Orono Weekiy Tlmes, Wednesday, ýJune 9, 1993 - il Mo re IR~~fle'0k by Helen MacDonald In 1971, wben Environment Canada declared the first week of June National Environment Week, few of us knew much about the extent of global environmental dégradation. We knew even less about its impact upon buman health, or how to 'dlean up' the mess. More than twenty years later,' the air is stili filtby, waterways are still polluted and tbe land continues te degrade. Our children suffer încreased incidences of respiratory ailments, the food they eat is connected more to the petro-chemical industry than it is to tbe land, and they must be discouraged from playing under the brilliant rays of the sun...tbey are harmful. For years, we have been informed of daily pollution leveis. Then, in tbe sprînig of 1992, the féderal govemment began to issue daily ozone warnings tbrough publication of a UV Risk Index. 1And, tbis montb marks the beginning of a summer long Spare the Air project during which, alongside daily pollution and UV Risk indices, we will be given one-day advanced smog warnings. While tbe weather forecaster tracks environmental chaos, tbe Canadian Cancer Society and the Canadian Dermnatology Association warn about the cancer-causing effects of exposure to the sun. Tbe Lung Association alerts us to the health impacts of smog. And recently, my children came bome from scbool with a reminder to protect tbem fro m tbe harroful rays 0 of te suni. All of tbîs is utter madness! While our energies go to remembering wide-brimmed'bats, extra clothing, gobs of sunscreen, and limited outdoor playtime, wbai are we doing to solve tbe problem? How committed are we to environmental protection and dlean-up?. It took a long time for our society te accept the link between long-terni tebacco use and related health impacts. Many lives were lost, and bealth-care costs for smoke-related disease and illness soared before -we began a serious campaign to curb smoking. Similarly, warnings and temporary, human-centred solutions won't solve our environmental problems. Stopping ozone depletion, smog, pollution- and other environinental, degradation will. Remember the America boy, David, wbo lived in a m an-made bubble for all of his twelve years because be was allergic to everything? H ow sad we tbougbt it that bc could not chase butterfies in sunny fields, or swim in cool rivers, or climb a Iree in the forest, or bug bis parents. David's world, removed from Nature and from the universe, puts me to wondering about the future of our children. Will tbey be able te play happily beneatit the sun, or will we be forced te safely cocoon tbemn from harmn in an artificial Earth bubble? And, wbat of tbe birds, and the trees and the rivers? Do your bit . .. not only during National Environment Week, but every week! A Il that 'jazz by Michael D. Woolner End of the Year Well, seems as tbough another school year bas corne to a close, and as every year, the thougbt of leaving every little evîdence of educationâl benefit behind lingers silently aînong thoughts of finally breaking the bonds and shackles that held us captive at Clarke Higb for ten montbs of the year. As a final assembly in tbe gymnasium, I would like to just once, gatber alI tbe stude nts that have sacrificed everytbing in the naine of education, sitthern down in usual fashion and have a single person walk on the stage and ask just one single question, "What did you learn ibis year?" And of course, tbe response froin the majority of the student body will come as, "Absolutely nothing!" Yes, kind, yet mislead board members and teachers. Do not be sbocked, when you hear that all those "vital necessities needed to furtiter education," that you crammed into Our minds year after year bas, bow you say, "Gone in one ear and out the other." Most students can remember that classic question used by some towards a teacher, "Wbat are we ever going to use this stuff for anyway?" True, the basics are important and maybe of value in life.,Yet, why is Marcello goingto need to know the value of pi to the 127th decimal place when bis career of objectives consist of running his late father's pizza business and collecting various tree bark from around the continent? But for a conclusion to that immort al question, What-dîd you learn ibis year?" were in attendance at the Orono Park. Tbe. evening not only featured prime beef, beans, coleslaw, sauces, dougbnuts, coffee etc., but also lively entertaininent by tbe Baleros of Osbawa and thevaounubr of the Talent Sbow. The United Counties of Northumberland and Durham were on Tuesday preparing tbe Main Street in Orono for paving. Tbe, first operation, was the washing down of tbe street and the paving operations will follow within a day' or two.1 Misses Ann Arnott and Geke de Jonge are spending tbree weeks in Tales ToId Twice July 1979 Theý Orono Business Section now boasts a_ new enterprise, The Village Bake Shop-, a delight to the sweet tooth as well as adding a pleasant aroma when the oven doors open. Mrs. Terri Vreeker opened the business late la st week. Clarke Public Library Special Craft Program, Thursday, July l9th at 10:30 a.m.' Indian beadwork and weavîng taught by staff from the McMichael Gallery. Ages 6-12. Please pre-register.