Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 4 Dec 1991, p. 7

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Om~o WeeIcIy limes, W. n.~day, D.eemI~.r 4, 1991 - 7 In memory of Kathleen H. Bryson Re-ý-port from Queen'e ffom Gord Mfilis stored in a room that had neyer MPjP Durham East been used. The true- facts of the 1 As the weeks Ipft before the matter are that public moines are 1 Christmas break begin to count assigned by the Legisiative down, the pace at jhe Legisiature Assembly to provide.ail three quickens. Lastweel, I was advised parties with studio equipment.for that commencing the second week the establishment of an electronic in December we Xiii be sitting media studio. While the Liberals until midnight to deal with the and the Conservatives alread'y legisiation that ri#ust be passed have their studio up and running, before the break, Those extra the goverrnment bas experîenced hours after 6 p.m. @lwaYs seem to construction problems with their drag. Im flot ri'ally looking own. What wasn't mentioned was forward to it, but' important that the other two parties have legisiation remains on bold. been paying studio staff for On Monday, last, the services wbile the govemnment bas Hlonourable Lieutenant Governor flot assumed any staff costs during of Ontario, Lincoln Alexander, the period of delay. No funds have carried out bis last official duty by been expended by the govemmrent giving Royal AssePtl to a number- that were not approved by the of Bis. As the. Lieutenant Board of Internai Economy. The Governor walkett out of the bottom Uine is mhat true facts do flot Legislature for mie iast time, mhere, make for exciting questions to be! s Park asked by the opposition. In mny books, quite often, poiitics seems to be some sortof a blood sport. -On Thursday, I was pleased to represent tbe Solicitor General at the Ontario Fire Prevention and Public Education Awards in Toronto. Among mhe many awards 1 had the honour of presentîng, perbaps the most touching were those I gave to tliree children, who by their actions when fire broke out in their homes, probably saved the lives of mheir family mnembers. On Friday momning, at Variety Village in Scarborough, I belped launch the 1991 Christmas R.ID.E. program. As the holiday season begins - please - don't drink and drive. Until next week - keep on being kind to eacb other. Robert Bryson (centre) with Tom Cowan, Chairman - Memoral Hospital Foundation, and Nurse Manager Obstetrics Judith Sparrow. In ioving memory of is wife, Kathleen H. Bryson, it was Mr. Robert Bryson's pleasure to donate a beautiful, and complete bassinet unit to the ORS department of Memorial Hospital in Bowmanville, last Thursday moming, November 29. Kathleen Bryson was a teacher for many, many years at Ontario Street School in Bowmanville. Her husband fondiy remembers "mhe old days. . ." when Kathleen started out in ber teaching career, in the very old two storey brick building, where now stands the Ontario Street School known to Bowmanville today. The bassinet unit is a combined unit. It makes it possible for the infant to room in with the mother. The bassinet itself is lightweight, visuai and adjustable, allowing mhe new mother to change, bath, and grow more and more comfortable wim bher newbomn. In the mnemory of Kathleen Bryson, and ber love for chiidren, this complete bassinet unit is most definitely a treasure for the obstetrics department. Peggy Mullan Letter to Editor Prope-rty Tax Increase Dear Sir, Today we received the bad news from Ontario Hydro. Starting January 1992, eiectricîty prices wil increase an average of 11.8 per cent. But there is worse news to come in 1992 - from scbool boards, and from our local and regionai mnuniciapi councils. As it presentiy appears, we are being set up for major property tax increases in 1992; it happens routinely in the year foilowing the local elections. Its a cynical process - promises of spending controls in the election year,_ followed immediately by gross spending excesses as school boards and councils settle in for another term at the public trougb. Counciliors and scbooi trustees wil gouge our pay cheques witb double-digit tax increases - in complete contradiction to their "vote-for-me" promises of restraint and sound government. I arn a member of the Ontario Taxpayers Coalition of Durbam Region - a local chapter of the province-wide TAXPAYERS COALITION - ONTARIO. The Coaition's objective is to 'watcbdog' the