Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 28 Aug 1991, p. 3

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-ýOrono Weekly Times, Wednesday, August 28, 1991 - Newcastle-on-tlie-LaRe (Continued from page 1) Violent crimes on the increase Trevor MeCagherty, Dur] deputy police chief in referrini the increase of violent crim( Caniada said residents shouic eoncernied and conscious of tl own safety aid thiat of their le "People should knrow where t children are", he said. Violent crimes hiave inicreasec 59 percent fromn 1975 to 19; according to a recent study. Althoughi violent crimies general have increased, hoinici( in Canada have decreased aswe the use of firearrns in homiciL andc robberies. Thie Region of Durhamn is exception in homnicides with inereaise of' 200 percent over1 past year. Drug dealing is laid as the cai of thie Durhamn stats. Cocai traffickiýng chiarges hiave inIcrea'l 500 percent in 199 1. You cani lose a lot mooe than your icence drikinig and diingi YES! Get the -facts. L'sak.Cali thec O)ntario NMiiistry> of Health AJDS Hotine ham Ig to ein 1 be lir ved hleir J by 89, ides (les Before AI really, recovecred tFrlm the dramatics of thre matehing numlbers Bey had made the il- imi-portanlt phonle eal. Yes, money for the secoifd place lnmbers was $8 00,000.ý Unfortunatel y 24 other ticket purehasers hiad thie samie numiber, the closest being in Peterborough. Both AI and Bey are satisf-ied in sharing and the resul ting $33,025A.0 But as to the reporting 1 did have a note pad and 1 did hiave mny camera. No news-hlound arn 1. Those Black Squirrels indebted to mie You may rememiber that last year just about this timie thre squirrels at homne made off with somec 700 to 800 sprinig bulbs as they were piaced to dlryýout in the old ehieken house. Liner, in one niight, thecy dug up Believe it or niot the squirrels slripped the tre before aniy pear ripenied for eating. The end came about f'ive days ago Mien there was not one peair to be fouind. Well ihlat w'as rive days ago and tlie poor tinig.s must have beeni starvinig w1ci they caughit sighit of the Macintosh appie tree. The Mlac troce was equaliy well loaded wîvth fruit blut wýithin three days haif the apples disappcaxed. Thie other hiaif are now in flhe cellar for 1 bc daned if thiey are ong to 1have themi too. Maybe thcy wntbe _good l'or just plain eaitig buit they will miake f'or bakcd ajpples. TLilkiing about this tinie of yeair, and the plentiful supply of fresh, fruit, Fred Obrist from Fred's Fruit Market dropped ini a mnmber of samiples of app]es and peurs to fthe office. Thcy were delicious and a trip to thec market south of Orono on Hgwy115 will provide you with thec opportuniity for a free aipple f'or t'Iste before a ptirchase. Give il a try l'in sure Fred would be glad to sece you and lhe does know his fruit and thec growinig of, samle. Sea Cadet Corner Ile Plans are weli undierway for the celebration of' the 1lthAnniversary uLse of 279 Bowmianvilie Sea Cadet nle Corps to be hield Septemiber 28 and sed 29. We will be joined for flhe w,ýeckenid by cadets from other corps in ftie fiotilla - Port Hope, Peterborough, Bancroft, Coboconk, Trenton and Napanee. Cadets %vill arrive at thec Bowmianville Recreatlioni Complex on Saturday mnorning and following lunch wili parade through towni following a route from Vincent Massey Sehool, along Liberty to King Street, up King to Temperance f'or a ceremiony at thec Town Hall at approximnateiy 2:30. This will iniclude a short band concert, presentations and inspection of' the gluard by [lie reviewing party. Sports activities and a danice for cadets only on Saiturday evening compiete the day, withi cadets rcturning home on Suniday. Members of fhecBowmlaniville Optimiist Club hlave genierously offe-red to assist in preparing the mecals for the cadets durinig the weekend. An invitation is cordiaiiy extended to ail former cadets and families and the gencral public to attend thie activities at the town square. TheBomaviieand District Navy League of Canada wili celebrate thei r 1Oth Anix ersary as wlat a dance to be hield Novembher 2 in the upper hiall of theB avle Royal Caniadiani Legioni. Tickets wiil be oni sale sooni, available fromi any Navy Leaguc eneber. Tw oloficers, seven staff cadets and a latrge number of cadets have recenitly rettirnied from lsummiier camps ut HMCS Onitanio lin Kinigston, CFB Bordeni and HMICS Quadra in Comox, B.C. anid corps activities for another busy year beg in withi regi stirati on ont Spebr3. Boys and girls ages 12-18 are invited to join tLhis finle youth organization which meiets Tuesday eveings in the basemient of the Veltri Compleu, King. Street fron 6:30 - 9:00 p.mi. Thiere are nio registrationt fees. Uniformis, camnps, travel and training are provided at no cost. For information phione the Quarters at 623-1776, or Mrs. Sheila Brooks at 623-2880. Rae AbemeUhy, Chiairman Anniiversary Comimittee Sanitary LandfiII Site The CARTWVRIGHT TRANSFER STATION AND THE SCUQOG LANDFILL SITE will be closed on Monday, Septemnber 2, 1991, for the Labour Day Holiday. Normal operations wilI resume on Tuesday, September 3, 1991. V.A. SILGAILIS, P. ENG. COMMISSIONER 0F WORKS Remembrance I N Howard MillerO Suggested Retail Pnce $4552, OooFair P Specials coming *Popular Oak Yorkshire . finished grndahe ock and curio cabinlet in one, eeedglass I\ ý door and *Lighited shelves and mxrrored back for ultimate dtsplayîIng *Penidulum suitaible for.J monlograimming, have yu faiyinitiais etche-d! * Cbledrientriple chjime moeetpLays Westimnstef Whittington and Winchestpr *H. 8F1,", W. 5%,D.U 48 Oak Remembrance 1 Model Number 610-440 Wthfor our Howard Miller Grandfather Clock Display" "Wthat the Orono Fair, September 5, 6, 7 & Stb Iimooper's jewellers 39 King St. W. 623-574è7 Bowmonvflle

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