Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 31 Mar 1993, p. 2

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2- Orono Weekly Times, Wednsday~ March 31, 1993 J Must share the pain Up Co this point it bas been those who have had jobs in the manufacturing and construction industry, along witb smail business that have shouldered the major portion of the burden and effects of die current recession. Many big names have also been on the bit list as the Campeaus, Brofmans etc. There was no mercy for many of the big promoters as tbey either had to drastically cut back or fail;. IL is the private sector that up until now bas carried the brunt of the cost of the recession. The public sector so far bas survived with littie disturbance. 0f course there has been cut-backs in some individual cases but not to the point to equal those in the private sector especially manufacuring and construction. Deficit financing cannot continue unabated as il bas in the past in the public sector. The C.D. Howe Institute wams that Canada is reaehing its limit as far as debt is concerned amounting to somne $600 billion tbrough federal and provincial debts. IL is quite apparent that over tbe past few years even with cutbacks the federal governmenî bhas made littie inroads in reducmng the debt. In fact over the past n'ne years the debt bas doubled to $450 billion at the federal level. î Bob Rae is in a similar position and some drastic measures are going to have to be made both at the federal and provincial level. TMe public sector must share in the pain of the recession and surely it means lay-offs and pay roll-backs. lit was flot too long ago that a report found that public employees were favoured with an eighî percent advantage over that of their counterparts in the private sec tor. Our govemiment leaders and parliaruentarians can hardly set this fact aside when considering furtber cuts in expenditures. Wili Bob Rae make it more than job reductions by also including wage reduction to set botb levels of employment on a somewhat equal basis. Unfortunately it does appear frore some sectors of the public sector is flot ready to share the pain of the recession but there is no other way for they bave been part of the cause and must aow be part of the solution. A couple of sugeston First we ask what has happenfed 10 the Orono Downtown Business Association. Cai not a uttle life be injected mb dute group. And the next time the Town consideres its budget could some consideration be given 10, a face lift of Mfil Street in the Village. We do understand somne planning is expected ibis year as to tbe Princess Street into the park. Happenings. .. . (cnt'd) Saturday iâs the day at Orono Arena The Orono Figure Skating Club holds iheir annual carnival this Saturday with performances ai 1.30 and 7 p.m. The themne for the leveai is"A Skating Rainbow". Corne and see the kîds from ihis comnmunity perform. Kenmdal News by Phyllis Lowery Sprîag bas finally arrived, the Redwing Blackbirds are showing up mnd on Sunday, due first Robin strutted across our front lawn, betweea snowbmnks. If pasi years repeat tbemselves, we have anotber sîorm yet 10 come, it scems we always have one more afier due first Robin is sighited hemS ai Kirby Komners. Tbey must have been baving special events at due Kirby Ski Hill tbis weekend, the parking lots were full and there were cars parked on bodu sides of due road almost 10 due bottom of due bill. For a skier, this must have been a beautiful lime 10 ski, sua sbining, a worm mnd yet lots of snow on due slopes. As for the rest of us people, there is plenîy of waîer everywhere, ditches overflowing, çreeks 100. Roads are be-ing eroded witb the spring rua off, evea- the bighway bas somne dips and dives ia it. Now is certinfly the time to watch the children don'î play near creeks or deep ditches. ILtis also Lime 10 mnake sure, that sump pump is in good working order s0 you arentý lefi wiîh an indoor swimming pool la your basement. Tbere was a good turnout ai Church on Sunday. Rev. Black is suffering the effecîs of a severe spring cold so Lorraine led la the Worship service. The opeaing byman was "Hlow Firm a Foundaîlon" followed by the Invitation 10 Worsbip and the Prayer of Approach. The hyma, "You Servants of God" was Sung and the Prayer of Approach and the Word§ of Assurance were given. The Scripture reading was -from I1 Coà~nthians 1:17-25. Rev. Black's starmon was on "The importance of file Cross." What cân we say about the cross , hoW can we explain il? Shouldwe @venrt tY? Many look at il with anlagzement, revulsion, attraction, §hame, celebration. We are botb attfiicted 10 it and repelled by il at tbe Offle time. We know il is a symbol of the Christian Cjommunity, we know that Jesus died nailed to a cross. The cross was an instrument of shame, torture and degradation, humiliation and death. Wby is the cross stili sô very important 10 us today, nearly 20 centuries after the death of Christ? The cross is at the very heart