Leadership at Youth Centre From AAround the Region Hydro restairts nuclear reaetor The Unit ()ne reactor at Darlington nucidar generatiflg station bas been rdstarted with the approval of the Atomic energy Control Board, the industry regulator. New montoring devises have benadded to allovv station staff to identify and probleins immediately. Unit Two reiiiaifls shut down Swhile work continues ýon the problema of end plate cracking in nuclear fuel bundies which were discovered in Decemnber of 1990. It . .. . is expected that the Unit will bc Put back intorservice this sunier. It bas been foLujd that Unit One did not sustain the saine damage as -that of Unit Two. Things do flot happen by Rosalyn Allun, Steve Wiggins, Sue Stickley o'f Hydro bas said tbemnselves and it certainly is the Kathy Coathani, Kelly Phipps and that after amost a year of research case with the development of the (front row) Amy Donahue who it tias been deternitied that pressure Orono Youth Centre. above represents the kids who pulses caused by impellers in a Pictured above are those number upwards of forty who heat-transport system bhas been directly involved as volunteers in~ make use of the Centre. causing the cracking of the fuel the establishment of the centre: bundies. At Clarke Museum bake sale Adele McGill and Pauline week-ago last Saturday. Stephenson look over the There were anumber of tables exceptional fine selection of carrying a wide selection of gourmet goodies that were on tempting treats for any palate. sale at the Clarke Museum a