spending practises of elected trustees and couaciliors, and to present a strong retaliatory force sbouid our local taxing authorities spend at rates which exceed limits estabiished by the tax payers. An example of a strong retaliatory force was' seen recentiy in Bienheim, Ontario, where the eiected spendtbrifts were driven to the wall when the majority of property tax payers (includîng local businesses) refused to pay tbe increases demanded. "- ecause we already know that our local scbool trustees and counicillors are going to demand tax increases in 1992 exceeding Ontario Hydro's increase, shouldn't we collectively Lake steps now to let our lected representatives know that we will flot tolerate anytbing exceeding the cuitent general rate of inflation? Our first instalîment 'interim' tax bill is due February 1992, but it will flot be until sujmmer 1992 tbat we wiil see Our final 1992 tax instalîments wbicb, unless we take collective action to curb spending, will be devastating. I wouid also like to warn your readers of another major threat. Tbis new Town Council may also be foolisb enough to consider implemnenting another market-value reassessment. Rememnber! Diane Hamre voted for reassessment the last time. If aniy local property tax payer is interested in becoming part of the Ontario Taxpayers Coalition of Durham Region, they cari write to me - giving tbeir namne, full address and telephone nutnber. I will pass these details to the Durham chapter. Membership in the Coalition costs very littie. But membersbip and active participation in the Coalition's efforts could make a big differen)ce to mhose wbo are sincere about gaining some degree of control over their property tax bills. Collectively, as members of the Coalition, we can be strong - and take decisive action should these taxing authorities step beyond the bounds we set for them. James Slyfield, R.R. 1, Bowmanville, ON LlC 3K2 were many of us present who silently tbougbt that we would neyer see, bis equal again. He will be missed by al Qntarians for the service he bas rendered for ail of US. Last week, the Minister of Skiils Development, the Hon. Richard Allen, announced plans to reconstruct mhe provlflce's training systemn througb the creation of a new provincial board, provisionally called the Ontario Training Adjustnent Board. (OTAB) If Ontario is to rebuiid its economy, if we are to prosper within tbe Canadian economny, within the world economny, We must invest in the training and skills upgrading of the people. I will be writing more about this programn in die coming weeks. Last week in tbe Legisiature, and in the media, considerable frenzy was generated about $250,000 Worth of television equipment the government bad YWCA Winter 1 992 Programs Prepare for those winter days ahead! Keep busy and have fun with YWCA Winter 1992 programs. For aduits wbo enjoy fitness choose from a variety of workouts: Stretcb and Tone, iow impact aerobics, intense workouts and Pre/Post-Natal exercises. For moms and daughters who enjoy working together try our new Mom and Daughter Workout. Daugbters 8 yzars and older are welcome. If you enjoy working witb your hands, or leamning a new craft, we offer worksbops in European Baking, Plastic Canvas, Sculptured Lampsbades and Gardening with Perennials. Special, înterest programns include a mini-series investment course, and a "Decorating Your New Home" course. Children and young adults are always busy at the YWCA, whether it is Recreationai Jazz or Ballet, Creative Hands, Fun/Fit Kids, International Youth Leadership, Babysitter Training or simply enjoying an evening with friends in our Bracelet Weaving Worksbop, Science Medley or Easter Craft. The YWCA wiIl aiso be doing a number of co-operative programs with the Visual Arts Centre and the Newcastle Fitness Centre. Flyers are now available in our offic;e. Caîl us for more exciting details on our Winter 1992.programs at 623-9922 or drop in at our off ice located at 133 Church Street, Bowmanville. Be part of the Newcastle Area YWCA!, . FARM IN-FORMATION EVENING Co-sponsored by CIBC and Orono Co-op Tuesday, December lOth 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Orono Town Hall Guest Speakers: OMAF - On Grip Update Deloitte & Touche Chartered Accountants on Farm Tax Planning CIBO Representatives 'wili be avai lable to answer questions regarding investments, farm loans, etc. Everyone Is Welcome OBR

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