Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 22 May 1991, p. 16

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Hope for Bedwetters - It's flot theirfoutt! December 1953 On Saturday, December 19, 1953, at the Orono United Church Sunday School roomn, Mr. and Mrs. Win. J. Stainton celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary, when over 175 friends and relatives attended to offer congratulations. Orono United, Church was the setting for the marriage of Mariorie Lillian, daughter of Mr. and Mis. C. S. McLaren and Lloyd, Ernes t Ewing, son of Dr. and Mrs. E. Ewing of Toronto. Rev. J. Kitchen Vfficiated at the double ring Žeemony. Christmas visitors with Mr. -and Mrs. E. J. Hamm were Mr. and Mrs. Neil Hlamm, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hammu and family, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bailey, Xforonto, Miss Georg ina Baley and M. Coin Beaton, North Bay, Mr' and Mrs. Ale&,>,Watson, Mr., and Mrs. -Carl Billings, Miss Audrey Billings ha& Christmag dler.with Mr. and 1, rs. H. Souch Md Mrs Hry BaiIêý and faxy. With cool d weather coptinuing, ice skating at the Orono *ink caný almost be assured for this Saturday from 2:00 - 4:30 and 7:30 to 10:00'. Orphans still lead Lakeshore Intermediate 'A' League. fin Monday evening, December 14, thirty-five friends of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bunting gathered at the homne of Mr. and Mrs. Donald McGee to honour them with a presentation prior to their leaving for St. Williamis early in the new year. Mr. Newton Cobbledick returned from Bowmanville Memnorial Hospital onSunday and is staying with Mi. and-Mrs. Harold Cobbledick and family. The Heather Rebekah Lddge held anothe.r successful Bazaar in the Town Hall, Orono, Satrday. Their net proçeeds wêrei around $315.00, which will help with the local building fund. Mr. and. Mrs. Frank J. R-all celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary on Wednesday, November 18, 1953 at their homne on Main Street S., Orono, where they have lived for the past 38 years. The Orphans travelled to Lindsay with aine players and defeated e~fourteen mani team on Tuesday evening by a score of 5 to 3. Dean West, with two goals and assists oit five others was the best Orono player. December 4 and 5 at the Royal Theatre, Bowmanville, the movie The Great Sioux Uprising. December 1943 Orono Weekly Times subscription $ 1.25 per year. Glenn Tamblyn, who is attending Céllege in Toronto is home wîVthý his parents for the Christmnas holidays. O uest _speaker at the Orono Women's Institute meetintg on Friday aftemoon was Mis. Shirley Baker, of the Borden Comlany, who showed slides illustrating1 the benefit of rmilk;,and the care taken with her compantys product. The bfisiness period was conducted by Mis. J. C. Tamblyn and a delicious lunch was served by Mrs. Q?. G. Cooper and her comsnîttee.,- Fire early on We nesday evening near ly destroyed the home of Miss Edna Stutt, Orono south and rented by Mr. and Mis. James Stevenson. The fire started ini the cellar from the furnace and had a fairly good headway when discovered. The Orono Public Library Board is again offermng thirteen months to members for the suma of $ 1.00. This offer is for new members who wish to join the Library. At the regular meeting of Orono ,Lo'ge No. 436, I.O.O.F. on Wednesday, December 1, Bro. RE.O. Coathamn, P.DD.G.M, was presented with a 25-year Jewel, with W. J. Riddell, P.D.D.G.M. making the presenitation. Most of the -men have been laid off the Forestry for the winter. A few are stili employed bringing in wood and some are winding up odds and ends of work. Miss Edna Best, Toronto, visited her mother, Mrs. H. J. Best, on Sunday last. On Friday, December l7th,i the Town Hall,1 Orono, a draw for ten valuable prizes will be held at thc I.O.O.F. Dance. J'ime of draw While hie was excited about the prospect of attending sumi- mer camp for the first time, seven year old Patrick was also filled with dread. Although hie wantcd to spend the summer