Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 11 Dec 1991, p. 7

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grgnuwwÎyTIwo~ ~ç~m*y~ ~ Orono tdnsg hoghbsebi oku On Tuesday, November 26th a special visitor came to Orono Public School, and it wasn't Santa- Claus! Mr. Grant Freestone an excellent basketball instructor from the OBA "Ontario Basketball Association" came to Orono Public School to share some great basketball techniques and exercises with Mr. Martin's grade 6 class and Mrs. Bailey's 5/6 class. The OBA prograin is designed for players in pursuit of excellence, who have no fear of liard work and effort. It is structured for those who wish to work independently of others, with friends, or in sinal groups. Stretching exercises should be performed as a warm up prior to each work eut to prevent muscle Chlristian' by Rev. Marg West 'Tis the Season to be Jolly. Are You? As we are getting ready to celebrate the time we set aside for the birth of Jesus it should be a happy or jolly season. Is it? What is jolly? Is a personality we try te put on at Christmnas time. People have smiles on fieir faces, sometimes strained smiles. Jolly is full of high spirits and good humour, enjoyable, to try and make omher people fveel good (Websters). High spirits refers te our mood. What kind of mood do you get in mhis tise of year? It's a busy time, shopping, baking, and for those of yeu who still party, Christmnas parties. Look at people when yeu are shopping. Do mhey seem jelly, not many do. Their faces seemn strained and tight they look very agitated (somne not ail). People need te leam te relax. Tlxey need to have some peace in mheir lives. We need te let go of the need to buy everyone something, or feel eblig-ated because se and se bought me something, 1 have te buy ber or him somnething. Relax - the idea te share lias gotten totalîy eut of liand. If you like te give just te make somneene happy or share with someone who deesn't have mnuch expecting nothing in retumn, mats the spirit of Christ. There are a lot of peeple hurting this time of year, a lot are full of ~ar with no one to talk teor no place te go. We need some peace in our lives, some love, some caring, not just for ourselves, but for mhose who are less blessed than we are, Some people wen't have a big 'ý.,ristmnas dinner, or presents, or pulls and strains. Mr. Freestone tauglit us alot of bail handling drills. Two things he emphasized we SHIOULD try to do is # 1 stand in a ready position, squat like your sitting in a chair and # 2 as yeu progress start going faster and faster. Mr. Freestone taught us the figure 8, squat down back straight lîke your'sitting in a chair, weave bal l n and around your legs in figure 8 fasiion, both directions. And thxe see saw,, legs apart, knees bent, hold bal between legs at knee level, toss back between legs catch behind, tess forward catch in front. He alse taught us the pretzell and a whole lot more!' Mr. Freestone showed us somte commercials on video about Michael Jordan "Stay in School!" Corner even a place where it's nice and warm te be in. Yet there are people who will spend lots of money on what they cal celebrating Christmas. What is really celebrating Christmas aIl about. It's about helping othrs, loving others, doing for others. It's domng what Jesus camne te do. Jesus came to set thxe captives free. In John 8 verse 32, Jesus says that, "We shail know the truth and the truth shalî make you free." Wlxat is the truth that Jesus is talking about? When we know Jesus (because He is mhe truth) we are set free (froin what?). Free from sin, sadness, oppression, the opinions of people Free from mhe bendages of the world. Free te enjoy the time set aside to celebrate thxe birth of Jesus Christ. Let's try and share mhe goodness of Jesus Christ wimh somneone this holiday season, that goodness could be a smile, a pat on mhe back, a bxug. ILt could be inviting someone to share turkey with yeui or sending thern a turkey sandwich. We have so much and are a blessed people, but mhere are people close by that are not blessed. They need te knew that somneone cares. Jesus cared, He gave His life se that we could be free froin the bondages of this world. When you ask Jesus into your life you have love, jey, peaoe and the mnost imiportant thing etemal life withi Jesus Christ. Coniments or Questions, write Box 179, Orone. Bible Study Tuesday 7:30 p.m., 983-5962. Watch Total Christian Television Channel 49, Buffalo. David Robinson ýDon't Do Drugs!" and Mr. RobirSPon "Be the Best You Can Be! " In clesing, on belIPLf Of Mr.- Martin's and Mrs. BaileY's classes we'd like te thank yo for corning in and teaching us mof e about the classical sport of baslcetball, I'm sure everyone enjoyed your vîsit. Yours truly, Dan MacDonald Save 2% ~PreCIOUS 7 rmoments 4 lýk Figgrines z* f rg eeto Durham Reg'ion Iooks at Hwy. 2 corridor Transit systemn for future The Region of Durham has received a report frein the Durham Transit Task Force on Public Transit which proposes a start on planning, to begin in 1992 and be inx full operation by the year 2000. During 1992-93 the region would consider and place into operation a spine route along highway No. 2 fromn Bowmanville te Ajax with cennectien to the major commercial areas. During this period the GO bus service that new exists along the highway 2 corridor would be phased out but with GO operating the regional systemn in conjunction with the region. The systemn would be entitled to provincial funding for operation during thue flrst five years and a 75% subsidy for capital expenditures. t bas been noted that Ajax, Pickering, Whitby, Oshawa have internal transit service which initially would still be controlled by the local municipali'ties during a transition period. It is the intention of GO to eliminate their bus service within the Region. The Task force states that by 1998 a fully integrated systemt would be in place throughout the Regien. The Task force maintains that costs to local taxpayers should be very Ilittie above those that are already being paid by those centres and GO that now operated a transit syste. Inx a financial chart the Task Force places a net cost per capita following phase 2, (the spine corridor along highway 2) at $11.70. By the year 2000,this would increase to $ 13.00 per capita which is a 1990 dollar. It lias been noted that the Town of Newcastle does not operate a transit systein of its own and thxe only link te other municipalities is now through the operatien of the GO bus service. The spine plan for Highway 2 would break tdie barriers between existing municipalities who now eperate their own transit systems. Whitby does cross border with a service te the Oshawa Shopping Centre at the present tinxe. on watches 4 SBulovai Lbrus, ~oSeiko, Pulsar iq nd Cardia Diamond Iieart 10 Karat Pendant and Diamond Earring Set Floating tieart $5 995onIy (Bimited quantity,) Many more in-store specials! 0looeofÀLr s Je(C-weller s 39 King St. W. 623-5747 Bowmanville "Your Famîb'y Jeweîlers Since 1 945" Open Mvon. to Fni. 9-9: Sat. 9- 5 - Free Engraving and Giff Wrapping - BL

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