ý(-6 - Orono Weetciy Time, Wednesday, January 8, 1992 NEWCASTLE! by Pegey Iufla Rob Griffen and, Dorothy Liscombe. Anyone and everyone living in Newcastle Village, or those who even have stopped in, oceasioually, will know of Dorothy Liscomnbe. They may flot know her by name, but the lady is definiteiy somebody speciai. Dorothy has been well mware of the environment, long before it became "fashionable .-.-. and as far as she is coucerued, actions speak louder than words. Dorothy keeps Newcastle The Newcastle & District Chamber of Commerce and the Newcastle B.1. A. togethler, sponsored a Christmnas Draw again ibis year in the community. Members (i-r) back - Mabs Barr and Judy Hope; centre - Heather Griffen and John Muzik; front - Rod Simpson and Rob Griffen all flank Newcastle resident Dorothy, Liseomibe as she drew the winning ticket for a Little Scoops ... - Happy Blated Birthday wishes of Dccember 30th'to Oronos Lee Robb who officiaily became a teenager; and to Wiil Clark of Newcastle who ceiehrated a very ,spec-iai "16"* also on December - Thiough it is oniy January, Grade N Iti(letits ai the Pines Sr. Public Schol aicipaie aI very busy pre- 1bl Scliooi agenda this mnonth:- dlean; she can be seen daily along the streets of the village with plastic bags, picking up boules, papers and strewn trash thrown about and left by others. ln great appreciation, for her efforts and contribution to the commuuity, Rob Griffen, Chairmnan of the Newcastle B.I.A. presented Miss Liscombe with a Christmas Food Basket on the steps of Town Hall, December 20. beautiful Compact Disc Stereo Player. SThe winner of this imipressive unit origiuating from Bowmanviiie Audio Vision, was Miss Shelley Gray of Newtonville. Chamber and B.I.A. Members unite in thanking ah who participated in the draw and exteud wishes for a hiappy and fruitful New Year! January 6 - was Course Selection; January 14 - Parent Information Nighit, 7:00 p.m. at Clarke High Schooi; January 17 - Registration Formis Due and January 22 Orientation at Clarke. -Two terrific Christmas concerts were put on by the kindergarten chiidren of thc Lockhart Campus, of Newý,casîic Public Sehool on Decemnber 19th. 1I hope to have pictulres to share of the performances, next wcck. p *~I~MM~~M MM~ Mmm - Baick in Dece;mber, ail in the homne on Rutherford Drive was lit cheerful spirit of the season the up by sparkling colourful lights Newcastle B.I.A. sponsored a along the drive and walkway; there Christmas light deeorating contest were red ribbons and bows, for village residents. 11 gariands and even a Santa and Winners, Daniel & Deborah Rudoiph to weleomie one and ail at Keith and daughîter Ashley nearly the en]trance. 3, are presented with $75.00 in Congratulations andl thank you B.I.A. Bucks from Rob Griffen on to everyoue who dressed up behaîf of the B.A The Keîth 's Newcastle at Christmas time '91. From Around . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . ThneRegionJ Woman continues Leukemnia swim An Oshawa womau, Barb Loreno, 6 1, is taking up where Jim Kinlin ieft off in supportiug Leukemia research by swimming. Kinlin died two years ago after swimming length of the pool that would have taken him to the west coast. Those wishing to doniate to the cause couid phone 728-3010. VIA provide partial service VIA rail receutly started to provide a partial service 10 those ini Cobourg-Port Hope to Toronto. The service wouid have riders in Toronto at 10 a.m. 1Early moruing private. bus service has been dropped- on a daiiy basis from dhe two centres. Northumberland considers equalized assessment Provincial revenue ministry personnel are to meet with Northumberland Counity outlining a county-wide assessmient plan. The plan would equalize assessment for the fifteen municipalities which form the county. Teachers vote for strike 1A vote, supervised by the Education Relations Commission, was held on December 18t11, 1991 for secondary teachers. In the vote 86.2 percent of the teachers voted 10 reject the iast offer of the board and 76 percent voted in favour of gi ving their bargaininig team a sirike mandate. The main issues remnaining are salary grid, benefits and several working conditions. CLOCA thiinking snow The Centrai Ontario Lake Conservation Authority is thinking snow and wiii be offering sieigh rides at thecir Enniskiilen Conservation Area on January 26ih as weil as February 9, 16 and 23. Rides take place from 11:00 a.m. 10 3:00 p.m. Province steps in with freeze The Province has frozen all development in Hamilton Towuship and will not circulate any developmeut in the Township with the exception of minor plans. The township is to meet with the province seeking 10 have some development released from the freeze. - Students in Jean Hoy's grade 3 class at Newcastle Public Sehool were exeitediy involved in Christmas holidays. This was to the sheer deiight of their teacher and their farnilies. Here are two touching examples: *,Wouderful Muffins" by Ashley Hand 100 mi. hugs and kisses 200 mi. friends to play games 60 ml. brothers and sisters 10 m!. dogs to cuddle, with - 900 ml. Christmas presents Mix ahl the ingredieuts and you wili have wonderfui muffins to iast until 1992. "Speciai Love" by D'allas Gibson My love for you is brighter than the golden sun Strouger than muscle men Purer thian a bright red appie Richer than a miansion Taller than a skyscraper Softer than cotton batting My love for you wiil last forever. "Hello Newcastle, Happy Ist Ainniversary!" This week marks the first anniversary of our weekiy warmn, and wonderfui reiationship with Newcastle Village. Your encouragement, support and kindness has been someéthing for me tb ireasure! Let's join together in this brand New Year in sharing'some news, views, activities and iaughter. Thank you! Fire destroys three homes Arson is sufsecîeU in lires that destroyed Ibre homes onflHi'ghway 2, Courtice area over the week-end. The houses were siated for demolil ion and were not being lived-iu at the time of the fires. H4 Newcastle Hydro Electric Commission NOTICE Electricity Rates Effective Jan uary 1, 1992, rates charged f or electricity to our customners (in Bowmanville, Newcastle Village and Orono) wiII increase an average of 12.9%. This notice is provided to meet the legal requirement for advice to consumers-before the increased rates take eff ect. Purchases of bulk power f rom Ontario Hydro consisted of 870/ of the Commission's operating expenses for-1 991. The 1992 rates are: RESIDENTIAL -'Per 2 months First 500 kWh Remaining kWh Minimum Bill GENERAL SERVICE - per month Demand First,50 kWh Over 50 kWh Transformer Allowance Energy First 250 kWh Next 12250 kWh Remaining kWh Minimum Bill 12.37o per kWh 6.95 per kWh no charge $ 5,25 per kW .60 per kW 12.37o per kWh 7.530t per kWh 5.420t per kWh $6.90 NEWCASTLE HYDRO-ELECTRIC COMMISSION Box 130, Bowmanville LiC 3K9 Telephone 623-4451 Corner of Hwy. 2 and Lambs Road After Hours 623-4451