- Ellen Marie Heard, daughter of Jean and, AI Heard, received ber Bachelor of Science degree at Convocation Hall, University of Toronto on June l4th, 1979. Edward ' Morton, an accomplished young musician from Orono area is touring Prince Edward Island with the Whitby Brass Band. The tour involves a number of band concerts, parades, lobster-fests etc. Edward is playing drums for the Whitby Band. Theç Goodyear Tire- and Rubber Company of Bowmanville has, presented a furtber $1,0O to the Orono Arena and Community Hall Pund. On Priday evening tbe Holstein Priesen Association presented Everett Brown, Orono, with a forty year pin in recognition of bis forty years of service to tbe association and the Holstein breed. The presentation was made by Bob Plett during tbe Durbam Holstein Association Twi-Light meceting held at Browview.Farm west of Newcastle Village. July 1969 Tbe Cbamber of Commerce, bave placed new garbage disposaI: units on tbe Main Street. Your co- operation in using tbese containers wîll belp keep Orono dlean. Clarke Townsbip Council on Tuesday gave tbeir approval to an 83 lot subdivision nortb of the Orono Cemetery whicb is to be developed by Sunnydene Estatesv Limited, The Annual Orono Beef Bar-B- Q was a great success last Wednesday evening when 320 - Were stili not allowed te wear hats after al! this time. - Wr. Hubbs still enjoys bis job. - Birtbday wisbes stilI go out te students wbo graduated from school five years ago. -Mrs. McNamara is planning on taking entire control of -the scbool, and will probably mun for Mayor after retirement, tberefore, ordering fell ow council members te remove their bats before Monday moming council meetings begin. - It was me that kept yelling "Bill" while passing by Mr. Scoffield's classroom every morning, during second period. - Mrs'. Kirby, our Librarian, bas by far the best car in tbe parking lot. -Mr. Hubb's stili enjoys bis job. -Plans for running for student coundil next year look very prominent as of late. (Hey, anythings possible!) COMPLETE CAR & TRUCK REPAIRS DIESEL ENGINES CbUMMINS, DETROIT & CAT RADIO DISPATCHED TOW TRUCKS MOBILE MECHANICAL SERVICE TRUCK R.R. 1, ORONO, ONTARIO 4 MILES NORTH 0F 401 LOB 1Mo ON HWY. 116&35 P[IONE (416) 983-9151 mua§A MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL LTD. Established in 1881 623-5480 4 Division St. Bowmanville 7"777N Holland visiting relatives, of the de Jonge's. It has been reported that agreement has been reached between the Orono United Church special committee and the Northumberland and Durham -County Board of Education for the rent of space in the cburch basemient for kindergarten use. This is for the school term of 1969-70. Fifteen members of the Orono Girl Guides left on Saturday last for camp. The Guides are at Camp Adelaide, Haliburton'., On Monday, July, 28 a record rainfail fell in the Kendal area. Mr. Allen Poster wbo keeps the weather record on -the rain gauge said that two and seven-eight inches of min fell on Monday. The dates of the Orono Pair are drawing nearer and with the 4 th, Sth and 6th of September will bc a reality. ý PRE-ARRANGEDAND PREýPAiD FUýNERAL ýSEFRVICESAVAILABLEJ TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE COMMUN ITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT 1993 SUMMER AQUAICOREGISTRATION DATES, CHILDREN/YOUTH PROGRAMS CHANGE IN LOCATIONS Ail registration locations wili hand out tickets at 4:30 p.m. and doors to the registration area wiII be open at 6:30 P.m. Facllity:, Newcastle Ftness Centre Programs. Location: Bowmanvllle Recreation Com plex Date: Monday, June 21,1993 Facility: Orono Park Pool Programs Location: Orono Town Hall Date:, Tuesday, June 22, 1993 Fac liIty: Newcastle Lions Pool Programs Location: Newcastle Public School Date: Wednesday, June 23, 1993 NOTE: Newcastle Lions Pool will be heated this sumnmer. If you have any questions please caîl the-Community Services Department at 623-3379. S1366 Dates of publication: Wednesday, June 9, and 16, 1993 P.O. 4745