OtoW.lyTmsmWdesmmAguý2 1~ Newtonvi11e Alive by Peggy MufflnJ Newtonville's "Decoration Day" at Lakeview Ccct ýAugust il adding what a very special. tradition this is to honour loved enes departed.. We, at the Orono Weekly Times, with better systems and equiplenlt are striving te put more and better quality pictures in the paper. 1 regret te say that some of the colour pictures submitted earlier, snch as the very popular grade eight Newtonville graduate one,_ did net cerne up te par for prinfing. But we're working on it, and thank yen for your constant support and input te this, your commlmnity paper! Little Scoops.. Severe winds accompanied several storms that hit our area over the weekend. There were large tree limbs broken in half, as well as numerous branches, leaves and debris sirewn about. At any rate, it was absolutely super te get the rain! Newtonvi]le's Fred Hendercison of shrub trimming. Howevcr, having a Joncs Avenue took advantage of the "icsin with a large number of lovely cool temperatures Monday vecry active bees in one tree was -fleming te, cath up on tree and something Fred hadn't planned onýî! - The Newcastle Village and District (that's us toofl) Chamber of Commerce is puttiflg on a Fali Flea Market and Craft Sale, September 21. Tables can be rented by calling after 6:00 p.m. Barb Shetier at 786- 2996. - A reminder thât the Town of Newcastle has placed our blue recycling igloos dowfl Newtonville Road by the municipal Car Pool Parking Lot, and reminds everyone te Reduce - Reuse and Recycle! - Yes - Yes - Yes - it is hard te believe school will open up for the 91/92 terii less than two weeks. At Newtonville School, Portable One is on its way te Newcastle Public School. Our enrolîment is slîghtly down, theirs is slightly up. - Throughout the surnmer months, school Custodian Yvonne Bender has been on hand taking care of business and maintenance at our sehool, as well as being available' for painters and workmnen who have had projects te complete. This week, roofers are scheduled te get things in ship-shape before school1 starts, September 3. - I will advise as soon as opening dates come te me, for Brownies, Guides, Play Place and se on. If yen have a date te share. de give me a call at 786-2964; Id be happy te hear from you! Summer is really winding down Hope yours is going along smoothly, and that yen have been able te steal some time fer yourself! Enjoy! Environmentai Show The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority is hosting an Envirenmental Show using puppets, games and stories which encourage children age 5 te 10 te take an active part in protecting the environment. The show is free and being held on Wednesday, August 28th cemrmencing at 6:30 p.m. at the Harmony Valley coniservationi area. More info 579-0411. We are pleased te be able te inelude a picture taken on Date of Publication: Wednesday, August 21, 1991, Mrs. Lou Anni Birkett Purchasing & Supply Agent The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle Municipal Building 40 Temperanoe Street Bowmanville, Ontario LlC 3A6 Totten Sims Hubicki Associates Consultants 1 A King Street East P.O. Box 398 Cobourg, Ontario K9A 4Ll P.O. 4659 Town of Newcastle Community Services Department Please be advised that our September MINI SESSION is cancelled. FALL PROGRAMS wiII commence SEPTEMBER 21, 1991. REGISTRAT1ON FOR FALL PROGRAMS WILL BE HELD AS FOLLOWS: Youth Programs - September 4, 1991 Bowmanville Recreation Complex 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Leadership/Adult Programs - September 5, 1991 Newcastle Fitnes Centre 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. For further information contact: Community Services Department 623-3379 Dates of Publication: Wednesday, August 21, 1991 Wednesday, August 28,1991 P.O. 4244 TENDER SEALED TENDERS, for the Contract specified below, submitted to the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, Office of the Clerk, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, LiC 3A6, are invited and wiIl be received by the Clerk until the speciflied closing time and date: TENDER NW91-33 - Shoreline Protection Cedar Crest Beach, Bowmanville and Park Street, Newcastle Closing lime& Date: 12:00 Noon (Local Time) Friday, September 6, 1991 The work for the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, under the direction of the Director of Public Works, involves the construction of Armour stone erosion protection on the Lakeshore for a length of approximately 40 metres. Plans, specifications and tender documents can be obtained at the office of Totten Sims Hubicki Associates, P.O. Box 398, 1A King Street East, Cobourg, Ontario, K9A 41-1, on Friday, August 23, 1991, for a $20.00 (including G.S.T.) non-refundable fee payable te the Consultants. An Agreement ta bond and a bid depesit in the amount specified in the tender documents must accompany each bid submitted. The lowest or any tender net necessarily accepted.