Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 21 Aug 1991, p. 14

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(l 4- ,maWékyT-tm.eI, We4inesday, AUuut,19 The Shop APPLE BLOSSOM *We Danl dut Spedakze« WIeMake Efflîy Orde speiar Main Street, Orono 983-9155 YVONNE MAITLAND We' Deliver Newtonville, Pontypool, Oshawa and Places In-Between "Hair WitIi Flair" For LADIES and GENTS Main Street, Orono 983-5333 Orono Electric [id. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES COLOUR TVs - HI-Fis Sales and Service Hopoint - R.C A. White Westinghouseu Frigidaire Whkrpool Woods Freezers Magtc Chef Hoover 983-5108 mu "The /atest in fash ions for ali limes and al needs 983-9341 Jim Couch AUCTION Seltmng Most Anything Anywhere 987-1548 FOR-NIK Auto Body and Collision Quality Body Work and Refinishiflg INSURANCE CLAIMS FREE ESTIMATES R.R. 3 Newcastle, Ont. Phone 987-5071 FLO WERS PLUS FLOWERS GIFTS and CRAFTS 29 King Street East Newcastle, Ontario 987-1500,~ Betty Lycett 983j59Omujô Wida Middteon 983-91 GRUNDY'S Cou ntry Upholstery Studio Qualily Work ln Upholstery R.R. 2 Orono, Ont. 983-9874 Bryon Grund2y. SOMERVILLE Garden Sale Wondering what ta do for excitemnent before the Orono Fair? Carne ta aur mid-summer garden sale - infant and boys stuff and nonsense, previausly- enjoyed books, housewares and other gaod junk. Conme on buy ramn or shine on Saturday, August 24th ta 3480 Somnerville Drive in Orono. 14, 21, ap 4 bedroomn house, $650/month, plus utilities. First and Last. 2nd Line Manvers, just south of Pontypool. Phone evenings 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. 983-5665. References Required. 14,21, ap Barina f Home Check vacation Homne Checking Let us make your home look ived in Weddirig Day Gift Sitting. Reliable References BONDED Booîb Shetier-ina Gox NEWTON VILLE (416) 7862996 MacGREGOR Auction Service Estates, Consigrimrents, Households Bankruptcies, Farms Sold ai your location ot at ours Storage & Truckirig Cal for a Free anf ideintial Consultation M. MacGregor 416-987-5402 Junior West 416-983-5556 (416) 623-81 61 Jo-Elen Sportswear & Gifts Supplfiera of Teams, Schools & Clubs Corporate Gifi Packages 43 Kng S t.W. BowmanviIIQ, Ontario LiC 1R3 J. Wayne Aasen PATRICK G. DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPY CLI NI10 5George Street, Bowmanville, Ontario 623-4473 ALL STEEL BUILDING Factory Clearance 21'x24', 30'x40', 40'x75', 50'xlOO', 60'xIOO', 75'xl50' We can ereci or deliver to site Supply is Llmited Please Cal 983-5872 or Fax 983-8179 un5 Fresh Frozen Meat Chickens Phone 983-9815 Day or Evening May 8 - Aug. 8 ac Precast Patio Slabs 12"x12 - $1.10 16"x16" - $180 20"x20" - $335 Plus other sizes Well Tile 30" inside diameter $40.00 36" inside diaineter $46.00 Also Firewood, Lumber and Plywoad / Pontypool Concrete Products Located 1 mile south Pontypool on Hwy. 35 Honest and Friendly Service OPEN 6 DAYS (705) 277-2442 Purebred Llasa Apsa dog, excellent with children, house trained, twa years old. Phone 983-9358. 7,14, cpn Authentic barn boards, ideal for rec room or ta be used as wainscotting. Bctween 60 - 70 boards, 9' ta 16' long. Please caIl 983-9843. 21,28, cpn Orano stores for lease, variaus sizes, 5414 Main Street, CI Zonc, calI Lyle or Marg West ut 983-9341 - Res. 983-5962. t fn Daycare available in Bowmnanville, qualified and cxpcricnced E.CE. ta do daycarc in miy home. Reasonable rates -ail ages. Available Septemnber lst. CalI Janice 623-8195. 