OronoWeelcy Tîms, Wer*sda, No.m..r.... 191... Newtonv*ll AUliveu by Peggy Mullan It was a wedding of a certain house, on the 17th. different kind! "Rev. Tiehard" played by The Newtonville UCW Put Marlene Stacey, officiated the their ingenuity into higli gear, nuptuals of the happy couple .. when they presented their lively . Cleonia (Olive Henderson) performance of "Wedding Belîs and Adam Appleworth (Debbie & Belles", followinig the lovely Dunham). ham dinner served up to a full Barton's, 4490 Hwy. 2, by thç Cenotaph park at Newtonville Road. There will be ail sorts of stocking stuffers, ý:vely crafts, giftables, refreshpients and more,. . . Sure hopÇ to see yau there! "lis the Seàpof!" - It was very sad tê sec security bars go up on ail the windows at our Newtonville darner store. Another window W<as broken a week ago Monday night. Hope this occurance is flot a sign of the times.. - Thank you toa ah Guide moms who attended tbe parents' meeting last Thursâlay evening; several topics werê covered, in- cluding details of a special craft- type evening QOming up December 7 at St, Francis of Assisi, and the Mother- Daughter Christraas dinner, coming up on Thursday, December 19. - Remnember Parents, tomnorrow night, November 28th, Guides' Enrolîment Night. - Ail reminded that this Friday, it's euchre night again in Newtonville. Everyone welcome. - The Iast week of November has arrived; several homes in Ncwtonville have sparkled up their verandahs and front Iawns with Christmas decorations. br- inging definite cheer and Christmas spirit into the air. Looks super! "Looking forward to hearing from you!" "Have a cozy wcek." Gord's View (Continued from page 4) give thc food tothUcBowmanville and Toronto Salvation Army. This week, wc are placing a bright box in thc office foyer at our Bowmanville Constituency Office, where ail local office staff are invited ta drop off their gifts of non-perishable food. Let's get together ta help the needy in our community during these very tough times. This way we will ail get ta share in the real meaning of Christmas, as we Unîted-Way at 80 percent of target There are some concerns be- îng exprcssed as to the possibili- t y of the United Way in Whitby, Oshawa and Newcastle reaching its goal of $3.125 million. As of last week 80 percent of the objective had been raised with a further $625,000 needed. The campaigil has been under- way for the past nine weeks. remember the forgotten people around us. Until next week - be kind ta each other - you will feel better for it. "Maw! Maw!" cried brother Benjamin (Jean O'Neill) as he ran Up the centre aisle ail deckcd out in his Sunday knickers and It seemed ta be anc chuckle after another as the "groom's" family prepared for the mar- riage of their daughtcr, ta soon- be-discovered fartune hunter Adam Applewarth. Alturncd out blissful in the Bridesmaids, "Daisy' (Ban- nie Stapleton), "Lily" (Sharon Stapleton), "Rase" (Jill Thomas) and "Pansy" (Nadine Stapleton), assisted in the ceremonial mishaps A resounding applause com- plimented all performers.. The bride, Cleonia - Olive Henderson; Mother of the Bride, Mrs. Fîtznigglc - Carolyne Gilmer; Father af the Bride, Mr. Fitzniigglc - Shirley Stapîctan; Brother Bcnny - Jean O'Neill; Groom - Debbie Dunham; Bcst Man, Jac Slivcrs -Jean Arnold; Maid of Honour, Alicia SwoaPs- Doreen Green; Rev. Tiehard suspenders, seems Benny would have ta attend his sister's wcd- din)g with anc shoc missing! end as "Policeman" (Bernice Henderson) came forward and confessed his undying love for the blushing bride, and a wed- ding would take place afterall Marlene Staccy; Police Officer Tim - Bernice Henderson; Nar- rator - Lynda Farrow. Con- gratulatons Newtonville UCW! Little Scoops.. - Those fancy taking part in Carolling night in Newtanville should meet at the home of Ron and Arlene Phillips, December 18, at 6:50 p.m. for an hour or 50 of singing, then ta rcturn ta the phillips' for rcfreshmenits. Ahl wlcame. - "You are invitcd!" This Sun- day, Decem ber 1, from 11 a.-m.- ta 4 p.m. The annual Avon and Craft Sales and Open House will bc an the go at Sue Constitutioa reform Us about many things. But mostly it's about you. As Canadians, we are now facing one of the + recognizing the iglit of aboriginal peoples most important challenges in our history. to govern themselves while being protected ProDosais have been put forward by the by Canadian law Government of Canada ta improve our Constitution. These proposaIs, for a more united and prosperous Canada in which ail Canadians can feel at home, are currently being reviewed by a special parliamentary committee. They will also be considered by a series of conferences run by independent Canadim orgmnizations. Some of the proposais include: + a Canada clause that speaks of our hopes andl rreas as Canadia11s, aur values. our diversity, ou generosity of sp tiveness and of minority language groups * reforming the Senate to make it elected, effective mnd much more equitable thmn it is now * strengthening Cmnada's economnic union s0 Canadians cmn work amd conduct business anywhere in the country *guaranteeing property rights. Get involved and find out more about how ýur tolerance and our these proposals will shape the future pri t ~of Canada, caîl toll-free: I*800* 61*118 SDeaf or hearing impaired Cali 1-800-567-1992 (TY/TDD) Canaidi! Shaping Canada's Future Together Clarke High School RUMMAGE SALE FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1991 4:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. ALL PROCEEDS TO CLARKE ATHLETICS ............ ...