Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 17 Mar 1993, p. 14

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.. ...... Bill Bramah's Ontario Iwas having a cofféesat the gencral store in the bamiet of Brentwood while waiting for cameraman, Rick Dade. I knew he couidnt miss me because downtown Brentwood consists of only the store, a cburcb, a few bouses. Until recent years flot too many people were likely aware that the bamiet even existed. Thiat ail changed when word got around about Wally Dickenson's Field of Dreamns and Market Garden. Wben kick arrived we drove a couple of bundred yards ta the outskirts of Brentwood where Wally's place is located. Itfs not a big set-up, but there are a bundred and fifty varieties of vegetabies, and uniess yau know sometbing about gardening yau can become bogged down in utter confusion. 1Take tomatocs, for example. There are purpie, banana, acid- free and yeiiow varieties. >Then there are peppers iniback, brown,. blue, orange, red, yellow and green. Add ta that tobacco, twelve foot high corn and cotton, of ail things! In the background is a miniature village and carved out in tbe corn patcb a smail Field of Dreams as in the movie of the same namne. Tbat's the one where the ghosts of Hall of Fame Se x tips ft Practising "safer" sex the first time 0f the 36 per cent of young women wlo have had inter- course, 67 per cent said tbey practised "safer" sex the first time they bad intercourse. According ta the survey, 50 per cent of the women baving sex for the tirst ime used condoms, wbile 14 par cent used "the Pli" witb condoms and 10 per cent used "the Pili" on its own. Condoms witb contraceptive cream, jeily or foani were used by tlree per cent oniy. Almost one-quarter (23 par cent) did not use any formai metbod of birth contrai; 16 per cent used notb- ing wbiie the other seven per cent used withdrawai. The survey aiso reveaied that a total of 15 per cent of young women hadtheir first sexuai experience wben they were 14 years of age or under, 17 par cent started having sex at age 15 or 16 and four Mrcent at age 17 or 18. What teens choose Teens today are basing their choice of birtli contrai methods on wbetber the metbod is an effective means of contracep- tion, pratects t.bem from sexuai- ly-transmitted diseases and is easy ta obtain and use. Currentiy, the most papular form of birth contrai is "the Pili" (by 22 per cent of teeniage women), either on ils own (nine par cent) or in conjunction witb a condom (13 pair cent). It is fol- lowed by a condom alone (14 par cent). Only five par cent are currently not using any form a f birtb contrai. Montreal teens more sexually active Wben sexual activity was examnined in Canada's tbree largest urban centers, teenage women in Montreal were more likely ta have bad sex (45 per cent) than those in Vancouver basebail players came back ta play after the beo heard a voice telling him ta build a bail field in the Middle of bis corn. Wally was saying good-bye ta some visitars as we pulled into the driveway. He walked aver ta greet us. Well, ho didn't exactly walk. Wally neyer walks. He sort of darts from place ta place. And lie talks fast. A machine gun kind of delivery. Like bis veggies, he!s not your average bome-grown type. He's rather short, thin but wiry, bespectacled and in bis straw bat and overalîs reminded me of a barnyard elf of some kinid. "Camne and se my village," he enthused, Ieading us over toaa littie cburcb, a scboolbouse, a barn and other buildings. "Most of the things here 1 knew wben 1 was a chid in Singbamptan. 1 took a course in drafting and made them ta scale- one inch ta a foot." Rick and 1 were impressed. Noticing aur glances of admiration, Waily smiled with glee, skipped around ta the side> af the hatle churcb and opened up the roof. There was a tiny arganist playing bymns. The recorded music began as the roof was lifted. Wally made everytbing down in the basement workshop fram or teenagers (32 par cent) or Toronto (30 par cent). In fact, teenage wamen in Montreal began baving sex at a younger age than their counter- parts in the other two cities. When asked at what age tbey began havmng sex, 18 par cent of Montreal teenage wamen bad bad sex by age 14, compared ta, 13 par cent of Vancouver teens and Il per cent of teons ini Tor- onto. Use of "the PilI" among teenage womecn is significantly more widespread in Montreai (27 par cent) tban in Vancouver (l13 par cent) or Toronto (l11 par cent). Amang teens who have bad sex, baif (53 par cent) bave doue so more tbian 10 times in their lives, wbiie 14 per cent have had sex six-,ta 10 times, 19 par cent bave done sa twa ta five finies and 14 par cent bave bad sex only once. Myths about "the Mili" Despite the fact that "the Pull" lias been availabie for. more than 30 years and that it is favored by, Canadiani teens, some myths and misconceptions stili remain. Aitbaugb 23- par cent of teenage respondents bave taken "the Pili" at some point and a further, 18 per cent are considering it, oniy 18 par cent say they know a lot about "the Pili". "The results were surprisîng in tdat even thougb they stant hav- ing sex carnier, they seem ta be pratectîng themseives better and are practising safer sex," com- mented Dr. Richard Boroditsky, Associate Professor, Departinent of Obstetrics, Gynacoiogy and Reproductive Sciences, Univer- sity of Manitoba. "Alsa)," be continued, "alt.hougb the majori- ty of the young women indica-, ted dhat they knew a lot or fair bit about "the Pili", many beiieved that "the PiOP could prevent sexually-transmnitted dîseases in general or prevent AIDS." Other areas in wbicb respond- Edueatiofl mînister stai ends equal status granted Durham Christian High School Receives Ontario Diploma Credits for Religlous Study Courses. Encouraged by possible litigation, the Ontario Mmnistry of Education (MOE) has reversed an earlier decision denying authority to Durham Christian Higb Sehool ta grant diploma credits. The MInistry approved two courses in religious studies offered at the recycled mateials. Eve n bis tools are off-beat. His saw was ingeniously constructed from an aid sewing machine., 11 But his favorite is bis Field of Dreams. A small basebal diamond beside bis crop of corn. There are bleachers and he's hooked up lights with miniscule bulbs. 