r' - ~ jl (Qrono Weekly Times, Weclnesday, September 25, 1991 - f David Scott (right) cogaulates Ward Thiree for local councillor. Normunds Berzins, R.R. 1 Orono, He stated that the local on his election as chainnan of the environmient will bc under Comimittee of Clarke Constituents increased pressure for the following bis recent election. forseeabhe future and that hie hoped Scott said it has been bis to be able to miake a contribution 10 privilege to serve as chairman of its preservation as a local the committee for the past three'and councillor. He said he expects to a haîf years. Scott termninated his work closely with the committee in chairmanship fohhowing bis the future. announicement as a candidate ini Kinsme-n @pleased with even-ý*ts at Orono Fair The Great Pmne Ridge Kinsmen were pleased with the public response to their events held at the Durharn Central Far recently held in Orono. Their non-profit kiddie ractor pull had each chihd receiving a prize. Nine grand prizes were awarded as folhows: Crystal, Thertell (Kendal) age 5; Jeffrey, Stacheruk (Orono) age 5; Dardi Maude (Enniskillen) age 6; Katie McAwley (Trenton) age 8; Eric Hubeg (Newcastle) age 9; Tamnara Beckett (Oshawa) age 9; Chr is D'Angelo (Maple) age 1 0; Philip Willoughby (Oshawa) age 10; AMan Colville (Orono) age 11,. Chairman Jim Cartier wishes to extend congratulations 10 all who were involved. Also held for the first limne was the Kinsmen dunk tanik. The response was overwhelming with enthusiastic crowds watching the vohunteers waiting their turm on the chair t0 get dunked. The Kinsmen would like to thank alI the people who supported this event, with special mention to Orono Public Sehool teacher Mr. Martin, last year's Durham Fair Queen Nicole French and Fairboard Chairman Ron Locke for ah] volunteering 10 take time 10 sit up on the chair. By the time this rePOrt appears in printed formn, the fa1l Session of the Ontario Legislgture will be three days old. We Wtill continue to sit daily throulgh u1itil;December 2th. During this peripd 1 will be in Toronto Sunday êvening until Thursday night. FridaYs as usual I will be ini the constitincy office al day. Please cail the office and select a time convenient 00 Y011, if YOII want to see me aboutj a concemn or problem. If you woffld like me to attend your function on the weekend, please contact the constituency office to make the arrangements. The 1roceedings at the Legisiature are cârried daily on Channel 31 via Rogërs Cable T.V. Since the signal is sept via satellite, an ordinary T.V. amnna will flot produce a pieture. The programmîng comniences at 1:30 p.m.- with the e_ýception of Thursday when the start time is 10:00 a.m. Thursday Wlomring is the time siot set aside 10 debate members private bjusiness. I'm always present for these debates, and most often take part in them. This Thursday, arouifd 1:35 p.m. I will be askin g all mëmbers 10 join with me in thanking the volunteers in Newcastle area w110 are part of the rsMeals..on..Wheealsu programn. Please tune in if you have cable. Several people biave already contacted me over Ofptario Hydro's 19 92 rate increase. The average residential monthly iicrease will go up -about $7 starting on January 1, 1992. More than haif the increase is caused by the Darljrlgton Nuclear Including Newly Arrived Bluebircls 0f Happiness"l A$umner Costumne at HAL F Generating Station coming into service and other nuclear costs. Darlington will cost about $13.5 billion. As it startsto produce electricity, we have tostart paying for it through customers' rates. The below forecast performance of Hydros existing nuclear stations has increased Hydros overaîl costs significantly. The plants were designed to operate at an average 80 percent capacity, but hast year operated at only 63 per cent. The Durham Region Commnunity Care Association are leading a mini-series on Breakçing-Even-Or- Better. t is an opportunity to get together with friends and neighbours b share ideas on getting your money's worth in these hard A Ni$ day/dae watch liasa goldlone casa thal accepa white dral suit aàsweap:s -od band. Wtar resistailte 3 ATM. Oura cryst a tad- ssom goldtsitst slaisless st,eel anfsion bracelt à. Her goincasa acitcles a rhaispagne diat wllh a swuap second land toter resisant. DuraCryal0 Conlcnd goldlon-finl sd ilfhss steei bracelet, ! 0% OFF F«Pa hfi a. à Q*MScmeçon- trials a blacir aamal i W sf11 galduacam an aid idng bl r ri. Vider rrsiias. Dra-Crsfla" ora gddba paiermld brcaI. Bulova, Caravelle, Pulsar, Seiko, Lorus Watches with FREE Lifetime Battery Replacement LAYA WAY NOW FO R CHRISTMAS ivloper's JeweIIers »~ UInSt. W. 623-747 BoMMMwlfl trnes. The program starts on Wednesday, October 9th from 1 p.m. until 3 p.m. at Enfield United Church. There will be free refreshments and babysitting. Cal Janice at 623-4123 10 register. During the past week I had the opportunity to visit with two fine couples who were celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary. On each occasion I had the pleasure of presenting, Commemorative Scrolls on behaif of Premier Bob and the government to, Archie & Jean Campbell of Prince Albert, and Mir. & Mrs. Russell Conway of Oshawa. 1 hope you will continue to enjoy many happy years together. Until next week - be kind 10 one anothier - it really helps. MillIbrook IWoodstoves *Gas Fireplaces *Insulated Chimneys *Chimney Liners *Custom Mantels *Fireplace Inserts ( - * Zero Clearances * Chimney CIeaning CWEI CertiU!ed Installations 67 King St. W. 932-3456 '7e au tifulAutu m n Sp e ials" t.X172 la-untTrator s/Nu 7 tltby art LXiJ2 Lown Tractor A 14 bp Kawatbsistmerh ltf.r st luiricat ou AtF asy hifi outhie gos 5 P'eti rsssits A lI gt 20 inc-th rIu rd-u A S3f stth tuowssg deî A Overhead valves priside inore isrqisiassi better ACutu..red seat utffersscellent l.-erbak .pp.t A& staneit 00e-pisce, ltidd uAlIltgh trans No.7 Uility cni Cart Prices start at $199.95 Tractor can be equtpped for Snow removai and leaf and grass bagging. SFARM &GARDEN LT.U JOH-IN DEERE SALES &S SERVICE Taunton Road, West of Orono 416-983-9119