Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 24 Feb 1993, p. 12

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* 12- QrOnO We*kJy Tlm, W.daIeSdwy, Pebruaîy ~4, 19~.V) - jmResidents take active part in Town planning Residents ofthe Town of Newcastle were active parti- cipants in'the planning process for the new Officiai Plan. Net oniy did 500 turn out for four community Information Centres but 6000 returned questionaires which had been mailed tbroughout the whole of the municipahity. These returns have inundated the planning department in anaiyzing the documenting the viewpoints. The departmnent expeets to have fuil1 documentation eariy this spri ng wben a further report wiil be presenttecounciL. As to the Information Centres 100 residents attended the Newcastle Village Centre, 80 at Orono, 200 at Bowmanvîlle and 120 i Courtice. As to growth in the municipality comments of restrictions of growth and development on agricuitural land were presented aiong with comments of growing too fast. It was also stated that services should be- in place before considering development and that Newcastle should not become a part of the GTA. In economic development views expressed included the attraction of environmentally friendiy industries, growth in Orono depended on municipal water and sewers, the Town shouid not becomne a dormitory community and more opportunity for employment is a requirement. Considerabie interest was shown as ta the waterfront te be used as parkland and open space. There was also a cati for public access te the Bowmanviile beach. There was also the opinion that deveiopment should not be permitted on the Oak Ridges Moraine and that the West Side marsh in Bowmanville shouid be Book Review from Crystal Pages FORFEIT by Dick Francis - In my opinion, one of this authors best and most believabie stories. The lengths to which the here- investigative journalist is wiliing to go, in order to right a deadly wrong within the racing world, show an aimost unbelievable sense of duty to bis profession. Blackmail, a polio-stricken wife, and psychological forays into the mayhemn of the lives around him make FORFEIT an unusual book. Pan Books - Recycled THE SCARLET SEED by Edith Pargeter - The country: England; The year: 1232; The Climate of the Times: Civil War in Engiand, hotly debated Welsh borders; marked batred aiiied with chivalry, power politics and private feuds. The Welsh prince, the Venetian courtesan tumed soitary saint, and a boy suddenly grown a man are drawn toýgther in the final siege of ttic grcat church of Parfois. ',lax(dom Books - Rec-yciled. preserved. As to residential neîgbbourhoods many responded that avoidance of iow cost and su bsidized housing as well as row housing. There was a aiso a cali for tree preservation and temporary granny flats to be allowed. t was also recorded that not enough consideration is gîven existing residents by deý'eiopers. There was a cail to preserve the Ganaraska Forest for recreation and wiidlife. There was cati for more indoor and outdoor recreationai facilities and easier access te green spaces. There was aiso a cati for facilities for youth and seniors for activity centres and programs. The questionaires also noted the Iack of public transit from Newcastle Village on through to Oshawa. As to commercial areas Newcastle Village downtown was suggested as a historical downtown., it was aiso suggested that one hour free parking be considered for downtown areas. t was suggested that owners of ten acre lots be ailowed to sever other lots. t is quite apparent from, comments that residents were appreciative of the opportunity to express their views and did take the opportunity te do so. c Newca.-*"tie CLG Update by Sohn Veldhuis Several people at our Community Outreach meetings in the various parts of the Town of Newcastle have asked us the question "can the material be left where it is?' Because you asked at one of those m eetings, we have done some preliminary investigations. Several engi neering firms have been contacted as weli as a shoreline enginecer to examine this question. It appears from ail of the technical and scienfific evidenice so far made available to us, that no matter which metbod used the materiai cannot be left in its presenit location. If, we Put breakwalls into the water it would cause erosion along the shore which couid be, attributed to the breakwali either directly or indirectly. We have also been told that breakwails or walis of any kind have alife span of no m'ore than fifty years. At that time, after fifty years they may very weil tumble into the water and cause further problemns. The question of putting concrete over tolp of ail the twenty-eight acres ofiiiaterial at Port Granby bas aiso been studied andit to has problems associated with it. So far again, the evidence would indicate this ta is a possibility that cannot be considered for an environmentai hearing. <We are at the moment into an environmiental assessmcnt. Therefore ail of these questions are being studied and Iooked at and a report being written up on tbemn. But at this time we do not feel that the two methods described are the answer to the problem. Therefore we'are back to position number 1, wbich is te remove the material from its present location te a new site. if you, the reader, have any evidence that would help us to answer the question in a contrary manner, i.e. you have information that would indicate that the material can be ieft at Port Granby in its present location, then please let us know. On the other hand if you have evidence that this cannot bc donc, that the Thur, 10 a. methods proposed will cause serious harm to the environment or property owners te the east or to the west of the site, we would also like to hear' that. WC need ail of the information, we need ail of your opinions in order for us te make a proper decision or recommendation. That is how the process works. You asked us to investigate, we have done some investigation, we will do more and we will examine each and every question that you have raised so far and any questions you may maise in the future. This process in participatory demnocracy works oniy as weli as you the citizens of Newcastle participate in it. We therefore ask you to take part in the process, to come to meetings, to let your views be known and take Part in this opportunity that is being provided for you. 33% OFF most Paperbacks CRYSTAL PAGEJ'- dS 1983-6150 USED BOOKS ..... ..... ................. .......... Wide Varlety NEW BOOKS............. New Age, Heailnig, Recovery, Nutrition and Spltuality JEWELLERY ......... ........ Stiring Silver, Crystai CLEANERS ...... "SimpIy Clean" Products favour the. Environment, work wonders. r. Fr1. Sat. Pat Irwin Lycett 983-9605 ý.m. - 6 Pa.t 5367 Main St., Orono 983-6150 ViitolrCNSGMEe O, XHAG Roxul Insulation Moore Vents Living & Rec ROOMS 40% and KITCHENS - Wainscotting 10% OFF - Counter Tops - panelling (New Stock) -'a ie îih an 1x6 T&G Cedar $12 O- Mlmîefins an - Drop Ceiling - Vinyl Flooring 60% QI - #1 Pine- Unfinished Pine &.0Qal - Wood Mouldings Cupboard Doors 10%/ OFF Ail Reglular Priced Items CASH and CARRY Fromi February 24th - March i 3th i.] 1.85:[.IATJ IOKST u 'i :1= : - A * - ** Am rl-_«ýM lýi - 1

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