OroeioWeeIdrTlm,, Wedwsd......... .... - Dufferin Aggregates 2 - 1 winners In a rare Thursday evening gaine Orono's Duffetin Aggregate ventured to Bowmanviile to meet the seventh place A&R Flooring. During a lethargic first fewshifts both teams seemed to be struggling to find their legs. Matt Caruana was between the pipes on this occasion and was tested midway through the first on a clear breakaway from center. From about the six minute mark Dufferin began to press A&R but they were unable to comne up with any solid scoring chances andi the first endeci scoreless. The second period opened much the saine as the first with very littie sustaineci pressure froin cither team. Numerous end te end rushes failed to produce good scoring chances. A&R did, howeve r, open the scoring at 6:22 on just such a breakaway chance. Matt Caruana made the initial save only to have the rebound lifteci over his outstretched body. Andy Bangay created seve ral turnovers during the late stages of the second perioci with tenacious forechecking. Orono began early in the third te get their shots on the net only te have the opponents goai corne up big. First it was Jeff Mercier stoppeci by A&R's Sean Burrows' toe save. Shortly after, Kevin Martin on two consecutive rushes was unable to beat Burrows. Martin exhibiteci a fine defensîve effort on the same shift by thwarting a breakaway with strong backchecking. Orono fmnaily got on the board at 6:33 of the third with a goal by Doug Garlick. The goai was generated by the forechecking of Andy Bangay andi Ian Crashley, both of whom collecteci assists. The final shift of match saw Matt Mitchell carry the puck eut of his endi, bank pass the puck to the streaking pair of Kevin Martin and Jeff Mercier. Martin ipped the puck te Mercier who strode ini from the blueline. His original shot was blocked by the goaltender but Mercier bangeci in his ewn rebounci to give Dufferin the lead at 2:28 remainîng. With just one and a haîf minutes te go A&R's goal scerer, Brandon Beers, took a slashing penalty against Kevin Martin as he was advancing the play out of his end. Orono was unable to captialize on their man acvantage but they kept the play in the opponents end for the remainder of the gaine. Dufferin closes regular season victorious Orono's Dufferin Aggregates ended their successful regular season with a 5-2 victory lover the visiting Beaver Lumber team on Friday, March l2th.- 1 From the opening faceoff Matt Caruana sickhandled through the opposition to score just nine seconds into the gamne. Beaver came back to tic at 1:30. On the same shift Caruana picked up hlis sccond goal on an end te end1 rush, again unassisted. With 4:25 remaining in the first Jeli Mercier took a 2 minutepenalty for tripping. Beaver could net get on track during Dufferin penalty and only directed one shot at goalie Ian Crashley. The first shift of the second' was owned by Beaver Lumber who kept Dufferin hemmed in their own endi. It was at 1: 14 of that shift that Beaver knotted the gaine at twe. They banged in the, loose puck past Crashley who failed Ite freeze it with two opponents on his doorstep. But that was the last for the visitors as they home teamn took control of the scoring froin there on in. Caruana put Dufferin back in the lead after sustained pressure on Beaver's goaltender Justin Andrews. Beaver would draw a tripping penalty against a streaking Kevin Martin who was rushing up ice fronm his defensive position. Dufferin faileci te exploit their acivantage during the powerplay. Brian Pisani with an superb defensive effort brokeup a two -on one break as Dufferin helci the slim one goal lead. Pisani would turn te the offense as he assisted on Caruana's 10:15 goal with a long pass that put Caruana on a clear breakaway which he tuekeci inte the corner with a fine deke. The third period had the opponent's goalie producing several key saves to keep the game close. With his standup style he was able to handie al Dufferin couid throw at him. Notably he stood his ground on chances by Jeff Mercier, Dustin Weagant and Matt Caruana. He kept his teain in the gaine but the Beaver offense was kept at bay with strong backchecking of Dufferin's'forwards. Dufferin manageci to add to their lead when Caruana posteci his fifth of the gamne on a three on one rush. This put the gaine out of reach for Beaver. With this 5-2 win brings Dufferin's regular season to a close. Dufferin finisheci 14 wins, 4 losses, 2 ties for the year. Dufferin loses playoff opener Dufferin Aggregates started their Round Robin playoffs on the wrong fooxt with a 3-2 1oss te Timi's Rental in Newcastle, Saturday, March l4th. Dufferin's Matt Caruana opcncd the quick paced first pcriod with an early goal during the first minute of play. Tim's Rental evened the score three minutes later with a long shot just inside Dufferini's blueline against goalie Ian Crashley. During a Timn's charging penaity, the Orono teamr was unable to maintain any pressure on their opponents. However. Dufferin was able to withstand a sustainied late period attack and was kept in their end by aggressive forechecking. What would be Dufferîn's go ahead goal would aise bc their Iast. This goal by Matt Caruana came late in the first with a well placed