Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 24 Mar 1993, p. 2

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Another blind love affair? It would seem thai Kim Campbell, the sweetheart M.P. frose B.C., witbout saying anything and without doing anything is now floaiing above ail otber possible candidates,, from what ever party, seeking to bold tbe position of Prime Minister. The love affair certainly didn't take long and many are knocking knees trying to get on the band wagon prior to tbe member even making ber announcement of considcring tbe leadersbip of the federai Tory party. There is no doubt tbe announcement will be made of Campbell's intentions and hardly is she to pass up ibis opportunity. But al bas been quiet froni the front and from Campbell. Fortunately there is considerable tme, before tbe next clection and one would hope we get a better insight as to the plans Campbel may have. No doubt the issue with the federal helicopter purchase may give some indication just wbere Campbell stands. It is an issue tbat is going to bave to be deali with prior to the next clection. We bave bad love affairs before, Pierre Trudeau and Bnian Mulroney, being two of recent ycars. Add one more, Bob Rae. The Kendal gas issue It is quite apparent that Ted Yao of the Ontario Municipal Board came donc on the side of sound planning in his decision as to the application for a gas station by Veltri and Son Ltd. la the Village of Kendal. It is inicresting that Ted Yao was also th e board member wbo passed judgement in favour of the Best Road residents in their opposition to tbe establishment of a trucking terminal on Besi Road. Here again the chairman dealt witb the aspect of sound planning. Yao was somewhat critical of the Town of Newcastle when he called ihe proposai premnature and unwisc planning. 0f interest to cnvironmentahists Yao also made mention of the environmcntal sensitivity of tbe arca and the lack of consideration of ibis fact both by the Town and the Ganaraska Conservation Autbority. He spoke of the cumulative cffects of piece-meial development wbich ibis was tbe start in ibe Kendal area, an area yet to have a secondary plan. He also spoke of ëco-system planning. These findings and decision by the 0MB bave to bc somewhat encouraging as tbey point to a weakncss ini the planning process even to-day afier whaî bas been a number of decades in cndeavouring to establish la process and system tbat does provide for good sound planning. Perhaps some headway is being made as to the rclationsbip of developseent and thc environment. Yao's decision and report sbould be required reading for those making decisions as to future planning of tbe community. SAGA and ther egroup of workcrs witb otbers of tbe community seern to have proven a point as 10 their stand in tbis case. Kendal Gas Station appeal won at OMB (Continued from page 1) noted that neither tbe Town of Newcastle nor the Ganaraska Conservation Autbority had ncquired an: envinonseental assessment frose the applicant, despite Uic lack of a sccondary plan for tbe hamîci and a hydrogeological asscssment of Uic hamlet area. Mr. Yao staîed "If Newcastle bas decided to plan in advance and bas insufficient funds to obtain the appropriate information, it scems to me that growth shoultu not take place until that information is available." 0f concern also 10 Uic Board was that Uic applicanî'proposed stops to instaîl and monitor the gas station, wbile very impressive, are beyond the requiremenîs of the current GasolinelHandlîng Code, and therefore quite unenf orceable. SAGA president Katherine Guselle observes "Happily, in ibis case, Mr. Yao listened to and accepted evidence on the applicabiity of Uic new Durham Official Plan tbat bas been approved by Regional Council but not-adopted by Uic Minster of Municipal Affairs. He found evidence ofibe ncw plan to be "admissible, relevant but not determinative", and used it "only as a means of comparison 10 interpret Uic old plan". "SAGA is stil vcry distresscd by Uic adamant refusai of Board member Morley Rosenberg to ailow any discussion ai ail of the new pla n ai the other long hcaring we foughî and losi on Uic Kirby Heights Residential Estates last spring. Mr. Roscnbecrg also applicd several conditions in giving approval, knowing that several of Uicm wcre incapable of iong-term monitoring or. enforcemeni. Mr. Yao, on the other band, believed "il would not be responsible to ailow approval wiiboui any means of assuring continuing maintenance of Uic monitoring devîces." The gas station proposai in 1989 had been recommended for approval by the planning deparimeni of the Town of Newcastle council wbo followed suit with their approval. Kendal News "Iî's Official" Spring is here, at tbe belic leasi that is wbat, we are being water or told. Looks like winter oui Ibere, the syni to me. Snow and more snow, of God even as I write ibis, tbere is tbe is tbe re odd flake coming down. I must be part admit the air bas a different feel, Every EB don't know what il is but the God's pr feeling is tbere. The ( Lasi week ibere was no not easy, Church Service because of tbe valleys, snow Storm, roads were blocked exhilar. in many places, you know tbe people 0 weather was bad when skiing was wbo wîll cancelled. 