f ~14 Oroo WeklyTime, Wdnesdýay Augqust 28, 1991 Dediefor Service Directory "EV C l nnLVLC T O RYJITel.___983-5301__ The Shop APPLE BLOSSOM .We Donl Just Specaakze" Né Make Evei'y Order$pca Main Street, Orono 983-9155 YVONNE MAITLAND We' Deliver Newtonvîlie, Pontypool, Oshiawa and Places ln-Between "'Haîr With Flair" For LADIES and GENTS Main Sreet. Orono 983-5333 Orono Electric Ltd. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES COLOUR TVs -HI-Fis Sales and Service Hopoint R.CA WhOieVWestîghouse 1rigîdaî,treWhrpo Wood s Fezr Magic Chef 1-loover 983- 5108 'The la test mn fashlons for a// imes and a// 983-9341 Jim Couch AUCTION Selling Most Anything Anywhere 987-1548 FOR-NIK Auto Body and Collision QUalily Body Work and Refinishing INSUFIANCE CLAIMS FREC ESTIMATES R.R. 3 Newcastle, Ont. Phone 987-5071 FLO WERS PL US FLOWERS GIETS and CRAFTS 29 King Street East Newcastle, Onitario 987-1500 8etty Lyceti 98,3 5908 <Mddeton 9839819 GRUNDY'S Counitry Upholstery Studio Quality Work ln Upholstery R.R. 2 Orono, Ont. 983-9874 Bryon Grundy Irecast Patio Slabs Laycare available 'i LANF, IHarry Chartes 12"x2" -$1.10 Rowm'nanville, qualified and (Retired C..B. C. Rank 16"x16" - $1.80 experienced E.C.E. to do Manager) - Entered into rest at 20"x2O" - $3.35 daycare in my homne. Central Park Lodge, Rexdale Plus other sizes Reasonable rates - ail ages. on Tuesday, August 20, 1991. Weil Tile 10" inside diarneter Available September lst. Cal Harry, beloved hiusband of $4000Janice 623-8195. 21,.28, a Jennie Lane (niee Platford>. 36" inside diamecter Loving father of Leona $46.00Stewart and lier husband Rae Also Firewood, Lumnber of Etobicoke. Dear brother of and PywoodMrs. Olive Leuty of Port Hope P Pywol od Ht IOLIDAY AUCTION and Mrs. Mary Jones and er PonyoduCcet e Grist MilliAMction Centre husband Melville of ProdctsNewtonville Newtonville. Predeceased by Located 1 mile south Laber Day Monday his brother Cleland (Kelly) Pontypool on Hwy. 35 September 2nd and sister-in-law Leone of Honest and Friendly Service 12:00 Noon Newtonville and brother-im- OPEN 6 DAYS Selling an Estate front Port law Bruce of Port Hope. Also (705) 277-2442 Hope along with other survived~ by many nieces and tfn inclusions, 9 pe. Duncan Phyfe nephews. Friends werc able te, dinirtg suite, antique call ai the Morris Funeral occasional tables, dropfront Chapel. -Bowmianville on desk, Eastlake platform Thursday. Funerai service was rocer aniqe deser nd held in our chapel on Oroo sore fo ]csevarous chest, electric sewing cabinet Thursday at 1:30 p.mi. sizes, 5414 Main Street, Ci n enh ite envc nterment Lakeview Zone, eau Lyle or Marg West and eedl poitertoolw allsh f Cemetery, Newtonville. at 983-9341 - Res. 983-5962. poelae prantk, olmpa crocks Donations to the Ontario Heart colleceor plates, signs, antique Eyre soul LndationP Buockeye Incubator (original),. wouîd be appreciated. 