wnist shot high te the glovehand side, just inside the post., The second period ope neci with many end -to end rushes but neither teain produceci any sound scoring chances. The only score occurred during a 3 on 1 for Tîm's at 6:27 with an along the ice shot to the stick side that eludeci Crashley. With the contest ARnimal alliance- of Canada by Carol-Ann Oster The Animal Alliance of Canada is committed to animal protection through Education and Advocacy. -For the pas t two years, the group has been corresponding with Town Council, in an attempt to gain the support of the Council for a prohibition on the sale of cats and dogs from the Bowmanville Pound for purposes of research, teaching and testing. The Animal Alliance has in the past two years saved from the Newcastle Pound someanimals that were destined for research, by adopting them and keeping them until good homes could be found. Despite the efforts, several hundred pound animais have been sold. to Ontario research faciities.. Bryan Kozman, in a letter addressed to.the Town Council points out that "in Great Britain, where the use of live animals to train health care professionals has been prohibited by law since 1893, medical training faciities do not turn out lower quality doctors or veterinarians than we do in Ontario." He adds, "when Animal Alliance visited a Toronto research facility, we saw a dog taken from the Oshawa Pound which had been used in an experiment for more than nine years. The behaviour of the dog was similar to other animnals we have seen who have been kept i confinement for long periods of time." The Animal Alliance and- Durham Animal Adoption have collected the naines of more than two thousand Newcastle residents who believe that the sale of pets front the Bowmanville Pound for now de adlocked at two. Numerous chances were had l'y both but each goaiie turned aside ail that came their way., The opposition had the only power play of the period when Jeff Mercier took a tripping penaity. Eariy in the final frame Dufferin pressed Tim's Rental. Matt Mitchell and his defensîve mate Brian Pisani playeci a solici game aleng the blueline. They intercepted the épposing forwards' clearing shots te keep the opposition on their heals. Kevin Martin, made several noteworthy defensive plays after rushing the puck froin end te end. The rivais captured the game winner five minutes into the period as Dufferin pressed the blueline. From this peint on, Dufferini's top scorer, Caruana, drew a shadow. A disagreement between the officials and Dufferin's bench occurred -when Matt was felled and no cal resulted. A bench miner was assessed. with 6:07 remaining; Doug Oarlick served eut the infraction. To the end Dufferin did not produce any solid chances as Tim's Rentai neuiralized their attacks at mid-ice with strong checking. Next week more playoff action andi Dufferin's final tournarnent in Beaverton will fil this space. research should bé banned. When the Alliance originally asked Council to stop pound seizure in 1991, they were told of the Town's decision to continue selling animais. In February, the Animal Alliance once again corresponded with the Town to request the ban on the selling of pound animais. The decision has yet to be made by Council. On Monday, however, Council stated that the holding times for the animais have been lengthened in an attempt to frnd homes for al animais that corne into the shelter. To date, no animais have been sold for research purposes from the Town of Newcastle Pound this year. Elementary teachers disagree Elementary teachers with the Durhamn Board of Education have turned aside an offer recommended by a mediator and apparently was expected to be approved by the board. 1The teachers found a 0.5% increase on salaries and benefits inadequate, wanted reduction in teacher/student ratio where the mediator called for no change. The teachers also ruled out sharing in the cost of offering a, once-a-year personal day leave for teachers. ýe ce e BDook Rçev iew from Crystal Pages FOR THE GOOD 0F THE STATE by Anthony Price - Totally engaging! is one descriptive phrase for this book. So much se that it was necessar to focus my attention, at ail points throughout, no rapid reading here, no mïnd wandering off onto other things. The British Department of intelligence Research and Developinent in its continuai gaine of one-upmnanship, net only against foreign enemies but also against other departmnents in the internaIs of Uic spy gaine, works largely on its ewn. An aberrant and independent set of thinkers here, not easily controlleci, thinking themselves above the common stream, and down right bloody capable of what they set their mincis te. Chapter 1 in its dîfficuit labyrinthine design lets you know that Uic story, full of Russians and, Pales andi Americans thrown in for good measure, is very-up-tG7-date in its concentration upon the policy shifts necessitateci by the Gorbachev years. A mind-bending job being a spy. Almost impossible te imagine thc type of brain equal te Uic task. 1, for one, amn just now rushmng off te finci another of these impossible intrigues. Ail Price's nevels reflect his interest in history and archaeology, this book being no exception. 1Grafton Books - Recycleci