11lth, Orono travelled to Soper Creek, Park in Bowmanville to, unfortunately, fali dhree runs short of a win while losing 3-1 to an overpowering National Video Teani. Hits were scarce but our fielding was as solid as our pitching. Tomas Wakefield and Brett Maartense went the distance. Brett had five strikeouts over four innings and Tomas had three over twoJmnings of work. 1The games lasted an hour and a haîf and during that time, Dan Rowe was able to make a major league play in left field, catching a long fly baîl over lis head near the fence. June 'i7th came with a bang as Orono I won 10-7 against Champion Team Wear which now gives us 6 points on the year. Defense was the key to this victory by far. Corey Stapleton handled a hard grounder successfully and made it look routine. Devon Witheridge was the offensive player of the game, banging home two runs and picking up a hit for himself. The outcome of die win had our sponsor, the Donut Gallery, picking up the tab for yet another round of doughnuts. Thanks Nick. A.L. - Team Representative On June 17, 1993 at tie Orono 1 Park the Novice 1 girls teamn defeated Roy's Enterprises 17-6. Orono's Ashley Biekeli was our starting pitcher with thrce strike- outs and threc runs allowed in the first two innings. Ashley Dwyer Walk Amy Walton1 Ashley Biekeli Ashley Dwyer Katie ONeill Terina West Michelle Henderson Melissa Barchard Jennifer Henderson Tina Taîsma Crystal Halik Becky Delemore Sarah Alex Heather Bangay pitched the third and fourth innings with 6 strikeouts in batters. Melissa Barchard pitched the final inning withi strikeout and three runs allowed. 'Me hits were as follows: DoubleQii~ Triple i 1 1 i Orono Hockey Program for 1993-94 season The Orono Amateur Athletie Association would like to inform ahl players and parents about the hockey program for this coming season. Hopefully this information wiil help you make your decision in the fourth and final inning with a 5-1 lead, Brian Bickel secured the Orono victory by hitting his first home run of the season, scoring in runners1Lee Allin and DJ. Boardman. Box Score: R H RBI Nathan Adegeest 2 Lee Allun i 2 1 Jordan Beacock 1 1 Brian Bickell 2 3 4 D.J. Boardman 1 i Josh Brandt1 i Tyler Gregg 1 2 Glencoe Hogle i11 Wesley Stephenson i11 Allinbrook Feeds will play their next game on Wednesday, June 23, 1993 at 6:00 p.m. in Orono Park South against Shoppers Drug Mart. where your child wil play and at what level of play which your child can participate. A) The O.A.A.A. are planning to ice the following terms: - Mite Program -House League - Tyke, Novice, Atom, Pee-Wee, and Bantam *OX.M A. M - NoNy i4 Atom (Note: will ice teamsg if numbers warrant at registration.) B) Mite Program - Are players 4 and 5 years of age who are given instructional hockey, skating, passing, shooting, positioning, etc. C) House League - On june l2th the 1993-94 B.R.H.L. and O.A.A.A. Hockey Agreement wîk__ signed in Toronto at the O.M.H.A. Annual- Meeting by each organization president. D) O.M.H.A. Rep - There will not bc any agreement signed with the Bowmanviile Toros this year. We were told by Sharon Oriffin our O.M.H.A. contact, this is not legal and Orono can not release players to another centre if we ice a teamn in that division. Therefore al players wanting to play O.M.H.A. Rep in Novice and Atom wil play in Orono. (except Triple AAA players) Ail other players in other divisions are free to go to the next closest centre. It should bc noted thatOrono has not been asked by the Toro organization for a release for any player in past agreements, which will reinforce that O.M.H.A. Rule 18 handies this situation very well. (Continued page 6) -Aflnbrook Feeds Tyke Baseball News Report Allinbrook Feeds continues its undefeated streak folwng wins over Regional Office Supplies-and Burger King last week. M-linbrook 2,.Regional 1 Allinbrook Feeds had home field advantage in a close game against Regional Office Supplies on Wednesday, June 16 1993. The Orono pitching was excellent with Glencoe Hogle earning ten strike- outs in the first four innings and Lee Allun getting six strike-outs, for the remainder of the game. Shawn Delong made a great catch in left field, throwing the bail to third baseman Wesley Strphenson for the third out in the first inning. in the fourth inning Kienan Williams stopped a grounder by Regional, and threw the bahl home to_ tag out the gamre-tying runner. The final out of the game was made in good style when Lee Alm scooped up the hit and threw the runner out at first, played by D.J. Boardman. Box Score: R H RBI Lee Allin 1 Josh Brandt 1 Brian Bickell 1 2 Glencoe Hogle 1 1 DJ. Boardmnan 1 Tyler Greggi Kienan Williams 1 Allinbrook 8, Burger King 1 Allinbrook Feeds travelled to Newcastles Edward Street Park to play Burger King on Friday, June 18, 1993. The Orono tram were a little concerned in the first inniing w hen Burger King's pitcher struck out the first thrcee batters, but they quickly got their confidence back and eventually won the game by a score of 8-1. Allinbrook's hest fielding plays came in the second înning when Jordan Beacock made a great catch to hold up Burger King's effort to score. Then D.J. Boardman and Brian Biekeli caught popped-up flues to get the second and third out. Tyke Greenways Petro Can Allinbrook Feeds Newcastle Home Hardware Henry Buildal Hunt's Photo Tyrone Shoppers Drug Mart Burger King Courtice Cougars M & M Meats Regional Office Supply Mosquito Lawmen Sugar~s Bakery Permanent Pools Armstrongs IGA Bleacher Creature C.0.A.W. Steeves Auto Tyrone Checkers Variety Discount Auto Parts Heritage Farms Homers Petro Service Kenny's Catering IPeewee I enti Home Ha~rdIware29 21 4 0O0Oj8 Peewee Raxxs Slider's Rivet s Hardware Unique Awards Skylight Don uts VanderGaast Roofing Beaver Lumber Memorial Park Tyrone Bantam National Home Video Donut Gallery Bowmanville Glass C & C Motors Champion Team Wear Greenways Petro Can Shoppers Drug Mart Son Bon Homes MidgetlJuvenile Gofor Sports, Heslins Legal Beagles Garden Hill Hooper's Trophy Cobourg Pontypool Royals J. Gosse Photography Oshawa THE REGIONAL p MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM DUR HAM Holiday %C;losure of Transfer and Recycling Sites The OSHAWA, CARTWRIGHT AND SCUGO TRANSFER AND RECYCLING SITES wiII be closed Thursday, JuIy isi, 1993, for the Canada Day Holiday. Normal operations wiII resume on Friday, JuIy 2, 1993. V.A. SILGAILIS, P. ENO. COMMISSIONER 0F WORKS T.O.N.B..A. House League Standings Pisani Construction 40 1 30 0 6 14 17 0 2 0 0