28ý,ac glass. dishes, china, books, guns, dolîs, and numçerous Barina oter lots still to bcunpacked.IC R SS C Home Check vacation Home Çhecking -Let us make your home look ived in Weddinq Day Gift Stting Retabe References BONDED Barb Shetier Ina Cox NEWTON VILLE (416) 786-2996 MacGREGOR Auction Servce Estates, Consignmenls, Households Bankruptcies, Farms Sold at your location ot at ours Storage & Trucking Cati for a Free Confidential Consultation M. MacGregor 416-987-5402 Junior West 416-983-5556 Jo-Elen Sportswear & Gifts Sujppliera of Teams, Schools & Clubs Corporale Gift Packages 43 King St.W. Bowmnanville, Ontario LIC 1R3 J. Wayne Asseni PATRICK G. DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPY CLINIO 5 George Street, Bowmanvilîe, Ontario 623-4473 plan to attend. TERNIS Cash or Good Cheque AUCTIONEER Frank Stapleton 1.786-2244 28,ac COLLIER - Kera is thrilled to announce the safe arrival of lier new baby sister, Breanne Chelsea, on July 31, 1991 at 7:27 p.mn., weighing 7 lbs. 7 ozs. Proud parents are Karen and Darren. Proud grandpareints are June and Les Taylor and June and Arthur Collier. Speciat thanks to Dr. Davidson and the staff at Ajax/Pickering Hospital. 28,ap -am Thanks to the Co-op staff for the Jack & Mil Dance on August 10. Special thiaiks to Reagan for ail the work and preparation. Connie and John 28,ac MAITLAND, David J. Decemiber 22, 1954 - Septemiber 2, 1981. Beloved son and brother. Asleep in God's beautiful garden for 10 years, Shelteredfrom sorrow and Pain Some day when ife'sjourney has ended We wilI be together againz. Love Momn 28,ac IT'S FAST -IT'S THINK BIG [Jfitchen Corner] Marinated Cauliflower Salad [{ Tendier-crisp Ontario Cautiflower is the star in tbis colorful early autu=n salad. 3 cups cauliflower florets I oup diagonially eut yellow beans 2 ibsp. finecly cbopped fresti nunt t tsp. granulated sugar 1/.3 cup oil-and-vinegar salad dressing Sait and Pepper 1cup In cup1 1/2 cup 1/2 cup cubed peeled cucuniber diced sweet red pepper coarsely chopped Spanish onions pitted large blackr olives, halved lIn large saucepan of ligiitty saited boiling water, coolc cauliflower and beans for 4 to 5 minutes or jus[ until tender- erisp. Drain and refresh unider cold running water; drain wetl and set aside. la salad bowt and using back of spoon, masti mint with sugar; whisk in dressing, and sait and pepper to taste. Add cauliflower, beans, cucurfiber, re-d pepper, onion and olives, toss gently to coat with dressing. Serv at room temperature or cover and refrigerate for up to 12 bouts. Maires 4 to 6 servings. ýNADA MARK ETPLACE EASY! ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL.I - CALL THIS NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS. VACATIONS THE HOMESTEAD FAMILY Housekeeping Cottages, large well maintained property, sandy beach, oats and f ishing. See the fati colours at hall price. (705) 489-2550, RR#12 Mindeni, K0M 2K0. FLEA MARKETS CALABOGIE FLEA MARKET Open Daily. Vendors Sats. and Sun's. Antiques ollectibIes. Indoor Outdoor vending space available. (813)7152-2,468. Bird Feeding Park, and picnic area. Fries, Ice cream. MORTGAGES NEED A MORIGAGE? Pay off Bils! Send kids Io schooll Self Emloyed? Poor Credit? No Problemi Borrow $10,000, repay $175 monlhly. Cali Intransicon, (416) 650-9455. 1-800-268-1429. FOR SALE POTATO DIGGER with plantlng and hilling atlachments. Only $399. Ph-one (519) 659-0601. IF YOUR DOG WONT STAY HOME. We have the answer!l t's Amazingi, Il's Electronic, Il wcrks, FREE Details: CAN.U.K. IRR 1, Bancroft, Ont. KOL 1 CO, Fax 613) 332-137-5. INVISIBLE FENCING - The original and proven dog containment system. Over 150,000 dogs stand behinid Invisible Fenctng. Indoor and outdooir syslems. Guaranleed 1-800-66 1-6286. RECREATIONAL VEHICLES WE RE NOT COLLECTORS, over !00 new& usad RVs Travel Trailers, park models, Sth wheels, vans, etc. n- stock. Ail offers oonsidered. 