of the Christiani religion,' take away the cross from tbe Christian message, and ail that is left is a collection of ideals and platitudes. Take away the Cross from the Church and ail that is left is a secular hurnanist fellowship or social group, Take away the Cross from a individual Christian's life, and ail tha i left i emptiness and frustration, a sense of being incompl etc. Faced with the rugged cross, we are faced with reality, with the evil that caused good people 10 put, Jesus 10 death, the people knew that Jesus was only guilty of doing good, yeî they allowed Jesus 10 bc crucified, like us, they could have done sometbing, found a way 10 save Jesus. Not a whole lot bias cbanged, today we have people being put away in prisons because tbey disagree wiîh their govemrments. People are starving in famine stricken couniries. We could do more, but we just sit back and it is horrible. If it was our brother or sister or motber, we would do something. In Brazil, street cbildren are being killed 10 rid the cities of a nuisance. Murray Dryden, the father of NHL Ail-Stars Ken and David Dryden, had a vision. He said b bhis wife, ibat lie wisbed he could gîve eacb child ail around the world a blanket just 10 belp tbem tbrough the night, bis family said, wby not? .Murray Dryden d idn't go to the Govemment for a grant, he simply begin t0 acquire and distribute, .1sleeping kits". In 22 years since 1979, more than 360,000 children in 29 countries have received one of these gifts of love. Jesus says, "Verily I say unto you, ia as mucb as you have done it to the least of these mny brethren you bave done it unto me." The cross shows the lengtb God will go to show uis bis love, he gave bis son 10 die on the cross. Abrahami's son was saved from deadu as a sacrifice, but God made Jesus go ail the way. Tbis is C'onsidered nonsense 10 Ihose beings that are lost. Foolishness 10 the unbelievers, but mecaning and purpose to die believers. 'Me Image of the lost sheep, the one of tbe fHock that strayed is usually depicted as a bealiby good looking animal, we sec pictures of Jesus, smiling with tbis bealîby lamb in bis arrs-. Tbe picture is misleading, any shepherd would try and rescue a bealtby animal. evea if il doesn't want to be found. Jesus is a good shepherd. Jesus came as an expression of God's love.,1He died on the cross i obedience 10 God's will. The Cross - the ancient instrument of shame, and pain, and degradation, has become. an instrument of inspiration, and hope, and new life. The Cross is the foundation of ail Christian hope. The Cross is the focal point of the church, it directs our attention beyond itself t0 the presence of the risen Christ. Sometimes we get so caugbt up in raising money, improving the church, we forget the basic purpose of the cburch is human beings and their need for meaning and purpose in their lives. Too ofien the cburch bas forgotten the Cross in, its eagemness 10 feed, clothe and bouse the needy. Wben tbis happens, the churcb loses ils strength and character. It ceases b .be the body of the Christ and becomes s imply anoîber cheap clothing depot or food distribution channel. The Cross that gives meaning and purpose to Our message gives focus and guidance 10 the social and political activities of the church. So too tbe Cross enables individuals to experience God's grace. The Cross is our instrument of Hope. The hymn, "The Old Rugged Cross" was sung and the Prayer of Concern and Comfmitment was said. The service closed with, the hyma, "Beneath the Cross of Jesus" and the Benediction. There will be a meeting of the Manse Committee on Monday, April Sth. The community was saddened t0 learn of the deatb of Mrs, Janet Huber on Saturday, March 27th. Mrs. Huber, bas been a lifelong resident of Kendal and area. She leaves 10 mourn ber busband, Emile, four sons, Ariel, Carl, Gordon and Delbert Langstaff and a daughter Doreen Neal and many grandchildren and great- grandchildren. Also it has corne to our attention that a former resident of Kendal,, Charles Mercer, son of Kathy and Dave Mercer, passed awïay in B.C., details of date of death flot known. 0Our sympathy to these families. "Most Folks need more bulk their diet. I need more diet for my'- bulk." "Ain't it the trulli." St. Saviour's 1Anglican Church MILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO Rev, Douglas Hall 987-4745 SUNDAY SERVICE and STJNDAY SCHOOL. 9:30 a.m. OROMO g V. Interim Minister SRev. Dr. Ken ~ X ~ Howlett O Mariene Risebrough, 983-5702 Church Office 983-5502 SUNDAY, APRIL 4TH Regular Services Kirby United 9:30 a.m., Orono United 11:00 a.m. EXPLORERS Wednesday, April 7th 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. Kirby Church A.A. meets every Thursday 7:30 p.m. E-ASTER! Specials on many items COLOGNES POWDER etc. CONFECTIONARY * CARDS BY CARLTON *ALL WATCHES 1/2 PRICE* GUND Draw for Children Aprîl lOth ORONO, ONTARIO 983-5009 ............. ............ - 1 ILL--

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