Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 20 Nov 1991, p. 2

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'N - Omuio Weekly Tlmsa~ Wedn.uday~ Nov.mber 2~$OOI J A close encounter 1Aftcr bcing up baf thc night last weck we bad littlc finie to comment on thc local elections wbich to say the least in Ward Tbrcc was ndcccl a close encounter in a number of races. Lct alone thc mayor's race with Hanire and Cowman trading thc lcad off and on during the nigbt and a dcciding majority of 27 votes dctcrniining thc outcomc there wcrc other close encounters, flic race bctwecn Ewert and Scott was as wel a cliff hanger with only a margin of 22 votes placing Scott i tic top position. It was aise another battie betwccn Clarke and Dreslinski in thc latter part of the nigbt wbile Blogg wcnt out in front witb the carly returns. DRcsinski was some over one hundrcd witii ber majority. The wholc event was kccnly contcstcd by most candidates locafly and tbcrc was a good attitude bctween Uic candidates, This was witncssed at Uic ail-candidates meeting wben aftcr Uic meeting candidates werc seen to shake each others band. It is an indication of Uic character of those who wer ini Uic contest. Well donc and we wil look forward to Uic future with some new faces bcing involved in the decision making for the comrnunity. Wood four the dog house! Witb the election over and attending a SAGA meeting on Wcdnesday evening the topic of conversation bad to tune into the election resuits and se it did. Everyone sccrned pleased with the resuits with Mayor from Ward Three, Regional councillor and Local councillor all considered to have a feel for the envirofiment. It was pointed out that Dreslinski and Scott had not used lawn or street signs in their campaigns but stili were able to top the poils. Wbether or flot this had that much to do with the resuits will neyer be known for on the other side Bll Tomlin- son, although lie did flot win, did make a good showing with bis late entry into the race. He distributed less than five bun- dred pieces of literature and macle but a few door cails. Bill said bis empliasis would be tbrough the use of signs and it would be a test case as to their effectiveness in an election. One could hardy fault Hamre for using signs as the scope of her support had to corne froin across the whole of the Town if she was to sit in the rnayor's chair. It liad been ber intent not to use signs but the 36,000 voters had to be reached using all the stops. Electedofottclals will new find theinselves under thec critical public rnagnifying glass. (net that they shouldx't beý. ..) WiUi thirty-somnething percent of voters comixig eut te exercise their deinecratic privilege, we know very well that mounds more thant thirty- soniethixig percent will have a word or two te say about bow these A.wmnners" in thc lectien perferm. Actions really speak louder than words. Canadians are constantly cemplaining about the way this country is run, freinaal facets of government; yet, when it cornes down te Uic votig cruxich, tumnouts like thirty-somethig percent don't exactly reinforce any beliefs or convictions. Those cected, did se because they received the most votes - from those that actually voted., of course. Painfully enough though, these resuits do flot neccssarily reflect Uic feelig of the true majerity. WiUi al Uic disconten disgust and disappointment we have in our governient (particularly Federal> we sliould be starting te take action at some point, and as far as I can sec it, cxertig oneself just a little te go eut and vote is certainly a stant. Canadians have got te stant thinking that thcy can begin te make a difference. Sitting at home moaning and groanig about Uic way things arc mun, and how Uiey would do it if Uiey had half a chance, only echoes the too-familiar-tune that Caniucks are just tee plain laid back, indecisive and indifferent, when it cornes te taking a stand. Good for thc people who voted. If Uiey have a complaint, thcy have a right to it. SPeggy Mullan KendPidNewg Well another clection bas corne and gene, and !here will be some new faces i oir local govemment. We wish thein Well, and hope that they will brinà about some geed changes. Bring some needed jobs for Uic uneinplôyed and put an end to Uic long standing hassle over use of local lands, Whether thcy make decision wc will ail a gree with is another question-. The weather bas been very nice Uic last fcw dy but liew long will it last. I boe veryone bas their spring bulbs planted and their gardens cleaned eut, one of these days Uic skiers will get their wish and Uic snow wil! corne. Sunday was beautiful and we bad Rev. and Mrs. BarrY Pegue witli us te take Uic Service. It is nice te hear Uic different Minsters but it will be lieder to have our own Minister. The Service epencd witb the hymn, "Praisë the Lord, Ye Heavens Adore ffIi." Following the Cali te Wership thc choir sang, "it Kxow Whio Holds My Hand." Mrp. Pogue told thc childrens story. She brouglit in a brandi frein a trZ, she asked Uiern what was wroflg with it? The children said tha it didn't have any leaves on it, Uicy had ail fallen off. When asked wPY that happened Uiey said becausê it was whiter. She then shewed them tinY nodes on Uic