Or~no ekty W~Insay ........1..1. A match for Big Brothers Bi& Brother Mý-ichael Spooner Williams. with his Little Brother Shawn (1-r) Ross Allun, Ron Burley, Frank Stapieton. Hugh Stapieton, Jack Gordon and Manufactured in England, (D1930, this old Roston and Homnby Diesel Engine is housed at the Old Grist Mill here in Newtonvilie. t proved te be a very enjoyabie aftemnoon for these five chums, who get tegether te have a look at the diesel and to reminîsce. Theugh the engine ,vas last used in the late 1960's, it is stili functienal. It's rate capacity is 40 hp. It has a single horizontal cylinder and starts with compressed air and is water cooled. The fiywheei diameter is a massive 6 feet; the engine weighs one ton, and <~woud run at 310 rpm. Many years age, grain was brought te Newtonviiie by train, thenl trucked up te the Grist Mill, where the hoppers remaîn stili in Little Scoops ... - The Town of Newcastle invites and welcomes local residents te an officiaI opening, of the Ina Brown Parkette, Friday, Octeber 4th at 3 p.m. Though our paikette has been open and weli in use for about three years, the sign has only been up a few meinths. It seems only fitting that an officiai epening take place in the cemmunity. Ceme and join the members of counicil for the ceremony, ribbon cutting and refreshinents. - Craft classes in Newtonville wil] start up October 9 through 30. For registration please cali ASAP .. . Susan Barton 786-2756. Cost is $35.00. This includes most materials and a lot of great andi lasting ideas! - Teday, Wednesday, Octeber 2nd, is ZERO Garbage Day. During this week, Waste Reduction Week, pieuse wutch and do your part, remembering and exercising the three R's. - Tickets are now on sale for an evening of entertainment mnd dining in Newtonville: A 'Meck Wedding" performance uieng wigi a home cooked ham dinner is planned for Saturday, November 16 in the Newtonvilie United Church, Sunday Schooi fucility, beginining ut 6:30 P.m. "Sounids ike fun!" Cail Shirley Stupieton ut 786-2286. Tickets aie $8.00. tact teday. For a time after the engine was shut dewn, Frank, and Betty Stapieton held a flew market in the Old Grisi Miii. Visitors could view mnd admire this Roston & Homby as it sits reoessed below floor level. It was a tuste of nostalgia and history. An interesting point was brought about, while Ross, Ron, Jack, Frank and his father Hugh were chatting. ..Thie Grist Mill building used te be a munitions plant during the wur. Hugh brought the structure, piece by piece from Ajax te Newtonviile after the war, where it stands today. AIl in aIl, it was indeed an enjoyabie afternoon, last Friduy at the Grist Mill for these friends. - Ail welcome te pop into the Newtenville Hall this Friday, as another euchre party gets underway. - Happy Birthday of fthe fondest and warmest kind on Octeber 6 te Newtonvilie's Mary Jones. I know 1 join many, mnany folks (and fans!) of Mrs. Jones in wîshing her i'ife's very best! I arn aiwuys pieased te heur what's been happening or about te huppen with you ... dont hesitate te gîve me a cail, 786-2964. Have a great first week of October. Port Hope to edge in new lot levies The Town of Port Hope is taking three years tof edge in new lot levy charges. Originally the Town pianned to set a new fee of $6878 for a new residential home to becorme effective later this year. Instead it is now feit an increase to $3500 in November, 1991 and then a bump te $5000 in 1993 with a further bump to $6878 in 1994 would be more desirable. Newcastle council met over their increases last week but according to Ken Hooper bave yet te comte te a final decision. A further meeting, we understand, is te be held this week. September has çome and gene. . ...but the sharing and friendships and special relationships between Big mnd Littie Brothers ligers on ever se warmly, even tho ugh September - Big Brothers Month is over. Shawn Willlams is almost sixteen. Michael Speener of Orono, has been Shawn's Big Brother for a year now. Last faîl, they were 'Imatched," introduced and became acquainted. New they aie friends. "The best thirng.. Shawn explains, "is having sommoe te taik te, someone just to spend some time with." Becoming- a Big Brother happens because of a feeling. Lt dees net happen because of a quick decisien te do some volunteer werk, or te set eut te conquer a particular goodwiil purpese. Friendships aren't lilce that. When Mike Speoner ioeked into the Big Brothers Association of Newcastle, ,and the whole idea of havinig a Little Brother, he liked what he saw. He knew he had some time to give te a boy without a father figure at home. Time. It's a precious thing te a young boy. Mike feels that a great deal of credit is due te the mothers of Littie Brothers, for giving their sons the opportunity te get involved in the prograniand te allow them te have the chance te have a Big Brother, quite possibiy enriching their lives. "For me . . ." adds Mike, " Sseeing a real friendship develop and grow naturaliy, then discovering that it is as equally rewarding fer the Big Brother, as it is for the yeung lad, is something pretty special. 1 wouid like te thanl Mike and SSheila Speener fer welcoming us mnto their home. 1 As I drove away from the Spooner home, while Shawn toyed with the family's do gs, 1 thought about those special feelings theseý "Brothers" toid me about ... "Yes. I recomfmend becomiiig a Big Brother," concluded Mike. "Yes. I'm giad te have a Big Brother. . ." said Shawn. And they both smiled. Big Brethers of Newcastle have ten Little Brothers in need in this area. Do give them a cail at 623- 6646. Thank Yeu. (Centinued page 10) QUESTIONS ABOUT THE FUTURE 0F CANADA?. For more information about the federal governent's proposais for constitufional reform, eaff tolfree: I*800M561*1188 ~IDeaf or hearing impaired cail: 1-800-567-1992 (TTYITDD) Canadâ Shaping Canada's Future Together»~ r !~ 5 ~ ~ - - ----- ------ ---- Cali - 6 il 97-12211