learning to fish and swim, and sleep in a tent for the first tîme, Patrick was afraid of becoming the laughing stock of the entire camp if the other children dis- covercd, his terrible secret. Patrick is one of approximately 200,000 Canadian chldren, be- twcen the ages of five and 19, who are bedwetters. "Bedwetting or nocturnal enuresis can lead to embarrass- ment, fe elings of guilt and low self- esteemn for a child," says -noted Canadian pediatric urolo- gist Dr. Yves Homsy. "Many parents blame themselves or believe that their child has a behavioral problem. It is impor- tant tô realize that in most cases, bedwetinig is neither the fault of thé child nor the parents." will be 11:30 p.m. The net proceeds, from this dance will be used for War 'Charities and Comrnunity Services. Bowmanville Rotary Banquet will be hcld in the Town Hall, Orono, on Friday evening. Orono Wonens Institute are catering. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Morris, Orono, were recent guests of Mr. and Mis. Jack Stapleton. BEDWETTING IS A PHYSICAL NOT PSYCHOLOGICAL CONDITION For years, doctors were con- vinced that bedwetting in child- hood was caused by deep be- havioral and psychological problems. Another theory was that bedwetters slept more soundly than other children and slept right through their% bladý- der's "signal" that it needed té be emptied. But recently,,a teamn of Danish researchers dis- covered that the -majority of bedwetting is caused by the lack of a hormone that regulates urine production during sleep. While studying sleep patterns of children who bedwet, the re- searchers found that bedwetters had a very high urine produc- tion duing the night. "The bed wae?ýtjustwet -itwassoaked," recalîs Dr. Jens Peter Norgaard,. who was part of the, team. At the same time, they had. a nîght- time deficiency of î hormone which controls uriiiàjroduction and regulates its flow from the kidneys to the'bladder. "Every- one starts off lîfe as a bedw*et- ter," Dr. Norgaard explains, "and as we mature, we begin producing more of the hormone, during the night, leading to a decrease in urine production. For an unexplained reason, however, some children are slow, to prodsee the necessary amounts of the-,hormone at night, thereby ,'ýnot decreasing nocturnal urine production, and continue to wet their beds as they grow eider." TREATMENT CHANGES BEDWETTERS LIVES "Once we. understood that chronic bedwetting is caused by the, lack of a night-time risc i the level of the anti-diuretic hor- mone,' we determined that in-~ creasing the hormone level at. night-time would provide an ef- fective means of controlling the problem," says Dr. Norgaard. Kids like Patrick canget this hor mo ne "ýboost" from a new treatment, DDAVP (desmopres- sin) Nasal Spray,, made by Fer- ring Inc. It's a prescription mcd- ication 'taken every day just before- bedtime. "The spray is simple to use, and provides parents with a safe treatment for controlling bedwetting until the child develops the hormone on his owýn," affirms Dr. Homsy. Dr..Homsy emphasizes that parents should not hesitate to seek a physician's help if their child bedwets beyond five or six years of age. "Bedwetting can lbp very traimatic for a child. It can muin their, self worth, which is extremely im- porta»~ for' their overal emotioii , psychological and social development," he says. "The sooner the problem is rec- tified, the sooner the child will be able to sleep over with friends or go to summer camp without constant worry or cm- barrassment." For further information about bedwetting and how it can be controlled, please write to 40 Holly Street, Suite 602, Toronto, Ontario M4S 3C3 to, obtain a free brochure. FREE ESTIMATES INSURANCE CLAIMS COMPETITIVE RATES fred's autobodg 1Wd. COMPLEUE COLLISION REPAIRS and REFINISHING SPECIALIZING IN UNIBODY AND FRAME REPAIRS 163 Baseline Rd. E. Telephone 623-6353 Bowmanville 4SIes North of Newtonville on Newtonville Road Telephone 623-6353 Bowmanville

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