.~ 1 W Vol. 57, No. 21 ORONO, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9,1993 Saturda-v ni%?ht entertainment Fish & Hunt celebrate 5Oth with Open House Saturday night was group that has being proving prograin teaturel. religious songs. entertainment night at the Orono popular li th area The group was most enjoyed United Church when the Kirby The first haif of the program by those present. Refreshments congregation sponsored the included many of the popular were served. Benson Brothers. a musical vocal oldies while the last half of die Consumer Distributing sidesteps Town' s Zonîng It has often been said "If had moved bis trailer on location holiday week-end li May ai tbere's a will there's a way". along highway 115/35 for the July 1 st as the major sale pe This fact was boni-out as the holiday week-end sale of But zoning was not such1 May 24th week-end closed in on fireworks. Porter manufactures retail operation out of the t David Porter of 'Pickering who the fireworks and sees the (Continued pag ind for criods. that a railer ýe 2) Town allots 242,500 sq. feet for West commercial aiea A recommendation from the General Purpose committee goes to council on Monday recommending a commercial development p lan for the Rowmanirville West-Central core proposai. It is being recommended that the developers in the area, ( west of Martin Road on Highway 2) be Bowimanville Mail nabs department store for '94 Representatives of the The Bowmanville Mail has Bowmanvile Mail in the east end been operating in Bowmanville of Bowmanville announiced to since 1970 and had repeatedly council membe-rs on Monday thit promised a department sto-re to be the Mail hadl obtained a major inciuded in a second phase, of the departmnent store as a tenant. It Malil. was stated that Metropolitan will The company-has site plan be operating in the mail in the improvement for the second phase spring of 1994 occupying'some of the mal and work could well 30,000 square feet of new start at anytime li the near future. developmient. Couincil members were told that The expansion at the Mail wiliI hey, the Bowmanville Mal total 45,000 square feet with reýpresentatives, wouid be back to auxiliary store occspyting 15,000 counicil on June l4th with further square feet. axnouncements. Happ eïnn gs .... S.A.D.D. Car Wash Clarke High School's Students Against Drunk Drivers will be holding a Car Wash on Saturday, June l2th at the OPP Station in Newcastle (MiII St. south of Hwy. 401) from 9:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Pancake Breakfast The Orono Oddfellows will bc holding their annual Pancake Breakfast at the Hall on Saturday, June 12th from 8 a.m. to 1 la.m. 4th Annual Ken David Memorial Soccer Tournament The 4th Annual Ken Davies Memorial Soccer tournament will be held this weekend June l2th and l3th at Hobbs Sr. Public School and Darlington Sports.Centre. The tourniament which is sponsored by Darlington Youth Soccer League will be hosting tearns from Toronto, Sudbury, Kingston and Simcoe. Euchre Results Euchre resuits for the Orono Town Hall for Wednesday, Jane 2 with 14 tables in play were: High scores C. Stapleton with 90; Marie Couroux with 81; Muriel Burtch and Joyce Tennant each with 80 and Hilda Caswell with 79. Low score was Hazel Pigott. Draw winners Albert Pearce, June Wilson, Helen Couroux, Marion Sears, Olive Little, Don Thompson, and John Scott. Cards are heid every Wednesday evening begînning at 8 p.m. Ladies please bring lunch. ailowed Co deveiop 200,000 squarec feet of retail space on the south side of Highway 2 along with 2500 square foot for a McDonald's restaurant. The town also allows- deveiopment on the nortb side of No. 2 in the area some 40,000 square feet of commercial development. -Ail the lands are to be designate d commercial wbere it bad been recommended that some residential development should take place. The town is aiso recommending a mix of design for the area rather than a full grid system as had been a former condition of the municipality. In grating the commercial development for the western area the town is asking the developors to provide a sum of $30,000 for a renewal study of the Bowmanville downtown central core. As well the west developers are being asked to provide an amount of $250,000 to help implement some features of the CAUSE study in the downtown core. A further annual amount of $10,000 is to go to the downtown area from the west-aroa developers. The re.zommendations wili come before council on Monday for council's endorsation. Counce. David Scott spoke against the recommendations stating it was the death warrant for the downtown area. He said the town had hired consultants and they alor.g with mnembers of councýilaind staff had devised a plan a]llowîing 140,000 squajie feet for the western area based on population growth. He. saïd ho feit it had been a good plan and alil he (Continued page 2 The Orono Fish and Hunt Club celebrated their fiftieth anniversary on Sunday wheni they held an open house at the Shooting range nortb of Orono. It is estimated that 75 to 85 were in attendance at the Open House. The local club offered a one- on-one shooting course to those interestetu as well as outlining proper gun handling. Coffee, donuts and pop were available., Another event coming up for the Club is the annuai Wild Game barbecue being held later in August. The Orono Fish and Hunt Club has a paid-up membership of 175 which has'been capped at that figure due to accommodation at the shooting range. The shooting range is open Wednesdays from 6 p.m. tili dusk from early li the spring to late fall and on Sundays from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. The club offers trap shooting as well as range facilities for 1.22s and larger rifles. The Orono Club first operated a shooting range on Ransberry property at Enterprise until 1968 when they moved the faiities to lands they purchased north on the seventh lino of Clarke. Since the purchase of the property a club house has been built and two years ago hydro was installed to the facility. The grounds are often used by community groups for picnics and, special events. Cubs recently held a barbecue outing at, the camp. Feni Sargeant, secretary, said the club is pleased to make the facility available for such community uses. The local Club bas, li one way or another, kept active during the fifty years. In earlier years such as fishing trips to Rice Lake for fish fries and wolf hunts and social activities were popular events for those involved in the club. Opens business downown Orono Last week Bey. and Brian Waimsiey of Newcastle opened Bev's Pet Food and Novelty Shop in downtown Orono, a couple of doors south of Beckers. The couple have been operating a similar store in Newcastle Village, 10 Church Street, and have now added an outlet in Orono. According to Brian, pictured pet foods f or dogs, cats, birds, small animais. "If we don't have we likely can get it", said Brian Waimsley. The store also has on display hand-knitted sweaters for children and pockets book selections. ..The store is open 4:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Mondays through Fridays and from 9:30 a.m. to 5;30 on Saturday. Store hours will above, they carry most brands of change within eigbt weeks. Inc. G.S.T. Servlng Orono, Newcastle, Newtonvllle, Kendal, Starkville