O1 ronoWefcy Times linc GServing Orono, Newcastle, Newtonville, Kendal, Starkville Vol. 57, No. 23 ORONO, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23,1993 Celebrate a new ministry at Orono United Big family'event Canada Day at the Orono Park Members of the Orono Pastoral ited Church. Picturcd above Rev. Don Charge (Orono and Kirby) The service was held on Stiles, Rev. Dr. Mervyn R. gatheýred in the presence of God Wednesday evening when Rev. Russell, Mrs. Patricia Russell and to celebrate a new ministry by Dr. Mervyn R. Russell was Rev. Edward Kersey, guest convenanting together for the presented to the membership of speaker for the service. service of God at the Orono Un- the charge. To celebrate Canada Day no one in the Orono area, and well beyond, need flot travel great distances. The Orono Town Hall Board with assistance from such as the Orono DBIA and the Newcastle Family Connection and others have a- program set for celebration. It ail happens in the beautiful Orono Park which has been rented by the Hall Board for the occasion. Its free admission and further there is free swimming for the kids from noon until 4 p.m ail the courtesy of the Hall Board. The Town of Newcastle Concert Bands to provide a program of music at 1: 30 p.m. At about the same Urne those present will celebrate the name change to theMunicipality of Clarington but the cutting of a Clarington cake by Mayor Diane Hamre and a number of her counicillors. The cake is being provided by the Orono DB LA. The cry for Hot Dogs, Juices at $ 1.50 will be the order of the day along with Slushies being available. There are to be gaines and contests for the kids The Newcastle Family Connection ever-popular Teddy Bear Cîii will again be pres ent so the youngsters better not leave their teddy bears at home. Further there will be face painting and what should be great fun is, the introduction of the Spaghetti-filled Kiddy Pool and Magic Mud. Take a look here for a laugh or two. Durham Regio nal Police will also be on hand as will the Newcastle Firefighter's with their safety house. Most of all it is a family event in Orono and one to enjoy. John Finlay managing Support for Newcastle Community Hall Stirling Ag. Office A reorganization within the The Finlays have lived in Ontario Ministry of Agriculture Orono for nearly eleven years and Food has placed John Finlay while John has been with the as manager of a four county Ag Ministry in Durham County for 18 office located ini Stirling, Ontario. years. During his stay in Durham John Finlay bas worked out of the former Uxbridge office as well as being Ag rep at the former Bowmanville office and nost recently Ag Rep at the Port Perry office. In the reorganization Durham Region and York Region have been amalgamated into one unit with the office being located in Port Perry. Christine Dukelow bas been appointed manager ofthe (Continued page 6) Grant Y eo acÉcepts Director of: E&.dducation Heritaedsgaion overcomes opposition The General Purpose committee is recommending to council that the Town proceed with the Heritage designation of the Newcastle Cornmunity Hall., 'Me request for the desî,gnation carne from the Newcastle LACAC couimittee and according to the Town report the Newcastle Hall Board did give unanimous approval, for the designation on March 12, 1992. Agreement bas been reached on a revised list of articles to be listed along with the building for designation. The report also notes of agreements reached on a meeting of the public and following, a meeting, of the board. It was pointed out in the staff report that the purpose of the designation was flot to restrict the property from evolving with the community's needs. If the proposed recommendation is approved by council staff will take a further step in advertising the intent of council giving a period of at least three weeks for further comments as to the designafion. Brenton Rickard who bas been a member of the board for 30 years and chairman for 20 years (Continued page 9) Honoured for twenty-five years as Brown Owl Grant Yeo, Chief Superinten- dent with- the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education, has accepted a position as Director of Education for the Lambton County Board of Education with headquarters in Sarnia. Mr.1 Yeo has been a resident of the Oýrono area for most of his life Urne being the son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Yeo. He received his early education in the former Antioch Public School cast of Orono and attended higb school both in Orono and at Clarke High School. He is a graduate of McMaster University, Hamilton, with a Honour degree in history and received Masters and PhD degrees from the University of British Columbia. He lectured at UBC for three years on Canadian/ American relations. In 1973 Mr. Yeo joined the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education teaching at the Orono/Lockharts school and then proceedng as vice-principal at the Pines Senior Public School. (Continue'! page 10) Madeline Heard who has served as a Brown Owl leader for twenty-five years was honoured with miany words of praise last Wednesday evening at the Orono part She wus also presented with a bouquet of flowers by Brownie, Ashley Dwyer., .Also in the picture is Jane Allan, Division Commissioner, who congratulatedMrs. Heard and presente'! ber with a 25 year pin- Wendy Williams, a Brownie leader, daughter of Mrs. Heard, was also the recipient of a 10 year service pin. Certainly congratulations and! thanks are in order.