Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 31 Mar 1993, p. 8

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8 - Ororo Weekly Times, Wednesday, March 31, 1993 C Nwcatl Notables Sluuuuurp ... The Optimist Club heid their spaghetti dinner on Sunday night at-the Newcastle Community Hall. Theail you can eat meal included with the spaghetti, a salad and bread. Elsewhere in Newcastle, 'm sure that everyone enjeyed this first taste of true spring weather. Heres hoping it lasts. Hloping you ail have a good week. Rememnber, any news of geings-en in Newcastle can be passed on at 983-5301 or 786- 2052. Newcastle Lions Regional Chairman, Gord Bagshaw accompanied by Lion John Paton frem the Peterborough Lions Club-made his officiai visit te the Newcastle Lions at their regular meeting on March 24th. After a deliclous dinner served by the Newcastle Lioness Club, Regional Chairman Gord spoke to the 28 Newcastle Lions and one guest present. He ' reinforced Governor Keiths goals for the year and added one of his own Ilcommunication" said Lion Gord "is very important within a club, a district and within Lions International". Regional Chairman Gord was thanked by Lion Sam Galea and presented with a momento of his vîsit te the Newcastle Lions Club. Also on hand te speak te the Newcastle Club was Regional Councillor for Ward thiree, Ann Dreslinski. Lion Ron Locke introduced Ann withi remarks about her inivolvement in the Durham Central Pair and community C ommitments. Ann made a very informai presentation, first informing the audience that the Lakeshore Road at Bondhead had just washed eut the same afternoon, She noted that this wash eut will not be repaired for some time. Councillor Taenles Told Tice October 1966 Friday evening the Orono Hydre Commissioners p assed a resolution which ordered the discontinuing of Orono Hydro te supply water heaters'on a rentaI- purchase basis. The Saturday nîght dance at the Orono Arena netted a sum of slightly ever $100.00 for the artificiai ice fund which is in need ef $4,400.00. Mr. Len Pears of Orono displayed his prize winning top honours at area fairs. Mr. Pears has won 17 first, il seconds and 2 thirds in exhibits at Markham and Warkworth fairs. At precisely 3:00 a.m. Sunday morning, October 16th over 800 telephones in the Orono system were tumed ever te the dial. The change over from the manual te the dial system was without event but marks a historie event in upgrading the communications of this area. What primaiily started eut te be (Continued page 12) Dreslinski went on te give the assembly a view of Municipal Politics, cemparing the Town Ceuncil te the Regional Council. Shie comnmented that she has leatrned much about politics since the election but ha-s much more te leatrn. The Lions discovered that the Ward three ceunicillors have duties that the Ceuncillors in the ether wards de net. They must sit on twe Arena Boards, twe Hall Boards, and tlie Ganaraska Conservation Autherity. None of the other Ceuncillors have thjese responsibilities. Many questions were forthceming before the Ceuncillor was allowed te take leave and then, net until Lien Warren Tate had thanked and presented her with a memente of hier visit te the Newcastle Club. Cerrespondence was read which contained "thank yeus" for support fromn The Visual Arts Center, The Kidney Foundation, C.N.I.B. Lake Joseph Center and the Bowmnanville Atom Hockey Tournamecnt." Four Newcastle Liens attended the Newcastle Public Schools V.I.P. graduation last week, whiere they watched as 56 grade 6 students received their graduation honors. This program has been sponsored by the Newcastle Liens for many years in Newcastle and has recently been expanded te the Newtonville Public Schooi. 