Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 22 May 1991, p. 14

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Advanced Agricultural Leadership produce in this free market at inan Program participant Anna Bragg of ini the province of Shandong during R.R. 4 Bowmanville, stops to the AALP study tour of China and admire both the baby and the Hong Kong in late March. Regionai miii rate increase up Residents of Durhamn wil have to do with fewer government, services as a resuit of a 4.1 percent increase in property taxes at the Regional level o government. The increase resuit in an average $15.00 tax increase. Almost $7 million in cutbacks on road construction and maintenance, day-care,, old age homes and a hiring freeze on new staff positions have resulted in a $78.6 million net levy, about $5 million more than last year. The 1991 tax increase was 11.2 percent. In November of last year the Hi, 'm Dave from The Works Parts Center with some straight talk about getting your drill or air seeder rcady l'or spring. Chcck the obvious things -ir-st suehi as tire pressure and wvheel bearings. Di-il] wheel bearings flail due to ruisting caused by water entry or dirt getting past a seal. Turn the wheel over slowly and listen f'or -rouglî souinds". 1I tyou are suspi- ci<)us, pull tlie wheel apart, dlean and inspect the rollers and races 4,1% Region set a budget increase not to exceed 6.9 percent. In February of this year, a finance report showed that welfare could drive taxes up to a double digit figure increase. The Region ended up digging into the $15 million waste reserve fund ta help finance projects and lower the tax increase for 1991. The Finance committee also moved $1.9 million in interest from the fund and put it towards paying off increasing welfare costs. Another $1 .5 million from the fund will help pay costs associated with garbage. for pittîng. After bearing replaee- ment, repaek with good quality wheel bearing grease. 1 like to seal the muner side with a neW seall and the outer eup with silicone or paint as a reinstalled dust eup mnay flot be waterproof' Don't leave the wingS Lup on air seeders as- this encourages water entry pasi the wheel seals. Keep your drill cleaned out Miîen flot ini use! T'le fèrtilizer section of' the drill is cspecially corrosion proue. The boxes can't be neglected or a large leanup uime will be paid. 1 remiember having to serape these out as a kid and hated it! The disc drill has, a few wNear- spots that should be eheeked. Start with the discs and bearings. A look along the front of the drill will reveal fairly quiekly if dises atre 'gapped' at the front whichi is normially a sign of womn bearings or badly wom dcown discs. This gap~ cani allow dry diri to fali in with the seed and is flot desirable especially in areas where germi- nation is marginal. "Wiggle the discs to fmnd out how loose they are," and replace bearing(,s as required. To renew the bearings and/or the dises requires remioval of the dise assembly and reriveting the hubs. This ean, be madle easier with the use of an air ehisel to euit the old rivets. Safety glasses or safety lenses should be womn while,' rivetiing. Hoe drils require flhe saine general eheeks as dise drills. in addition, it should inelude renew- ing thec replaeeable hioes at the opener end as wear oecurs, usu- ally dependent on soil abrasive- ness. If shaft monitors are uised they shiould be eheeked for eorreet operation onee powered up by the traetor. If they have quiit mndi- eating sinee last year eheek the power supply, the wiring for breaks, and the eonneetors for eorrosion. If they stili do not work cheek the sensor mounting and operation. If the above eheeks aren't sueeessful, the meter unit and sensors may need to be sent to the manufaeturer or an elee- tronies shop for repair. Air seeders and air drills need readyîng as well. Cheek the open- ers and trip assemblies. Sorte adjustrment to spring tension may be required plus replaeem ent of womn shovels or dises. The most important adjust- ment on air seeders is levelness from front to rear and side to side as unevenness will eause seed depth variation. The air system drive should be eheeked to ensure that a high enoughi fan rpm is available for the movemient of seed and f'ertil- izer in the tubes. The delivery tubes and the seed and fertîlizer mnetering deviees should be in good working order. "Always think about safety", says our shop foreman. This adviee applies to us ail whet ber in the shop or not. After being away from maehinery for a part or al of the winter, it pays to spend a few extra minutes properly block- ing a maehine before lifting with a j aekall. Thanks for joining me! Sce you next tinme. RO KA LUMBER & FIREWOOD CENTRE Lum ber Firewood Pressure Treated Lumber Interlocking Brick Doors Wood FloorIng Windows Trusses Cedar Lumber Roof Steel Kitchens Wood Timbers 1 mile south of Pontypool on Hwy. 35 (705) 277-3381 QUOTATION SEALED QUOTATIONS, clearly marked as ta contents, for the Services listed below, addressed to the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, Purchasing Office, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, Li C 3A6, wil be reoeived or! the forms and in the envelope provided until the spècified closing time and date. Quotation Documents may be obtained from the Purchasing Office at the above address. Quotation 091-5- Part "A" - Fine Gradlng, Seedlngi Fertillzlng and Soddlng Part "B" - Supply and Installation of Varlous Trees, Shrubs and Evergreens Part "C' - Installation OnIy Closlng lime& Date: 4:00 p.m. (local tirne> Frlday, May 31, 1991 The Iowest or any quotation not necessarily accepted. ~io Mrs. Lau Ann Birkett Purchasing and Supply Agent Telephone: (416) 623-3379 ext. 268 Date of Publication: Wednesday, May 22, 1991 P.O. 49 Seeding Equipment

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