B - Orono Weekly Times,, Wednesday,, April 14~, 1993 Newcastle Public School on Thursday. This was one of a number of spirit days held at the school. Students dressed in the Newcastle colours of green and gold. The St. Francis of Assisi grade 2 students travelled to Mr. Allan Downes' Sugar Bush last week. And for parents: There will be a Parent's Meeting at Newcastle Public School on April 19. The topic wil be 'Integrated Children's Services Team'. queen's Park Report from Gord Milis, MPP Durbamn East Last week at Queens Park was perhaps the busiest for me since My election. AIl week long, 1 attended meetings focused on coming t o grips with measures to reduce governiment spending. The last one ended at close to midnight on Thursday evening. After the E-aster break the task will continue. The Budget will be tabled inearly May. 1 don't expect the Budget to contain much that will make the govemment popular but neither is it the time to sacrifice the good of Ontario for political gain. On Tuesday afternoon, at 3 p.m., the 3rd Session of the 35th Parliamnent opens with the Speech fromn the Throne to be delivered by The Honourable Henry N.R. Jackman, Lieutenant <overnor of Ontario. Following the delîvery of the speech, the House will by tradition, adjourn until the following day at 1:30 p.m. The daily proceedings at the Ontario Legîslature can be seen on the,ý Parliamentary Channel, in this area through Rodgers Cable on Channel 53, commencing at 1:30 p.m. daily. I dont have any doubts that the new session will be eruptive and possibly volcanic in attitude, from now through to the summer break. Some opinion suggests that Ontario politîcs have becomne a 'blood sport". 1 tend to agree with that evaluation, given our present situation there isn't any doubt in my mind that in the comîng weeks both opposition parties will strive by Carol-Ann Oster The schools in Newcastle are gearing up for quite a busy time ahead. Newcastle Public will be having their kick-off campa ign for the Great Pine Ridge Kinsmen Bike-A-Thon on April 23. On April 26, the students will be participating in the Rotary Tree Planting. St. Francis of Assisi is 'Jumping Rope for Heart' this week. It was Newcastle Day at SPRING PICK ME UP & GET IN THE MooD SALE NEW ... Stylish Major League "Team Jackets" with embroidered logo front and large logo applique back Reg. $109.99 SALE $79.99 Bulis - Blue Jays - Rockies - Hornets Soccer Cleats - Mitre Champion & Dominator Style Children & Youth Sizes 9 through 6 Reg. $19 99 SALE $14.99 Adut Size 61/2 through 12 Reg. $2999 SALE $23.99 Batting G love - Franklin Digital Leather Reg. $2295 SALE $1 7.95 BASEBoALL FIELDING' GLOVESÉ% WILSON Reg. Intermediate A2920 -$69.95 Intermediate A2915/16 74.95 juni or A2954 26.95 FRANKLIN Large #4679 ýLarge #4755/56 Sale $48.97 52.49 19.49 79.95 59.95 79.95 59.95 SPALDING Reg. Intermediate F807601 $ 64.95 Intermediate F807401 69.95 RAWLINGS Jr. RBG 117B 49.95 XL Aduit RSGXL 119.95 XL Aduit C10OXL 124.95 Intermediate RBG 94B 67.95 Sale $44.95 49.95 37.95 89.95 99.99 49,95 FREE BALL OR GLOVE OIL WITH EVERY PURCHASEJ Sale in eff ect tiil May 15 while quantities last YOUR COMM UNITY SPORTS SPECIALITY SHOP ........... BOWMANVILLE SPORTS SHO"'P 121 KING ST. EAST, BOWMANVILIE, ONTARIO Phone (416) 623-0322 wo make the most of our present predicament. I intend to keep everything in perspective, worse things have happened in the past. If you are in doubt at ail, take the time to look back at the happenings involving both the previous Liberal Government, and before them, the Conservatives. Our shortcomings really pale in comparison with the historical recorded imperfections of both those administrations. Don't expect any such comparison to be made available through the media but it is really available throughi a study of political commentary, and is well worth reading. No person is perfect, and the samne goes for political parties, even though a Toronto tabloid would have every one believe otherwise. Speaking of Tories, in Oshawa last week, Leadership hopeful Kim Campbell had the gaîl of "Old Harry" to blame Bob Rae for our deficit. The blame for that is with her government and their cuts to, federal transfers in the midst of a recession. The Ontario government has sold its remaining stake in Suncor Imc. This ill-fated investment made in 1981 by then Ontario Conservatives premier Bill Davis, cost the provincial taxpayers over, $400 million. The governiment, or more correctly, we the taxpayers, are stili left with the huge daily interest debt on another Conservative "investment" namely the SkyDome. This so called "8th Wonder of the World" hatched by, a consortium of Tories under the leadership of for-mer Tory premier (Continued page 9) Apple Blossom Shop Orono Electric Rolph Hardware Viewers Choice Village Bake §hop Wallace Auto Supply Hair With Flair Dulees The'Hair Line Beckers, Orono Stutt's Pharmacy Cotton Wood Orono Fuel & Lumber Mercer's Garage Jungle Cat World Armstrong's IGA Noones Truck Stop Easton Truck Caps The Donut Shop, Hwy. 115 B.J. Trailers Kirby Burgers Roast 'Beef Plus Restaurant Forum Restaurant The Mousetrap, Hwy. 11 5 Ace Submarine Fred's Fruit Market Durham Farmers' Co-op MercerHeating Plydesigns New Dutch Qven Restaurant Maintenance free, lVin ylGard. seif-cleaning. DI, v l'abS92f5 PI7>0 / T,9ov19h 5" sfE OuR Lispnu-j Ew cows?- "YTHANK YOU Once again the Orono Firefighters' Association would like to thank the folowing merchants for their generous contributions to our Annual Spring Dance. UMPIRE- CLINICS FOR O.B.A. LEVELS 1 & 2 Sat.urday, May 8, 1993 For umpires with at least two years experience and who are over 16 years of age. HOUSE LEAGUE Saturdlay, May 15, 1993 For umnpires with Iess than two years experience and who have reached their 13th birthday. BOTH CLINIOS WILL BE HELD AT THE ORONO COMMUNITY CENTER For more information, questions and to register cal Ken Key 623-6383 or John Witheridge 983-9202 k.f s'il Lez sizety