Orono Weekly Tim«, Wednesday, 4une 9, - Ne s orh N wonileIWorld of Work program offered al Clarke for kids, 14 to 16 In con lunction with the Canada (WOW tIn,;1 no. ' L.L. by Carol-Ann Oster Newtonville Public School will. surely find June to simply fly by in a fiuny of activity. Last Wednes day the school hosted a Durham Regional Police Street Crime Unit presentation. An officer from the unit discussed the purpose of the unit and the current YOUth Crimes that are becoming a problem within Durham-Region. You'll have to read the rest of this week's newspaper to fmnd the rest of"tisstory. On Friday, the Newtonville Whitby School to get Safety Village Through the efforts of two service clubs and Durham Regional Police a pint-size Kid's Safety Village is to be created at the Kathleen Rowe Public School grounds. The Optimistic Club of Ajax and the Rotary Club of Osbawa Parkwood are involved in tbe $7 50,000 project. Tbe Safety Village will be used b y Regional Police te run a safety program for young school children from kindergarten age to grade tbree. Tbe Village is expected te be operating late next summer. Public school 3 pitch team participated in a tournamnent held at Orono Public School. The teamn played welli but were unable to beat Newcastle Public School to make it to the finals against Orono. Monday is the Newtonville Public Scbool V.I.P. graduation. It is to be held at the school at 7:00 p.M. The students at the school are also currently busily practicing for track and fleld which will be held on the 22nd and 23rd. vote. The workers did gain legal services in tbeir new contract and job secunity until March of 1994. Gun surrendered, by student, 13 years A thirteen year old student at Father Francis Mahoney school in Oshawa was found to have a sawed-off rifle in bis poissession along witb six shelîs. Police were called and confiscated the rifle and bullets and laying charges. It is feit tbe incident was but a prardk. Unemployment rises in local area,, Gangs11to1 the Whitby, Osawa, Newcastle thievs il o 15area from 9.5 percent in April to involved in thefts 10.9 in May. Police bave apprebended four The mark however is much girls age 13 to 15 years of -age' better than the national average along with one boy aged il ear opf 11.4 percent., in aseris o carthefs i Oshwa. London, Ontario bas one of the inows aae seriesof caroheftceii sha.a Police have retrieved the stolen loetresi epovnea81 vehicles laying 13 charges of theft. percent wbicb bas been Tbe il year old was released unchanged for a number of unconditionally because hie is o months. young to face criminal charges. Flooded with Oshawa bus drivers job applications accept wage freeze When Blayne Flint moved his Tbe Oshawa bus drivers bave -HOV Tape and CD store from the given approval to a two year wage Poimnts lMal n ohthe freeze by an 88 percent positive PonsMlinOhw le advertised for an extra worker. ______________________ He was flooded witb 600 applications for tbe single Street position. He said lie felt badly Crim ethat so many people were out of (Continued from page 8) Protest causes assist should a problem arise. GO delays Parents play a large role in Some 45,000 GO train users keeping tbeir children from were delayed getting te work on criminal or youtb gang activity. t Friday when 70 employees of GO is up te the parents te encourage caused a slowdown and tbe their young person te be canceliation of-some trains from responsible, and te belp develop the VWtby station. self-esteem. There are also certain Confusion existed over the tbings tbat parentsý should be cause of the delays and the aware of. If you notice a sudden disagreement with the employees. change of attitude in the youth ' or Courts may haIt PUvfl a chànfizein the tvl uof dressing, there could be a cause for concern'. t is alse important for parents te be aware of wbo their child is hanging eut with. The unit bas made substantial inroads inte the problemn and hopefully wyith tbe ceoperation of other yeuth and tbe support of parents and the public the unit wili sec a huge success. mega dumps David Tilson, PC , of Dufferin Peel bas stated, in the legisiature tbat court challenges may cause tbe government to retbink tbeir mega-dump proposaIs. He pointed te actions being taken tbrougb the courts by a sand and gravel company along Employment Centre (CEC) and the Newcastle/Nortbumberland Board of Education, a very special programme is being offered this summer througb the Co-operative Education Department at Clarke High School. Students 14-16 years of age, wbo might flot otherwise be able to find employment, will be given the opportunity to participate in this, programmne, referred to as World of Work with the Mayor of the Township of Georgina to override the mandate of the IWA and its choice of mega-dumps. Local hospitals involved Botb Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville and the Oshawa General Hospital refrain from allowing chronic care patients the priveleged of using their own television or VCRs. Such, patients must rent units from witbin the bospital. A MPP from the Kirkland Lake area is seek legisiation at Queen's Park that would allow such patients to make use of their own televisions. In Kirkland Lake hospital the charge for such a service through the hospital is $82,00 a month in rentaI. Celebrates 8Oth birthday The Port Hope and District Hospital has jut completed the clebration of its 80th birthday in the community. The event was celebrated with a barbecue along witb musical entertainiment. Games and contests were also on order . Displays of hospital memorabilia was also a feature of the evening. Most of the event was held outside., Busy setting up rural child care program A network of home child-care providers are being assembled to serve rural families inthe Port Hope and Cobourg areas. The program has been operating in the Brighton area azz weIl as out of a Hastings office and one out of Campbellford. The corporation is a n on-profit organization with some funding from the Ministry of Community and Social Services. Port Hope seeks additional, park lands The Town of Port Hope is interested in obtainîng addîtional lands adjoining to the Agricultural Park which is now owned by Trinity College School. The parcel of land involves some 13 acres. The Port Hope Fair Board bas some money to put towards the purchase and are involIved in seeking the land as well as the Town. The Town recently received a study report as to the overbaul of tbe agricultural park at a cost of $2.5 million. It was suggested in the report that-additional lands be sought cithertbrough lease or purcbase. credits upon completion and will also be paid by the federal govemnment for the work they do at their placements. W.O.W. also offers such benefits as training on job employability skils, field trips to places such as Canada's Wonderland, special guest speakers and much, mucb more. (Supervisor), and Jennifer Kearns (Supervisor) are ail very excited about this programme, and will be running it out of Clarke High Scbool throughout the summer. We will keep you informed on the progress and expected success during the summer. au .............. ...... . .... . ............ GOING ON A TRIP??? GETTING MARRIED??? Plaoning a Special Evenîng on the Town for Dinner, the Theatre or the Big Gaine??? I HOURGLASS Limousine Service will get you there and back in safety, com fort and style. CALL TO RESERVE EARLY