21,28, ac In the loss of our daughiter Karen Parry in a tragic accident in Nanaima, B.C. We would like ta thank everyone, and the 4T Club for the flowers, cards, kindness and caring. Thanks again Henry and Anne Demark 21,ap Clarence and Marjorie Allin of Woodville would like ta sincerely thank the Orono Community for their contributions toward the building of their home. A special thanks ta the "Mellow Tones",for their enjoyable music at Woodville and Oakwood. 21.ap VAGG - In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather, Fred, who passed away August 25, 1986. Your presence we miss, Your memory we treasure, Loving you always, Forgetting you neyer. Always remembered by Carol, Merrili, Steven, Ellen, Jeff, Cindy and Jeif. 21.ap James Edgar Ross - On Friday, August 16, 1991, husband of Nan Cairns, father of Carol and Rab Nelson, Ross and JoAnn James, Robert and Nancy James, grandfather of Ryan, Laurel James, Dawna and Dan Ferguson, Robert and Mark James, great-grandfather ta Melissa and Danielle Ferguson. A private family service was held at McEachnie Funeral Home, 28 Old Kingston Road, Ajax. Cremation. Please no flowers, but if desired donations miaybe made ta the Markhiam Stouffville Hospital Foundation, Box 1800, Miarkhain, Ontarjo, L3P 7P3. 21.ac Van Eyk's Concrete Ornaments Everlasting Beauty *Fountains *Bird Baths Figures *Planters No. 57 to Durhamn Rd. 20 -go East 5 km. turn north onto Long S ault Rd. - lst place on left. Blair & Marilyn Van Eyk (416) 263-2691 R.R. 5, Bowmanville, LIC 3K6 rn :IEÊP Wý i D 11 requires an ELECTRIC LUNE PERSON APPRENTICE ta learn the Trade. Minimum Grade 12 education required, with electrical/technical training or experience preferred. Must be willing and able ta work at heights. This position is covered by a Collective Agreement with IBEW Local 636. Applications accepted up ta 4 p.m. Friday, August 30, 1991. Only those applicants selected for an interview will be contacted. Address applications ta: Mr. Wayne C. Kean, Superintendent Newcastle Hydro-Electric Commission Box 130 Bowmanville, Ontario LIC 3K9 CROSS CANADA MARK ETPLACE trrS FAST - IT' EASYI 0ONE CALL, ON4E BILL DOES IT ALL. THINK BIG - CALL THIS NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS. Ot-ILORN FEBi idSFrorant truscteepn nia Suttool of Autionoeontg. Neot uats November 9-1 5 000 Iystt E R tE is tttprogct. ouna eetini Infor m.tio, nmonacSoutheestertnta-no Ochoot f lactiiOs lcettrate.ontAuguet eaid FaIt rates A.toineetrg. R.R eS. Woodalock. Ottarre.N4S 7V9ý Rerlftrber uts F tan!tarFAtILodge. Miden 705) 286- (519) 537 21 1738FRE8 career guide 10 honte-study correspondance PERSONALS Diploora courses Acocufttog. Airconffitioing. CAMBIOGEBIBL INSITUE ansOOOiOOOOOi Boikkeoping. Business, Casnretology, Electronios. offeý.rt day0BIBE NSng aueditod ibe on.inî ure Log.IatMdiuetSecretary, PsyChology .Travet Granton [,r fuit or parti-te stdets To rclive ree inoraton. 5)23AenepesTrt.t80-519. phome 18X-6677807- TRUJCK DRIVER TRAItNING t Ontaios top suhoot AZ FLEA MARKETS & OZ. Air Brake. F0 t C0. Deogerous 00085. L09 Bok CALABOGIE FLEA MARKET Open DaityVendon srs 0P. ansea. asDeucl-l668s00h31eitnd .ndSaun'xs Anîqe'a ntecIbtstdootOutdo- e 405.8 odgrr OQiot 1806803 spaco alable 613)752 2468 Bird Fedittq ooPaod cs BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES L-o eta Fot" c o- etEXTRA INCOMEi OrntbtnSo o ur Y-'baentol.1 MORTGAGES garage, Odoffons oporation Lent nesurnt. Market MIORTIXAGE MoFNEY AVALABLE .er H.eteooto gaaeîdt Froc inforntation. Earty ird Bcolofy, Fay off BUIs. Credit Cardsl cantyteBotnt 012 ,80 9RRAet, Sntiftlil nttOtarie, LOR 2A60 (416) 643-4252 RePoF 0180 mnontlyt Ne. uaHf.oaVssels Cgoatt goroiO 46 5 455 (Tottirn)1-850-288129 FIBRBEGLAS .WIhtEOW feth1e,90sf oai-n nade. A breattthreugh in nt.d-n te.h.etogffEoisv FOR SALE îrtoîsGel 'a on thîs eopandinff business INVISIBLE FENCI N S Th. oriinat amd prooco dog OPPOrtenitY Minmaiouesnteot1416) 856-1600e0M 16. ceoontenT tfsy nt 0-cr'5000 0095 sstand bhnndS invsble Fencing.Indor cidotdot sptents.s SPORTS CARO $ VENDING. Cash in on y, hotest Guatanted 1-80"-f61-6286 vendios oppomBnit f th 9f10 s. vend Vateaoie Sttage Sports Cards 1 -800-661-1832 for dataîls and lh.e YOUR 000 WO051 STAY -HOMBi 11;l6h-0the oiurl brour Antaoinff mleccno euueIl s huat_.il moka, FREESEV- S Devatts CAS U JK. RR 1, ganorot, nt KOL ICO. FooSEVIE (613332- 1375. WtN SIG3_Bngohotts, udeso pokier, blackjaket.s, .eSand seitf eJdssedstsnt'ed enoselope 10o D.Beyd NELP WANTED 67 Booey <it Cres. BorentoeOnttarioe.L1C 4E9. EXCELLENT AUTUMN Bntploynt0t Oppotunitiet Ceeand$sH-98useRsO'tt-Mutke aF-reetOnt& SEAMSTRESS/KNITTERS WANTEO. fllîparI tinte board $6.250-14 bonus.ConulTola Rob or Daurd honteorkit Up te 400 weekly.Send setf- t705) 785-3171 afdmssedlstamtped eneetope HCH-07 Entennses. F0 SOtp .tt00, B.. 2011. Mstsi ega. OntarioL5B 3C6, 0UALtTYMtNDEDFotdlMercuty-1store,-t oly neede Matcoîcg shop frenten Sen a.retenteCoecsrSTEEL. BUILDINGS Sh.redlntpntuent etofCaoeauBax 101. ReofrentOnt A-Z FR6 ENG. BULDINGS INC. Nec types. 17V 4A2>'steetAtobld. gonset. lddinqF.,Fer le value. actio & nses- WNeUF J416) 626-1784 ait.n6Pn, ntekexdsý EXPERIENCE FARM LIFE Oversseas Contactlthe Freebteehan Cltp-sae iternational Aglutoal Exchanffe Association et 1501 i17h00 55/ Calg oty AB T2TOE2tOfi0dOthoOl RO CK BOTTOM PRICES Direct ront fatcry Froc ooeed dont 10 f110IOte p -chea-or25.30Iseei NEED EXTRA 55$ SC&M Gfla neeos DnosOOs1 baildic for 52. 711 Other ailes esaitobfle et sîntlar sOtto gr <is et Honte PFe-nte 5 tneonntOtsargeF.necEonspo3 00-6685422. eoe eooemicidEstabliehed contpaoy Colt tody 5182587505 5651 BUILDINO FRICES tllSeatteel Type -noe ___________________________________ -uo-et 2xfS 95820. 40064 055650>96 $5,8331 SALES HELP WANTED 60,1f 20 $21.270 no. e.panahle endîs). oer sivss '6 FfOURE INCOME iterneonai Mu-aOicenSVâeo otahfeltntmitd eeet Fargon -24 Heets1-8M0 Compntoy ouparnîg - Canoda Need hifyty 263-8499 ntv.:atd cenntitiod etespeooie and tihlr Fanene o fît nt t 18944280L4 hr m. STEEL BUILDINGS.O NST.SMel streîghtmois Mtvaey Sîes ID 55005e Iront for Vtoe 'CAREER TRAINING Ouaiity ind mnlgny. ome phece cati I-600-666563ý LOISBUILDING CAREER FatPu, 011e L BîlSî9 F.-etu e uttdtgt Sotonl career corses 1,091111,19Sept 9mhTon eet $2200 our weeek S1100, - 'ltet 0350 <B 131) 253 STEEL BUI LDING SALE 20X30 $26-32. '2SY-1653762; 063. (Dt-tta.e.a033X.rO $5058 40X60 $7071 P--s 014e Scel EnUas aod AI t ItetFr-.edteean CeS1-800-668- IS TRUCKtNG FOR SOU LOP5 d,1-1ut lhinodîtung 43,1 a, 41 6)842 2100 eeteodedptofftnnd 05cr61CountosColailient e 14-500-265 7173 MatttetT-mtnng ysIents ST EEL BUILDINGS -00 ha ebitg ineslntet Don> TRAIN TO0oMANAGSEan apottntcet lOodOnitet çntnts n guatiy Getme.croît dllar -yau o b, -lbý -lab. Woae1,hCa21)0 Spe-eh S'- tBuîtdtBs LIS I 8000-561- o i 1 IYoge Si oynt,0-no 0M5E 1 551 Yur ad could appear In commnUnity newsPaPets in Ontario. or rtgtt aCrOaS Canada, or any individuai ptoeirice. SpaCe uS 'Umited, sa CallThrS Newspaper Today! C.D.A (1988) i ru eýDECORATIVE ART STUDIO (416) 983-5312 ComplcteLUnc of Folk Art Suipplies .ndClsses am

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