brandi. They are sealed over te pretect thein alid that in spring when the weatlier gets warnier leaves will once agam cceeOut On Coun cil Bif The Town is te take ne fur- ther action at this turne on a re- quest for a sidewalk along the entrance te sunýet Boulevard in the Village of Newcastle. A report pointed te a- cost of $300,000 to insigIf storin sewers' in the area te allow sufficient space for sucli a sidewalk that would ink witli a sidewalk on Hart Boulevard. The General Purpose Cern- rnittee bas given approval te the expenditure of $238,175.30 for phase one of latudscape work at thc Bowmanville Recreation Complex. Menues for the project te corne frein the Comypunity Services Capital Budget.. The Town is te spend $48,1 50.00 on ,structural rein- forcing at the Newcastle Village Comimunity Hall and a contract has se been let te Gerr Con- struiction of Bommfaiiville. A centract bas aIse been ap- proved by the Gejneral Purpose- committee for Àlew Bail Dia-, rnond Liglits te be installed at the Orono Park. Over $ 12,000 iý te be spent by the Town for tree planting in 1992 in the Tow!>î of Newcastle. The Town is supporting a Town of Newcajtle Scholarship at Trent UnjveïsitY followIn such a request frim the univer- sity. The Town will, provide a suin of $5,000 antiually over the 'next five years. The proposai must now receivc appreval of counciil this comi'ng Monday. 4-lane road (From page 1) proved in 1980 and extensions te the plan have IDeen granted te Decernber 30, 1991. Bramalea bas indicatcd that tbey do net wisb te relinguii h teoiia the branches. Like the Fig tree, Jesus said, whcn the leaves corne again it will bc Spring. The children's hynin was, "The Wise May Bring Their Leamring." The Psalm reading was psalm 145, verses 8-21. Rev. Pogue titled his Sermon, "Alienatien in the Church". Rev. Pogue teaches at Durham College and lie told us of a conversation he had with a younger colleague while walking together. The YOunger mnan said that he could neyer remember a more treubled tume,,a more violent time than what we have now. Rev. Pogue said that although lie could remember back to the 2nd World War, he had to agree with the young man. He spoke of Man's lnhumanity to mani, of the things we see and hear about i the papers, on the radio and TV, of the beating death of Jerry Stinson, just because lie wouldn't hand over his car keys, of the man who shot his estranged wife with a bow and arrow, the youxig maxii tie U.S.A. who went ito the postal station and shot the people who were working there. Rev. Pogue spoke of too many guns and other wcapons that people seem to get hold of. We are too quick to blame everything on drugç addicts, too many immigrants, we look for someene to blame. Most of these things happen because of Allenation, which means, a feeling of not belonging, of flot havig a place in society, a sense of bein-g deprived. Alienation today te many people, is a feeling of.flot having tÎhe world we feel we are supposed te have. The good life is. what we ceuld have, if we spend our money, yen cari have the good life. We know this is flot possible for tie Most of us, if you ask the older people about the good life, they will Say tliey have had it, but our childrcn will flot be able to live that, Saine life. Sece we have resentmnent and violence. Life- is a tecter-totter, one end is hope, the other frustration. Wlien Hope rises, we sece less violence, wlien Hope goes down, we sec violence. We live i hope if we live in Christian Fait. Many have losthope and they tm angry anid violent. Marriages that stant eut with tic hope of happiess often end in violence wlien things. turn bad. Many people that secin to live in a liopeless situation have Hope, they have a Christiani Faili. Thcy believe in God. I Zambia where things appear hopeless, in a Cliurch that will hold 2000, 3000 will crowd in to hear the word of God. When did we last SOC Our Church filled, !et alone overflowing. Rev. Pogue, said we need three things, onie to admit Our failure, we have failed to reach out to our neighbours, to tell themn they can find hope in our Church. We need to say, Love God, through Him there is Hope. Two, we need to convince the hopeless, show thein there is Hope, purpose, God's love. Th ree, change our world, the rich are getting richer and the poor, poorer. We need to sec that the poor get more, give them reason to have hope. Without Hope, there is violence either to themselves or to Meras. As Cliistians we must rcach Out te those who have lest faith in society, and show them, there is H1ope. 'nle Service closed with the hymn, "Thy Kingdom Corne, Lord." by Phyllis Lewery St. Saviour 's Anglican Church MILL STREET ORONO, ONTARJO Relv. Douglas Hall 987-4745 SIJNDAY SERVICE and SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 a.m. PASTORAL CHARGE f ~ Rev. Fred alappison ~. Mariette 993-5702 Church Offce 9&3-5502 UPCOMING SERVICES Sunday, November 24tb Klrby United Church Service and SuxidaySchool 9:30 a.m. Orono United Church Service and Sunday Scheol 11:00 a.m. EXPLORERS Wednesday, November 2th 6:30 p.m.- 8:00 p.m. <UpperC.E. Hall For algirls ages 8.- Ï1years ~83-5OO9 AU .............. 1 UKUNU, UN FARIO

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