1A self-admitted dreamer, Wally's projects are a combination of history and fantasy. People are coming ail the Urne ta enjoy his creations. So far no famous bail players fromn the past have appeared. But who knows? Wîth dreamers anything can happen. ents demonstrated their lack of knawiedge about "the PilI"1 included one-baif (46 par cent) feeling unsure about wbat effect "the Pîli" wauid have on their complexion and 36 per cent being cancerned about weigbt gain. Other cancerus inciudad mood swings, beadaches and sore breasts, and worsaning acna. New oral contraceptive A new oral contraceptive, racently,:approved for use in Canada, may heip ta, alleviata some of the worries wbîcb teans associate with "dhe Pili" and also improve compliance among young women just beginning ta use oral contraceptives as a metbod of birth contrai. The Healtb Protection Brancb of Health and Weifare Canada lias recently appraved the first of a .,new generation" low-dose oral contraceptive calied CYCLEN* Tablets. "Wban an oral contraceptive works weli and does not adersely affect a patient, she feels more confident about talc- îng dhis form of birtb contrali and wili iikeiy bc more, compli- ant," said Dr. Baroditsky. "Im- provements in the areas of cycle contrai, weigbt gain and long- termi safety, as seen with pis containing the new progestins, sucb as CYCLEN Tabiets, rep- resent a significant step forward for wamen." Boyfriend least Iikely ta know According ta the survey, the majority (83 per cent)_ of respond- ents using "the Pili" said their modhers are aware dhat they arc using this method. However, oniy 37 per cent said their bayfriends knew that they toffk "the Pili". In fact, byred r less likeiy than mothers, fadhers,. sisters and friands ta know ý,of' dheir girifriendLs' "Pili" use. Onily brathers (27 per cent) are iess llkely dhan boyfriends to know. grade_9 and 10 levels as applicable towards the completion of the. requirements for the Ontario Secondary Schéol Diploma. The settlement ends twelve years of refusai by the MOE ta aliow Durham Christian High Sebool and seven other high schoois, aIl members of the Ontario Alliance of Christian, Schaol, the saine right as -the Roman Catboiic Separate Sebools. Since 1978 Catholic Schools have issued two credits for religiaus studies toward the OSSD., -Since Independent Christian high schools are distinct from the public system in the.sanie way as the Separate scbools, Christian High Scbool officiais feit they were equally entitled ta issue' credits towards the Ontario Miflistry diplama. The MOE polics did flot address the Alliance Higb Schools, and wben asked ta conisider allowing these credits, officiais quoted recent court decisions ta lmit religion in the public scbools. Since fia clear policy existed on the matter, seven high school principals proceeded ta follow the practice of the Catholic , schools. The colTrespondng reaction on die part of the Ministry officiais to termînate the signing autbority of the principals led ta court action by the Alliance for its member schools. The Alliance re quested approval of its religious studies prograrn on a non-guideline credit status; the restoration of signing autbority for principals; and a declaration that- the MOE policies on education about religion in the public schools do not apply ta independent Christian school ,s. The settlement reacbed in February, grants ail three requests. SDurham Christian Hligh School provides quality' Christian Education for students. from Peterborough, Victoria and Northumberland Counties and the Durham Region. NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING' PARKS AND OPEN SPACE SYSTEM POLICIES FOR IME OFFICIAL PLAN 0F THE TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE NOTICE is hereby given of a Public Meeting with respect of a proposed amendment ta the Town ot Newcastle Officiai Plan regarding Parks and Open Space Systemn Policies. The Amendment proposes a revised pars and open space system hierarchy which includes the following hierarchy of parkland: Town Parks, Major and Minor Community Parks, Neighbourhood Parks, Parkettes and HRamlet Parks. Other changes include Town and neighbourhood trail systems, buffer areas for valleylands and requirements for recreational f aciiies in medium and high density residential developments. The policy revisions proposed by the Amendment will affect the Bowmanville, Courtice and Newcastle Village urban areas as well as hamlets with Secondary Plans. In conjunction, Amendments implementing these proposed policies within the Neighbourhood Plans for Courtice West, Courtice South and Courtice North are also being considered. The Public Meeting for the Parks and Open Space System Policies, as required pursuant ta Section 17 of Planning Act, will be held as follows: DATE: MONDAY, APRIL 19, 1993 TIME: 9:30 A.M. PLACE: Ceuncfli Chambers, Municipal Administrative Centre, 40 Temperance St., BowmanvIlle, Ontario The meeting shaîl be open to the public and any person who attends shali be afforded an opportunity ta make representation in respect of the proposed Parks and Open Space System Policies. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating ta the proposed amend ment of the Officiai Plan of the Town of Newcastle is available for inspection between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. at the Planning Department, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario or by calling Richard Holy at 623-3379., Dated at the Town of Newcastle this 12th day of March 1993. Date ot Publication: Wednesday, Marci, 17, 1993 Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P. Town of Newcastle 40 Temporance Street Bawmanville, Ontario Li C 3A6 PLANNING FILE: OPA 92-N/005, N PA 93-01 /CW NPA 93-02VCS; NPA 93-03/CN P.C. 3242

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