-~J~rono Wekly Tinies, W.dnftdây, Deoembr 4,1991 9 ) Orono Brownies hold annual enrolment On November 27, 1991 the 2nd Orono Brownies held their annual enrolment la the Orono United Church. The "Tweenies" cagerly awaited this moment. The lights were turned eut and the Brownics stood holding lighted candies. The Brownies, Natalie Miller, Rebecca Boyd, Lindsay Hawksbaw, Heather Bangay, Jennifer Cox, and Laura Cartier welcomned the parents, grandparents and sisters and brothers of the "Twcenies". The Wise Owl, Ern Muizelaar dirccted each Sixer, Yvonne Marchand, Kristen Sawyer and Juliana Speziale, to take her Tweenies through the forest of live trees te the "pond" where Tawny Owl, Wendy Williams waited for them. One by one thcy said the magic rhyme and then wcnt to stand by thle toadstool to say their Promise to From Around Home Well the cupboard is bare for this weeks column and the birdiag outing was not what it was a couple of weeks ago. After tramnping around in the forest for close to threc hours it was only a Hairy Woodpecker that aroused our curiosity. Why those birds doa't get a headache pecking away at a Black Cherry knot is more dma one can understand. But to more serious things: It was a couple of wecks ago that we received a hot tip on salary adjustxnent for the top brass at the school board. 0f course it al happened la camera but surcly was ratified la open meeting aftcrwards. So a phone call to the Public Relations departmcnt asldng about the adjustments. They knew nothing about it as it was hcld ia camera but would get back to us. Truc to their word they did but the information was net for publication and how did 1 know anyway. "Classified information", camne the rcply. Politely I was told it was a matter of Freedom of Information Act that controlled the announicement of such adjustment. .Well lets phone the Town to see what would happen there. Any, pay raise was available to thc public but not actual wages for ladividuals. The wage range would be available. Fair enough. Well that hot tip has the top administrative staff at the school board getting five percent increase along with another week of holidays,, a total of seven new.. With a salary range likely ia the $90,000 to $1 10,000 area that is somnewhcre around $5,000 and of course thc extra week of holidays are justified so that there is time to spend the $5,000. What about the poor taxpayer he will likely have to reduce holidays to meet Uic wage increase. To say Uic least Uic trustees must have been somewhat disturbed because in open meeting they set the salaries for the, incoming trustees with a "ZERO" increase. One would Uiink the trustees would be entitled to the same treatmcent as administration. We guess it is Uic way Uic world turas Brown Owl, Madeline Heard. Aftcr pmaning on their Brownie Pin and welcoming Uiem te Uic pack, their mothers put their Browmies Tic on them. After they received their Certificates and Six Emblems, and Uic candies were blown out, they were given Uic Grand Howl by Uic older Brownies. Tweenies being enrolled were: Annya Miller, Lisa Luna, Lisa Fegg, Becky Reid, Becky DeLerme, Jessica Edeleabos, Desirce Tennant, Erna Francis-Rice, Sarah Leonard, Katie ONeill. The fellowing Badges werc presented: Cook - Jessica Edelenbos, Natalie & Annya Miller; Housekeeper - Jessica Edelcabos; Pet Keeper - Jessica; Edelcabes; Skater - Becky Delorme; Needleworker - Kisten Actîvity n Forest- Centre A June report has outlined bookings at Uic Gafiaraska Forest Centre which operat@s a residential program, mainly for grade 6 students. It was rcported that Uie centre was fully booked for Uic 1991-1992 season and that therd were eighteen schools on a waiting list te take part in Uic two and a haIf daYs. Ten wceks had alrcady been Sawyer. Rebecca, LindsaY and Jennifer wcre hostesses fer tPie evening and helpcd serve a delîclelis cake and juice and coffee. Wc played a gain@ with some cf the parents and collccted Fairy GeId and then it was ime te, leave., booked for the 1992-1993 season. The co-ordmnator at the-centre, Mark Croft, said 33 of the 38 week- ends had been booked for thec 1991 - 92 season. Summner bookings for 1991 had noted one week-end and two and a half weeks. More bookings were cxpccted for the summer programn. BOARD AND COMMITTEE APPOUNTMENTS The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle will be considering appointments to various Boards and Committees. The [following is a list of the Boards and Committees an'd pertinent information relative to forthncoming vacancies. COMMITTEE/ BOARD DESCRIPTION Property To review matters relative to the Standards prescrîbed standards for maintenance Committee and occupancy of property within the Town of Newcastle. Newcastle To assist the Department of Community Communiity Services by providing input on, Advisory Board recreational facilities, programs and services. Livestock Valuers To evaluate ivestock damage caused by dogs and wolves. Fence Viewers To arbitrate and settie fence disputes. Pound Keepers To provide a facîlity te house ivestock until claimed by the owner. Game Commission To buy and release pheasants and sel hunting licences for designated areas. Local Architectural To make recommendations on the Conservation preservation of structures of historical Advisory Committee significance. Clarke Museum To operate a museum in the former Board Township cf Clarke on behaîf of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle. Bowmanville To operate a museum in the former, Museum Board Town of Bowmanville on behalf of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle. Committee of To review minor variances in Adjustmenit conjunction with the provisions of by-laws passed under the Planning Act in respect cf the land, building or structure or the use thereof. TERM FREQUENCY 0F MEETINGS_ 5 positions 1 year term 3 year term Ward 1 - 2 positions Ward 2 - 2 positions Ward 3 - 1 position 2 positions 1 year term 4 positio ns 1 year term 4 positions 1 year term 6 positions 1 yearterm 10 positions Term of Council 9 positions Term of Council 7 positions Term of Council 6 positions Term cof Council As required First Wednesday evening cf each month As required As required As required As required Third Tuesday evening of each month. As required As required As required REMUNERATION1 $28.26 per meeting $14.13 per inspection $28.2 6 per meeting $1 4.13 per sub- committee meeting $29.51 per evaluation $26.96 per viewing Nono Nono Nono Nono Nono $28.26,per meeting $Ï4.13 per inspection If you wish to be considered for appointment te one cf the above Boards or Committees, application forms for appointment are available at the Municipal Administrative Centre, Clerk's Department, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmnanville, Ontario. if you are interested in serving on more than one Board or Committee, please list these in your order cf priority. Comnpleted application forms must be received by the undersigned by 4:30 p.m., Friday, December 6, 1991. 0&jE TOWN Of( N TAR 0O Dates of Publication: Wednesday, November 13, 20, 27, 1991 Wednesday, December 4, 1991 Madie P. Knight, A.M.C.T. Deputy Clerk Corporation cf the Town cf Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario LiC 3A6 Telephone: 623-3379 P.O. 3617 "A Touch of Class" Cleaning Commercial & Residential - Weekly, Bi-Weekly. Occasional - Bonded & Insuranced - Reasonable Rates For a Free and Friendly Estimate Please Cal 1-416-786-2399 -I----------- ------------------- -----------i FREE 6 oz. potpourri bag ! 1%Dson with each initial cleaning. ' o eirCtzn OFFER EXPIRES NOV. 30191 L.--------------------J.----------------- ------------------J am Lpdrg