'Me Lions Club niewly el-cted officials are: Past President - Mike Carter; New President - Tony Clemence; lst Vice President - Amos Langley; 2nd Vice President Gord Moulton; 3 rd Vice Presidenit Joe Mendonca; Treasurer - Terry Graham; Secretary - George Rickard; Lion Tamner Dave Adams; Tail Twister- Peter King; Directors elected for 1 year - Bob Jackson and Steven Haines; Directors elected for 2 years - Don Poster and Sam Galea; Membership Directer - Brenton Rickard. Letter to the Editor: To die Editor: Thanks f'or your intrepid journalismr Roy. We've been tracking your progress since you sprung the surprise essay "From Around Home" close te a month ago, concerning the check-ups for a "troubled" heart, the heartening discoveries you were making about the medical system, and the reassuring but awesemne triple by- pass surgery that was proposed. We had barely recovered from the concernis your article arouseýd, when we learnied that you were already in hospital, through the surgery and mnaking good progress in the recevery roem! We had hoped to wish you 'good-luck' before you hit the big Toronto General. lnstead, we found ourselves cheered by the news that a) yeu were seen by a local Orono bird back in the storefront window just a day or so after your return home, and b) an exuberant new Roy Porrester stood on the sireet corner giving a Iengthy interview about the whole situation, te Niva Rowan, oniy a day or se after that! And we read in your next week's "Prom Around Home" seme prctty interesting, insider views from Roy the recuperating patient, giving us a blow-by-blow of the hospital process from beginning te end, including a clinical list of the four- heur surgical procedure itscIl And ail of this without missing (eops) a BEAT. Welcome back Roy, from- two of yeur appreciative and regular readers. We're heairtenied by the eperation's success, nd nmarvel at your courageous reporting and fast recov"Cry. Your new'Aspaper prevides a rich and broad cemmnunity record of thiese historical and rapidily changing imes. The Editor, bless his heart - is a local institution we applaud. AIl the best. Niva and Julian Rowan Letter to the Editor: Dear Editer: The Durham Region Branch of the Canadian Diabetes Association has received a number of calis in the past few weeks from people cempiaining about a telephone fundraising campaign which is currently running in Durham Regien. The Canadian Diabetes Association is in ne way asseciated with this fundraising campaign. Our understanding is that this campaign is being run by a professional fundraising agency, net by volunteers. The ýCanadian Diabetes Association is a national voluntary erganizatien whese mission is te impreve the health of Canadians 01Waste i Systems BROWNING-FERRIS INDUSTRIES through diabetes research, education, service and advocacy. Our association runs an annual door-to-door canvass in Nevember, which is Diabetes Month across Canada, and throughout the year we engage in other fundraising activities through special events. Ahl of eur events are planned, erganized and executed by volunteers. We do flot hire telephone solicitors te do eur fundraising. If you should have any questions about our association, please do net hesitate te contact our office at 436-6648. Sincerely, Art Trudeau President Walter A. Evans, P.Eng. Director of Public Works Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmaniville, Ontario Dates ef Publication: Wednesday, March 31 and Apii 7, 1993 At YD, ail of Our in-car lessons are ene-on-one. You'1l feel less pressure and less stress. And yeu'il be able te V .cncentrate better on what you're doing, which is especially important when yeui're Iearning our exclusive emergency maneuvers. Cali today and let us teach you to drive and survive. Next Class starts April 6th Tuesdays and Thursdays (4 weeks) 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. 98 KIng St. W., Bowmanville Phono: 623-7017 YOUNG DRIVERS 0F CANADA Because your Iffe is woîth IL SAVE Up TO 25% ON HOMEOWNERS INSURANCE New Home, Non-Smokers, Claims, Fire Alarms FOR DETAILS OR A FREE QUOTE, CALL ÀÀ 623-0331 or 623-1838 PINE RIDGE INSURANCE 3 Silvsr Street, Bowmanville Oshawa - 436-6239 TH-E TOWN OF Good Friday Holiday rCollection Sohedule Browning-Ferris Industries <B.F.l.) wiII collect garbage in accordance with the following schedule: GARBAGE normnally set out for collection Friday, April 9th WILL BE PICKED Up ON Monday, April 12, 1993 BLUE BOX Collection normnally picked up on Friday, April 9th WILL ALSO BE PICKED Up ON Monday, April 12, 1993 Ail Garbage and Blue Box must be placed by the curbside by 7:.00 a.m.

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