'Me iraffic on the 115 will not was very slow moving and not of the hi too mucb of it. need th( Last Sunday was to be order toj Baptism Sunday, so it was be strený postponed until this week. The by tbeir Service opened wiib the bymn, pracîîce "No Weight of Gold or Silver" Cbristiai the Invitation to Worsbip and tie Spirituai Prayer of Approach. The bymn, ibrougb "Jesus Saves" was Sung followcd one is e% by the Prayer of Self-Examination 10 expex and the Words of Assurance. and pres The cbildren were called we are oi forward, David asked these, 10 reaffi "What can you do witb waîer?" part of ot Tbey gave bim many answers, The c drinik it, wasb in it, swim, skate, Baptisn make steain, press wiih it, baptize Paxton witb t. David told tbem that thc Paxton, water in tbe Fontwas not special Neil Pa water, it camne ftrm Uic tnp in Uic Courtney kçitchen, wbat makes it special, is The]F the way we wcre using it. To Commitr Baptize someone. Tbe cbildren's closing t hymn was, "The Family of God". Respond' Tbe scripture reading was It was from Mark 10: 13-16. Tbe sermon the fam was titled, "Botb Belief and presentai Baptism". Rev. Black said, in a There few more minutes a special event availabi wil take place, two cbildren will Ancaste be baptized, one cbild was Concert, bapîized at Newtonville, that Lorrainei makes three we bave welcomed Plans 10- tbe life and ministry of the spning sui cburcb. This also gives us the Cburcb.]b opporiunity to once again renew Th ere Our faitb and thc meaning of our Uic Newl own baptism. Marc h 1Wbat is Baptism? Wbat does it welcome, represent? Wbo should1 be The baptized: more important, why commun sbould anyone be baptized? There Partnerf are no easy answers. husband, Notiing bas spliî Uic Christian Harvey1 Church ike Uic issue of Baptismn. almosi ei Baptism means différent things to bis busir different people. Each cburcb bas love for c différent ways of Baptizing. TMe Salvation Army has eiiminated Baptisse from their rites and rituals. Here in our.community we will Baptize adulîs as an affirmation of their own faitb during a regular service of worsbip, as part of their rite of admission to full membership in our congregation provide îhey bave neyer been. Baptized before. We, also Baptize cbildren provided tbeir parents are prepared to make their own affirmation of faitb. No malter how it' is donc, it is a beginning, a celebration of the congregation and thc parents wbo brought their- children, it is a joyous occasion, a celebration of the whole church. Baptisse ouiside thc community of faith is meaningiess, some of you may disagree. However consider Ibis, there is noîbing magical in the rite of Baptism. Baptisse is not an innoculationI against sin, it is not a ticket to cef it expresses, not in thir )r Uh ic ual. In adults it is nbol of faith, Uic presence 1 i our lives. In'parents it rcognition Uiat God is to tof their cbildren's lives. Baptism is a recognition of wesence in our life. Christian pattern of life is Yil is made up of bills and sin every life there is ration and despaîr. For of al ages Uiere are some I camp in Uic valley, who grope their way to Uic top ill once again. Most of us ce presence of otbers in gain shared insigbî and te gibened and encouraged xfaith. Fcw people can ýa bealthy, growing in life ail by thernselves. al growtb can take place ail Uic years of life. No ,ver too young or too old lence God's love, grace ,sence. At eacb Bapîism Dnce again given a chance ir our faith, that God is )ur life. children presenîcd for m were Lindsay Janet and Nicole Angela daugbîers of Donna and 'xton and sisters of yPaxton. Prayer of Concern and ment was given and tbe hymn was, "We Risc to Lnice to sec so many of .îly of these children at Uic Service. *e are still some seats de for tbe bus trip to er, to hear the Gospel tcontact David or or Uic Church office. are in Uic making for a apper to be beld ai Ken"a More news nexi week. will be a Teen Dance, ai nonville Hall on Friday, 26tb ages 10 to 15 admission $2.00. sympathy of the nity goes oui to the t'amily in the loss of a father and grandfaiber. Pantner was known to ,veryone cubher tbrough îcss, tbe Lodgcs or bis card parties. Hie will be missed. On Sunday mommig a bowling tournament took place in Bowmanville, it was a family tournament, ýone child one member of bis or ber family Jason Griffmn and bis grandmnother Enid Brewer came in firstins the Tyke Division and will go on to coipete in tbe next tournament. Congratulations Jason, I'm sure it was your bowling that did ti, - ;Ob. Donî forget tbe KendaxV.,1ills L.O.B.A. Bake and Penny Sale on Saturday, March 27th. Bake Sale 2 - 4 p.m., Penny Sale 7 p.m. ai Kendal Orange Hall. Here is a tip to ail Who are going to be graduating from College or University... Education does you no harse - if you are willing 10' learn sometbing afier graduaiig. St. Saviour s Anglican Churck MILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO Rev. Douglas Hall 987-4745 SUNDAY SERVICE and SUNDAY SCHOOL, 9:30 a.m. ORONO PASTORAL CHARGE Interim Minister Rev. Dr. Ken Howlett Mariene Church Office 983-5502 SUNDAY, MARCH 28TH Regular Services Kirby United 9:30 ai. Orono United 11:00 a-m. EXPLORERS Wednesday, March 24th 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. Kirby Cburch A.A. meets every Thursday 7:30 p.m. RONO, ONTARIO 9350 Stutt'ef:l!.ïý.macy 983-5009

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