1 -800-263-7955. ADOPTION YOUNG, PROFESSIONAL, wel-established couple wishes I0 adopt a baby brother/sister for 2 yr-old adopted daughter. Home study completed. Collect calîs welcomed anytîime (416) 895-4926.. LOVING CHRISTIAN middle aged couple from norhwest Ontario seeking lu adopt newborn child or toddler. Willing to take sibtings also. Would provide good f amily atmosphere. Collect (807) 577-3821 or message. CAR EER TRAINING S TRUCKING FOR YOU. Let's discuss it. Introducing extended programs and Credit Courses. Cal William ai 1-800-265-7173. Markel Training Systems. LOG BUILDING CAREER. Pat Wolfe Log Building School career courses beginning Sept. 91h. Ten week $2200, four week $1100, one week $350. (613) 253-0631, Otawa area. LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Southwestern Ontarlo-School of Auctioneering. Next class: Noav ember 9-15, Info rm ation, contact: Southweslern Ontario Sohool of Auctioneerinig, R.R.#5, Wcodstock, Ontario, N4S 7V9. (519) 537- 2115. FREE career guide la homne-study correspondence Dîploma courses: Accounting, Airconditioning, Bookkeeping. Business, Cosmetology, Electronies, Legal/Medical Secretary, Psychoîogy, Travel. Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide West, Toronto, 1-800-950-1972. KELP WANTED QUALITY MINDED Ford/Mercury store, Ottawa Valley, needs Matching shop foreman. Send resume la Dealer Shared Improvement of Canada, Box 101, Renfrew, Ont. K7V 4A2. EDITOR - Bi-weekly community newspaper in Northern Manitoba. Salary wiil be commensurate with experierTce. Send resume: Bob Harvey, Manager, Opasquia Times, Box 750, The Pas, Manitoba, R9A 1 K8. NEED EXTRA $$$$ C&M Gifla needs Demonstrators 10 sel toys and gifts at Home Parties. No investment or experience required. Eslablished company. Caîl today (519)258-7905. SALES HELP WANTED *6-FIGURE INCOME* International Music and Video Company expDanding mbt Canada. 4eed highly motivated cormmîssionied sales peopie and distribînors Partime or fLJI-tiMC 1-51 9-944-200 24 hr. fine. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BURNED OUT? ... Over extended, bored, led-up wvith your current situation? Use this opportunity and your expertise,10 become financiaily independent. Cali 1-800-395-8744 (24hr. recorded message). STEEL BUILDINGS ROCK BOTTOM PRICES [Direct fromn factory. Free overhead door to f irst ten Io puirchase our 25x30 steel building for, $2,71 1. Other sizes available at similar savings. Pioneer/Econospani 1-800-668-5422. BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel Straitwall Type - not quonset - 32x48 $5920; 40x64 $8556; 50x96 $15,331; 60x120 $21.270 - non-expandable end(s), other sîzes available - limited steel - Paragon - 24 Hours 1-800-263-8499. STEEL BUILDINGS, QUONSETS. S Modela & Straighlwals". Many sizes ta choose tram, for Value, Ouality and Integrily, o.ne ph-one cail 1 -800- 668-8653. Future Steel Buildings. STEEL BUILDINGS can be a big investrnent. Don't compromise on quality. Gel the best dollar value you can. Caîl Span-Tech Stdel Buildings Ltd. 1-800-561 -2200. C.DA (1988) DECORATIVE ART STUDIO <416) 983-5312 Comnplete Line of Folkr Art Supplies and Classes MAYCARE DE'ATH NOT.1 E Your ad cou'ild appear in community newspapers in Ontario, or right across Canada, or any individual province. Space is Limited, so Call This Newspaper-Today!